The Bill of Rights

A Cyber Introduction

SOL Ce.2b: Students will be familiar with the Bill of Rights and
how these freedoms effect our daily lives.

Answer the following questions by clicking on the highlighted links. Write your answer on the line provided. All of the information you need will be on the first page of each site.

  1. The Bill of Rights include the first ten amendments to this historical document:

  1. The first amendment guarantees the following freedoms

3.  Fill in the blank.

The second amendment states that a well-regulated ______being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

4.  The third amendment is especially important during times of war, because it tells us that no soldier can do this

The Bill of Rights

A Cyber Introduction (cont.)

5. The fourth amendment protects us from unreasonable

6. Oliver North invoked the fifth amendment against this. The amendment also protects us against double jeopardy and due process


7. In the sixth amendment, accused persons enjoy the right to a ______

by a ______jury.

8. The seventh amendment guarantees that we have the right to a jury trial for civil suits exceeding this dollar amount

9. The eighth amendment protects us from these two things

10. The ninth and tenth amendment states what?

(watch the brainpop movie, and summarize the 9-10th amendments)