September ‘16
MINUTES OF THE ORDINARYPARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON14thSEPTEMBER2016AT 7.30 PM AT THE VILLAGE HALLPresent / Cllrs Bolt,Buckingham, Chilcott, Hubbard, Shackleton,Tetlow and Wormald, Clerk,D. Cllr Bundy, CPSO Donnisonand 25 membersof the public.
1. Open Forum / Representations were to be made during this session and as the Chairman had an interest he handed the meeting to Cllr Hubbard as vice-chairman.
The first issue was the recently submitted application to WDDC for improvements and alterations to the filling station on Wareham Road.
Mr Bennett, the owner, pointed out that there had been no improvements to the premises for 20 years and that the current facilities were inadequate to cope with modern vehicles, hence the need to considerably increase the height of the new workshop facility from that of the existing. The new facility would not produce any more pollution and would be quieter.
Mr McKinnell, who has a car sales outlet on the premises pointed out that the garage was a source of local employment.
Mr Taylor, who was employed at the garage, made the point of vehicles being bigger, pollutants were lowered and demonstrated the noise generated by a piece of the equipment used.
Mrs Mortonmade the point that the village had already lost most of its facilities, the garage being the last remaining.
Residents who had lodged objections with WDDC were then invited to make their points.
Mr Kaneof Church Lane stated that the doors to the workshop would be facing his property and he also had issues with parking.
Mrs Breenof Glebeford Close complained of the existing noise level and the fact that the new workshop would overlook her property.
Mrs Walker-Matthews from Church Lanehad issues with the increased height of the proposed new workshop, the loss of light to her property that this would cause and the damage to protected trees from vehicles.
Cllr Hubbard then asked if Cllrs had any questions.
Cllr Buckingham asked if the workshop had to go in the position shown on the application and whether the applicant would consider repositioning it to which Mr Bennett replied that he would.
Cllr Buckingham also pointed out that the garage was a long established business in Owermoigne. There had been a garage on the site since 1930s and that it was important to support the local economy.
Cllr Tetlowstated that he used the garage facilities on a regular basis and asked ifa single storey construction was an option.
The meeting then moved on to the next item when Cllr Wormald resumed the chair.
Mr Mannhad recently purchased The Old Rectory and had concerns about the ivy in the playing field which was growing up the Rectory boundary wall and asked that it should be removed.
2.Apologies / C. Cllr Canning and D. Cllr Thacker
3. Minutes / The Julymeeting minutes hadbeen circulated. Cllr Buckinghamproposed that theminutes be adopted. Cllr Hubbardseconded.Carriedunanimously.
4. Declaration of interest / Cllr Buckingham declared a continuing interest in Clerk’s finances and Cllr Wormald had already declared an interest in a planning application.
5. Matters Arising / a
d / Notice board:The Clerk had made enquiries at WDDC asking why applications of more complexity and later submission dates had been already been dealt with. D. Cllr Bundy would investigate.
Document storage:A suitable unit had been sourced but could not be purchased until space was available in the Village Hall. Mrs Coombs said that this would be arranged.
Mobile Library: The Clerk had received a reply to the enquiry about alternative provision, none of which were satisfactory to those without transport or access to computers.
A352:Cllr Tetlow asked if there had been any response from DCC after C. Cllr Canning agreed to follow up the issues raised about the quality of the resurfacing. The Clerk had received a reply forwarded by Cllr Canning stating that DCC were satisfied with the work. Clerk to express the P.C’s continued dissatisfaction.
6. PCSO Report / The meeting order was interrupted to allow PCSO Donnison to give her report and leave.
There continued to be incidents of criminal damage , theft and poaching in the area. There is now a new rural crime team which can be contacted on 101 or via the Dorset police website. There was a reminder that it was not sufficient to leave valuables in the boot of a car and rogue traders were still about, charging inflated prices and targeting the elderly and vulnerable.
An anti-poaching campaign was being launched at Kingston Maurward on 22nd Sept.
Cllrs made comment on the traffic problems caused in the area by the Iron Man competition. PCSO said there had been complaints from numerous parishes.
7. Finance / a
c / Transfers:Cllr Shackleton proposed that £275 should be transferred to the Contingency fund at NS&I, £110 to the Clerk’s gratuity and £100 to cover arrears in the newly opened account at NatWest after Cllr Buckingham had presented figures. Seconded by Cllr Hubbard and carried with Cllr Buckingham abstaining.
Audit:The external audit was complete and required notices displayed.
Annual Retainer: Mr Cleaver agreed to the revised contract. In response to Cllr Shackleton’s concern, the Clerk had made enquiries with the insurance broker as Mr Cleaver no longer had public liability insurance and it was confirmed in writing that he was covered.
d / Payments:Clerk’s salary £440.15 Payment was proposed by Cllr Hubbard, seconded by Cllr Tetlow and carried with one abstention.
PAYE £68.40
Grass cutting x 4 £196.00
VH rent £18.00 (July)
Phone (July) £23.07 (Aug) £22.51
Professional service gift 2015/16 £25.00
Petty cash £5.75
Cllr Hubbard proposed that these payments be made seconded by Cllr Buckingham and carried unanimously.
8. County Councillor’s Report
9.District Councillor’s Report / None
There were currently 2 consultations; the first being concerned with Local Government reorganisation. The first option is to leave the various councils as they are and the second, to form unitary authorities. The consultation lasts until 25thOctober and Cllr Bundy urged people to respond. There would be ‘Road Shows’ in Dorchester and Crossways.
The second was concerning the possible relocation of the Tourist Information Office.
10. Parish Councillors’ Reports / Cllr Wormald reported that the grass had been cut and that the Parish was due 3 more cuts during the season.
Cllr Chilcottnoted that the holly tree which was touching overhead cables in Parson’s Lane had been removed.
Cllr Shackleton commented on the considerable upset to local residents which had been caused by the cutting back of trees in Parson’s Lane and the spraying of vegetation on the bank and hoped that some action could be taken to prevent further damage.
Cllr Wormaldwanted the PC to consider the future of the vehicle access to the playing field and asked for it to be included on the November agenda.
11. Planning / a / Applications:Sandyholme Holiday Park:Demolish ext’gReception/Shop and construct replacement and relocate warden’s caravan. No objection.
The Old Rectory: a) Tree surgery
b) Alterations and extensions to ext’g Coach House to form residential annexe. Change of use of Well House to form holiday let. No objection.
7 Church Lane: Extension and loft conversion. No objection
Holly Farm: Outline application for principal farmhouse. Objection as location of proposal not clearly indicated.
Owermoigne Service Station:Alterations and extensions to service station. Cllrs had heard representations on this issue during Open Forum. The Chair was handed to Cllr Hubbard at this point. Cllr Buckingham read out the comments of the planning sub- committee which was to object to the application in its current form and proposed that this should be the PC’s response. Cllr Tetlow suggested that it should be added that the application should go to WDDC full committee but this was not supported. Cllr. Bolt seconded the proposal which was carried with one abstension.
b / Approvals:Moigne Combe Farm:2x steel framed bldgs..
The Old Rectory:Tree surgery
Holly Farm Photovoltaic Park: revised cable route
Land east of Moreton Road: Photovaltaic Park)
(East Farm)
Land North east of Galton Road:Photovoltaic
Park (Manor Farm)
Sandyholme Holiday Park:Reception/shop etc
7 Church Lane:ext’n and loft conversion
Manor Farm, Galton:4 barns to cover yard.
12. Correspondence /
- Various copy letters from residents re. planning application
- Email from Mr Mann re. ivy. Cllr Buckingham pointed out that this would not be planned expenditure and if necessary would be at the expense of other spending on community projects. He proposedthat the usual 3 quotes be obtained to spray and cut back the brush and scrub and to cut the ivy off at base and treat. Seconded by Cllr Hubbard and carried unanimously.
- Forwarded email from DCC Highways addressing concerns expressed to C. Cllr Canning at previous meeting. Cllrs not satisfied with reply. Clerk to write.
- WDDC re. online planning replies: Clerk reported that this seemed to work well.
- Local Council insurance: see item 7c
- WDDC Dog related public space protection: no space within the parish fell within the criteria.
- Purbeck DC partial review of Local Plan: available to view
- DAPTC: dates for workshops re. Unitary Authorities: Clerk had booked places for 29th September.
- Local Council Consultation Project Update: Publication of the weekly WDDC planning lists was to be discontinued. New search system to be put in place. D. Cllrs to be notified of all new applications. Clerk asked why Clerks could not be copied in. D. Cllr Bundy to enquire.
13. Other Reports / Village Hall :Mrs Coombs reported that the AGM would be held on 19th October at 7.00pm
The Monday Club had a new programme and a Christmas lunch was scheduled for 5th December. Non- members would be welcome.
Mrs Coombs’ report prompted Cllr Buckingham to ask that her work in uploading PC information onto the village website be considered at the Precept meeting.
14. Next Meeting / 9th November
The meeting closed at 9.31pm
Signed...... Date......