The Tyler School of Art Landscape Architecture and Horticulture
Scholarship Application
Eligibility requirements:
Applicants must be a student matriculated in the AS in Horticulture, BSLA in Landscape Architecture, the BS in Horticulture or the Master of Landscape Architecture program. Studentswith documented financial need, leadership activities (current engagement in student organizations, professional organizations, community service, etc.) and a GPA of at least 3.0 will be given priority, but any student may apply.
Please typeyour information directly into these fields. Scan the printed document and submit electronically to . If you need extra space to answer any questions, just type them into a word doc and submit with your application. All application materials are to be submitted in one PDF directly to .
Handwritten applications will not be accepted. Letters of recommendation and resumes are optional. Deadline is March 1, 5pm EST. Notifications will be sent in early April.
TU email address: ______
Expected date of graduation from the LAHort Department (month/year)______/______
Are you planning to attend full-time or part-time (check one): full-time______part-time______
I am applying for a scholarship or award for (check all that apply) : fall 2018______spring 2019______
Are you planning to study abroad? Yes____ No____ Where/When? ______
Have you already been accepted? Yes_____ No______Were you ever a Girl Scout? If yes, list dates:______
Provide a statement of purpose describing your personal, academic and professional goals and how they reflect the knowledge gleaned from your coursework. If you are applying for a specific scholarship or award, indicate why you consider yourself a candidate for the scholarship or award and how you plan to contribute to the field of landscape architecture and/or horticulture.
My extra-curricular, volunteer, internship and/or leadership activities include (only list those completed during your time at Tyler):
I have received the following awards/commendations while at Temple (include Dean’s grants, CARAs grants, third party awards, other scholarships, residencies, etc):
Explain your financial need:
By typing in my name and submitting the application via my TUemail address, I hereby apply to the Selection Committee of the Tyler School of Art Scholarship Review Committee. If selected, I agree to abide by all the rules and regulations with respect to the Scholarship for which I have been identified, and Temple University. By my signature, I grant the Office of Student Financial Services permission to provide the Committee with relevant information including, but not limited to my academic record, extracurricular involvement, and financial need.
Student Signature (retype name) Date: