The Big Decision Evian (Live Young) Versus The Drips

Grade 8 Geographers have to be interactive in their approach to the subject and willing and able to use a variety of means and techniques to get across a message.

Group 1 – Evian (Live Young)

You are to put together a presentation to show why drinking Evian Water is preferable than tap water and why we should pay over 2000 times the amount of tap water in the supermarket. You need to conduct some research into the following areas of the water production:

  1. Location. Where is Evian located in the world and where does the water actually come from?
  2. The hard sell! – Why is Evian so successful? What benefits does it offer to the drinker?
  3. Environmentally Aware – How are you reducing the impacts of water gathering and plastic bottle production? How can you support good causes in their use of water bottles
  4. The different Evian products and the competition.
  5. Take part in a public taste test and score 100% accuracy within your group to show that you can tell the difference between Evian and IST water.

This piece of work can be done as:

  1. A poster / leafet combination as well as an oral presentation
  2. A ‘live advert’ performed by the group members with props.
  3. A video with music, text and commentary (YouTube or Movie Maker)
  4. A Pod cast or radio broadcast.

You may use the computers, display card and interactive whiteboard as part of your production.


/ Level 1
1-3marks / Level 2
4-7marks / Level 3
8-10 marks / Marks awarded
Content / Some basic information used. Maybe only used one source of information / More information used from two or three sources / Lots of information used. There may be additional information from own research and should teach everyone in the class something new
Presentation / Mainly copied from internet or books. Lots of spelling mistakes and not everyone takes part. / Some attempt to use a variety of media. A few spelling mistakes / A wide variety of techniques – graphs, pictures, images and writing as well as music and commentary.
Layout/originality / Few ideas
Little evidence of planning / Some original ideas
Some evidence of planning / Lots of original ideas
Good layout/evidence of planning. It has The X Factor!!

Total / 30