MINUTES October 25, 2006

The Board of Education of the Borough of Essex Fells, in the County of Essex, New Jersey, convened in a public session on October 25, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. in the MediaCenter. The meeting was called to order by the Board President at 7:35 p.m., and a statement was read that the meeting was properly advertised in the designated newspapers and the agenda was posted in appropriate locations.

A roll call was taken and the following members of the Board of Education were present: Mrs. Eileen Fiore, President, Mrs. Bonnie Post, Vice President, Mrs. Laura Corn, and Mrs. Mary Rubino. Also present at the meeting were Mr. Raymond Hyman, Superintendent of Schools, Ms. Audrey Klodnicki, Business Administer/Board Secretary, and members of the public. Mr. Lee arrived at approximately 8:00 p.m.




Mr. Hyman reported on the following:

The Quality Assurance Annual Report for the previous year, 2005-2006. The QAAR is a collection or a summary of several of the major reports that we submit each year. For example, The QAAR contains our school level objectives that the Board and Department of Education approves, our school report card, professional development activities, the condition of educational facilities, the status of mandated programs, aspects of community support, our nursing plan, our substance abuse/prevention program and information pertaining to violence and vandalism that I will highlight in more detail in a few moments. Are there any questions related to the QAAR.

School Violence Awareness Week: October 16, 2006 has been designated by the State of New Jersey as school violence awareness week. During this week, schools must provide an opportunity for students to discuss methods for keeping school safe from violence; to create school safety plans; and to recognize students in need of help.

Over the course of the month, our school had several activities and/or meetings. Some examples include but were not limited to:

  • Officers Jones and Theilacker met with all grades K-6 students and discussed ways to keep each other safe. They especially focused on aspects of bullying and harassment and strategies for the students to employ.
  • On October 19, I met with members of our Safety and Security Committee that includes, Mrs. Post, Mayor Abbott, Police Chief Riley, Officer Allen, Adi, our head custodian, our fire chief and Jim King our Boro’s emergency management coordinator. We are planning our annual evacuation drill and also discussed other aspects of safety and security related to our school. This committee meets periodically throughout the year, especially after a lock down or evacuation drill to debrief and assess the effectiveness of the drill or activity.


  • Individual grade levels also addressed this important issue.
  • First grade read a book titled, We Can Get Along,” by Lauren Murphy and then discussed how it feels when people get along well together and when they do not. Children also worked together to define the words violence and peace and wrote sentences about the importance of being non-violent.
  • In second grade, students were able to identify areas in the school and community where conflicts may occur and identified 3 strategies for addressing those types of issues. The student then presented their solutions to their peers and discussed them.
  • Fourth grade students created a class definition of bullying. They brainstormed using a word web and used those words to build a statement that is going to be used by the students throughout the year. The students also reviewed various scenarios and discussed effective outcomes.
  • Sixth grade students discussed how they could help people of different races get along and discussed the concept of discrimination. This activity aligns with the student’s study of the book “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry,” that is set in Mississippi in 1933. Students worked in small groups to identify rules for not discriminating against another group.
  • In addition, our PRIDE curriculum, that was fully implemented last year, addresses issues of respect, kindness, and other important characteristics on an on-going basis throughout the year.
  • I am proud to report that there were no reported issues of violence and vandalism for the 2005-2006 school year.

Mr. Hyman took questions from the public.

School Enrichment Program: Grade 6 students attended the Essex County Gifted and Talented consortium’s Problem Solving Convocation at the Elks Club in Nutley on Tuesday. Our students were separated onto teams with students from other schools in EssexCounty. They had to work as a team to solve higher order thinking problems in all academic areas and their work was scored. Tommy Haversang’s team placed second and received a trophy. I want to thank the PTA for providing the funds for the bus.

On November 29th, we are hosting “Totally Global” for 5th grade students. At this event, student will; work in teams to solve problems in the areas of social studies, history, geography and current events. Some of our six graders will serve as mentors at the centers where the tasks will be solved.

Mr. Hyman thanked the Foundation for the sharing in the cost of a laptop cart and lap tops.

Mrs. Joanna Heaton, Foundation, discussed the Writer in Residence Program. There was discussion regarding what the program would entail as well as insurance coverage for the writer.


Ms. Klodnicki reported on the following:

The annual audit will be completed very soon and the report will be presented at the November meeting.

As a result of a recently fallen tree, Ms. Klodnicki has asked that Orange Valley Tree Experts survey the school property for any trees that would need immediate attention.


RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the following additions to the substitute teacher list for the 2006-2007 school year, pending the usual criminal history and background check:

Patricia Koch

Laurie Salter

Andrew Scott

Denise Sperrazza

Moved by:Mrs. RubinoSeconded by: Mrs. Corn

Roll Call: 5-0

RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the following advisors at a rate of

pay per the Teacher’s Contract:

Deana HromokoStudent Council Advisor – split stipend

Judi ReynoldsStudent Council Advisor – split stipend

Moved by:Mrs. RubinoSeconded by: Mrs. Corn

Roll Call: 5-0

RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the following field trips:

October 25Grade 6 and Grades K-3 - Pumpkin Hunt (rain date 10/27)

October 27Grade 1 – Walking Trip to EF Police Department

Moved by:Mrs. RubinoSeconded by: Mrs. Corn

Roll Call: 5-0


RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves retaining the ABA instruction/consultation services of Kristen Tamke, Applied Behavior Analyst, at $60/hour, up to 7 hours per week, and at a cost of $420 per week/$1,680 per month.

Moved by:Mrs. RubinoSeconded by: Mrs. Corn

Roll Call: 5-0

RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves Mary Sullivan as Enrichment Coordinator and I&RS Chairperson, at no additional compensation, for the 2006-2007 school year.

Moved by:Mrs. RubinoSeconded by: Mrs. Corn

Ayes: 5Nayes: 0

RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the submission of the Quality Assurance Annual Report (QAAR) for the 2005-2006 school year.

Moved by:Mrs. RubinoSeconded by: Mrs. Corn

Ayes: 5Nayes: 0

RESOLVED that the Board of Education adopts the Elementary Art curriculum.

Moved by:Mrs. RubinoSeconded by: Mrs. Corn

Ayes: 5Nayes: 0

RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the first reading of the School Library Media Instruction curriculum.

Moved by:Mrs. RubinoSeconded by: Mrs. Corn

Ayes: 5Nayes: 0


RESOLVED that the Board of Education accepts the September 27, 2006 regular and executive session minutes.

Moved by:Mr. LeeSeconded by: Mrs. Post

Ayes:5Nayes: 0

RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the bills and claims list for October 2006 in the amount of $75,906.38.

Moved by:Mr. LeeSeconded by: Mrs. Post

Roll Call: 5-0

RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the Comprehensive Maintenance Plan, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District’s Maintenance activities are reasonable to keep the school open and safe or in its original condition and maintain the validity of our warrantees.

Moved by:Mr. LeeSeconded by: Mrs. Post

Roll Call: 5-0

RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the submission of the Comprehensive

Maintenance Plan, and

WHEREAS, the Department of Education requires New Jersey School Districts to submit three-year maintenance plans documenting “required” maintenance activities for each of its public school facilities, and

WHEREAS, the required maintenance activities as listed in the attached document for the various school facilities of the Essex Fells School are consistent with these requirements, and

WHEREAS, all past and planned activities are reasonable to keep school facilities open and safe for use or in their original condition and to keep their system warranties valid,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the EssexFellsSchool hereby authorizes the School Business Administrator to submit the attached Comprehensive


Maintenance Plan for the EssexFellsSchool in compliance with Department of Education requirements.

Moved by:Mr. LeeSeconded by: Mrs. Post

Roll Call: 5-0

RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the Maximum Capital Reserve statement:

The EssexFellsSchool District has 37 projects identified in its Five Year Long Range Facility Plan that have not yet been initiated or advanced. The 37 projects have an estimated total cost over the five-year plan of $3,834,259. It is estimated that the district may be eligible for state debt service or SCC grant funds for these projects in the amount of $1,533,703.60. Accordingly, the estimated local share of these projects is $2,300,555.40. The local share amount of $254,516 represents the maximum amount the EssexFellsSchool District may deposit in its capital reserve fund for the 2006-2007 school year.

Moved by:Mr. LeeSeconded by: Mrs. Post

Roll Call: 5-0


RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the Annual Maintenance Budget Worksheet (M-1).

Moved by:Mr. LeeSeconded by: Mrs. Post

Roll Call: 5-0

RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the first reading of the following policies:

File Code: 3453School Activity Funds

File Code: 3516Safety

File Code: 3541.33Transportation Safety

File Code: 3542.31Free or Reduced-price Lunches/Milk

File Code: 3570District Records and Reports

File Code: 4111Recruitment, Selection and Hiring

Moved by:Mr. LeeSeconded by: Mrs. Post

Roll Call: 5-0


RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the second reading of the following policies:

File Code 1120Board of Education Meetings

File Code 1140Distribution of Materials by Pupils and Staff

File Code 1250Visitors

File Code 1600Relations between Other Entities and the District

File Code 2131Superintendent

Moved by:Mr. LeeSeconded by: Mrs. Post

Ayes: 5Nayes: 0


Safety and Security Committee: Mrs. Post reported on a safety meeting that had been attended by Ray Hyman, Mayor Abbott, Police Chief Riley, Officer Allen, Head Custodian Adi Sulistyo, Fire Chief Kelly, and the Boro’s emergency management coordinator, Jim King.

Policy Committee: Mrs. Fiore thanked the committee for all of their hard work on the recently reviewed policies.

Legislative Report: Mrs. Corn provided an update on the school consolidation bill. This bill would create county school districts eliminating the need for Superintendents and Business Administrators. This issue will go to vote in 2007 and implementation in 2009.


There was a discussion regarding adding a nutritional snack to the school day for all grades, issues pertaining to the parking lot drop-off and pick-up, and the in-view test results.

At 8:33 p.m., the Board of Education made a motion to adjourn to executive session to discuss legal matters pertaining to negotiations.

Moved by:Mrs. CornSeconded by: Mr. Lee

Roll Call: 5-0

At 10:25 p.m., the Board of Education adjourned back to public session.

RESOLVED that there being no further business before this Board of Education that this public meeting be adjourned at 10:25 p.m.

Moved by:Mrs. PostSeconded by: Mrs. Rubino

Roll Call: 5-0

Respectfully submitted,

Audrey Klodnicki

Business Administrator/Board Secretary