The Bearded Collie Joint Breed Liaison Committee
This Seminar should appeal to anyone interested in the long-term health and wellbeing of the Bearded Collie
to be held on
At Hilton Village Hall, Peascroft Lane, Hilton Derbys DE65 5GH
Speakers are:
A Geneticist from the Animal Health Trust (identity to be confirmed) –
Talking about the DNA Tests available and the latest developments concerned with testing and also the AHT DNA Databank that has recently been set up to store vital DNA which could be used for research purposes for many years to come.
Dr. Lorna Kennedy, Senior Scientist, Centre of Integrated Genomic Medical Research,
University of Manchester - Different breeds of dog have varying susceptibility to particular diseases. Although genetic tests have been developed for many single gene disorders where the causative gene has been identified, it is much more difficult to identify the genetic markers for complex immune mediated diseases where many genes are involved in the development of the disease. Lorna’s group is working in this area and have identified markers for several immune mediated diseases in dogs. She will present their latest research findings, discussing how the information could be used in the future and also the work being done towards research into Addisons.
Jo Tucker (CIMDA) -
Jo needs no introduction to the Bearded Collie community. Having worked alongside hundreds of people whose dogs are affected by Auto-Immune issues, Jo will make a presentation on both Symmetrical Lupoid Onychodystrophy (SLO) & Addisons.
The day will commence at 10am until approx 4.30pm (timetables will be sent out prior to the day)
Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis SO BOOK EARLY-
Costs for the day: (all costs include lunch and refreshments): £12 members OR £17 non-members
……………………………… Tel No:………………………………email:………………………………
I enclose a cheque for £12 (*per member) made payable to The Bearded Collie JBLC Health Fund OR
a cheque for £17 (per non member) made payable to The Bearded Collie JBLC Health Fund
(*member of any of the Bearded Collie Clubs, please state which:…………………………………………….…………)
Please send your payment to:
Mrs Yvonne Fox, Peter’s Bank Cottage, Harperley, Stanley, Co. Durham DH9 9TY
Tel: 01207 290036 Email: