Dear Parents, September 9, 2013
The beginning of the school year has arrived once again, and I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome you and share some of the important things that I have planned for this year.
As you know, your child is in his/her first year of high school. One of the most important aspects of being a freshman is preparation for continuing a successful high school career. In doing this, self-discipline and responsibility are two crucial factors. I firmly believe that life-long success depends upon these two components. For this reason, I have devised a specific plan that covers rules and procedures. This was done to ensure a positive classroom environment, which is conducive to learning, as well as create student self-discipline.
Attached you will find my grading policies/procedures and student expectations/classroom rules. Please make sure that you and your child read this information carefully and sign in the appropriate places. It must be returned to me on September 16, 2013.
Below you will see a list of materials or supplies that your child will need for English class. Please be sure to have the following items by Monday, September 16th.
I look forward to working closely with you to ensure your child’s success. In addition to your child’s class time with me, I am available most days (by appointment)in room 322 for after school help. I will communicate with you in a variety of ways: five-week progress reports, report cards, phone calls, e-mail, and/or letters. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s progress, I welcome you to call me to set up a meeting. I will be available by appointment throughout the year, and you can reach my voice mailbox by dialing 526-7847 ext. 1746. My e-mail address is . Please be sure to include your email address when submitting this form.
In closing, I am asking for your understanding, support and compliance in seeing that your child receives the highest quality education available.
Thank you and I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, September 25, 2013 at PVHS Open House Night.
Yours truly,
Mrs. Keri Heitman
English Teacher
English 9
Mrs. Heitman
Materials Required
- 5 subject notebook OR a three ring binder (with dividers) to be used exclusively for English
- One separate folder with pockets inside (for a light weight homework folder)
- A large supply of college-ruled loose leaf paper
- 1 box of standard tissues (no lotions please)
- blue or black pens –EVERYDAY- (All work must be completed in pen unless directed otherwise)
- 3 pens for unprepared utensil bank (to be kept in Mrs. Heitman’s possession for unprepared days)
- Novels and texts to be provided by teacher/district at the time of use. (Students are responsible for lost/stolen books)
- Laptop- fully charged from the night before (Laptops should not be opened in class unless directed to do so by the teacher)
9. 1 set of head phones or ear phones for listening to literature podcasts
Course Summary
English 9 is the first year of high school English. This is a required course for graduation. This course is designed to introduce you to many different genres (or types) of literature such as short stories, drama, poetry, tragedy, fiction and nonfiction, which are all centered around the theme: The Hero’s Journey. The hero’s journey is a pattern found throughout the world that takes the hero on a quest for something that usually involves returning with a gift and knowledge about him/herself.
Students will learn to recognize the themes, terms and essential elements of each piece of literature studied. During this process, students will continue to develop and strengthen reading, writing, critical thinking, and speaking skills, which will enable them to express ideas effectively. Students will also have a deeper understanding of human nature by comparing personal experiences with the experiences of characters in literature.
Much of the value that you will discover about each work of literature will come through your discussions, in small groups or as a whole class.
Your report card grade is determined from the following:
Participation average (15%)
Homework average (15%)
Quiz/short writing assignment average (35%)
Essays, unit tests, and projects (35%)
Grading in all areas is based on a 0-100% system where a grade of 65% or better is considered passing. Students are considered, by the New York State Education Department, to have achieved mastery if they receive a grade of 85% or better.
The participation average is based on many factors. First and foremost, attendance is clearly factored into the participation average. Students need to be in school in order to learn the expected content. Students should also exemplify a willingness to learn and pay attention to instruction, while not allowing themselves to be distracted by any material items in class. (Please DO NOT bring i-pods, cell phones, toys, electronic games, playing cards, etc. to class.) These items are unnecessary and counterproductive to classroom learning. Students must respect each of their classmates’ right to learn by listening and refraining from talking when the teacher or someone else is speaking.
It is important that you complete your homework. A 100% homework average can pull up a lower test grade. As long as you turn in each Homework assignment fully completed, and on time, you will maintain a high homework average. However, assignments that are not complete will receive a zero. You must attempt to answer ALL homework questions in order to receive full credit. Missed assignments will be accepted up to one day late for partial/half credit. Assignments, which are later than one day, will not be accepted. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that assignments are turned in by the deadline. It is NOT the teacher’s responsibility to remind or ask the student for late assignments.
Reading Assignments
It is also very important in this course to do the reading assignments. You will receive frequent and sometimes lengthy reading assignments. You must find the time to complete those assignments. The reading in this course requires concentration and thought. You cannot adequately read your assignment while simultaneously watching television programs. The reading requires more than a superficial, literal attack. Any time that you are given a reading assignment, there will most likely be a quiz the next day to check to see that you have read. If you are absent, you are still expected to do the reading. Make sure you know someone in class to call, and assume there will be a reading assignment equal in length to previous assignments. Many times, the teacher may upload a podcast of the reading for students to listen to at home when they are ill. Please consistently check Studywiz or my website for literature podcasts.
Class attendance is important. Much of what you learn about the work of literature will come from class discussion. When you miss class, you miss important insights into the work that you may not get on your own. Always call someone in class to ask what you have missed.
Student Expectations and Class Rules
*Arrive to class on time – you need to be in your seat before the second bell rings. (Unexcused lateness will result in detention)
*Students must present a late pass after the second bell (coming with a pass should be infrequent)
*Bring materials everyday (notebook/binder, folder, textbook/novel, dark blue or black ink pens only) NO RED or COLORED PENS, and save your pencils for math class.
*Leave i-pods, cell phones, electronic games, etc. turned off and in your locker (Text messaging, cell phone use- ringing/answering or placing a call is not allowed.)
*Always try to do your best
*Follow directions
*Respect authority (all adults in the building) and ALL peers
*Do not talk when the teacher or someone else is already speaking
*Allow yourself time to think before speaking
*Raise your hand
*No name-calling or “put-downs”
*PLEASE arrange your bathroom and drinking fountain use during hall time, not classroom time
*Take pride in caring for school property (DO NOT draw on desks or deface school property)
*Please leave the classroom the way you found it
*Return all borrowed materials when you finish using them
*Do not throw anything at any time
*Make sure garbage makes it to the trash can/recycle bin
*Plagiarism and cheating are strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated (Both will severely endanger your grade point average)
*No sleeping. No outbursts. No vulgar language.
*Understand the meaning/reason for a deadline
*Practice and achieve the habit of “good” time management
*Never Cry WOLF
*Find a classmate to call when you are absent (You are responsible for notes, reading, and missed assignments.)
Classmate’s name ______Phone number ______
email: ______
My Goals
My goals as a teacher are to help you:
- Successfully pass English 9
- Become a clear technical writer
- Become a critical reader and listener
- Become an effective communicator
- Become a life-long reader
- Use writing as a tool for self-expression
- Appreciate literature
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
Putnam Valley High School
Mrs. Heitman
English 9 (845) 526-7847 ext. 1746
I have read and agree to abide by these course guidelines and expectations.
Student name (Print):______
Student Signature:______Date:______
I have read the course guidelines and understand that the expectations were designed for my child in order for him/her to reach success in English class.
Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date:______
Parent/Guardian Contact Information
Please fill out the information below in order for Mrs. Heitman to contact you if necessary.
Parent/Guardian’s full name (Print):______
Home phone:______
Work phone:______
Cell phone:______
Parent/Guardian Email Address:______
*Please indicate if you prefer to be contacted by phone instead of through email.
Thank you for your time and cooperation in reading and completing this information. I am looking forward to an exciting year of working with you and your child.