Research in Practice (RiP) has been appointed by DfE to lead a consortium to develop and deliver the Practice Supervisor Development Programme (PSDP). The PSDP is intendedto provide a high-quality learning & developmentprogramme to up to 700 newly-appointed practice supervisors in local authorities. DfE defines practice supervisors as social workers taking up their first role in which they are responsible for supporting and developing the practice of others.
The wholly not-for-profit Consortium includes: The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust,University of Sussex and Goldsmiths, University of London. The Consortium will work with a number of skilled ‘local delivery partners’ comprising universities, Teaching Partnerships and trusted CPD providers in every region.
We are committed to complementing the wealth of existing CPD activity in this field, rather than displacing or diluting it. The course itself will not start until November, as we are undertaking a comprehensive scoping and design phase. This phase includes:
-Surveyingthe sectorand surveying CPD providersto understand learning needs, barriers and enablers to accessing CPD, and the strengths of existing CPD.
-Undertakingfocus groupsand establishing a Practice Reference Group
-Undertaking a research literature reviewand policy review
-Issuing a ‘call for practice’ – so we learn from existing CPD activity.
The course content will reflect, but not be limited to, the requirements of the Knowledge and Skills Statements for practice supervisors and the professional leadership domain of the Professional Capabilities Framework. Over the next two years, every local authority will be entitled to a limited number of places on this national programme, and in addition an open-access online repository / minisite will be developed providing useful resources and materials.
We are inviting colleagues across the sector, including HEIs and training providers, to share existing CPD materials that are useful to Practice Supervisors. These will be considered against a common set of criteria developed specifically for the PSPD, and if included in the repository will be fully sourced and credited. Organisations should not submit any CPD materials that they do not have permission to share – for example if the intellectual property rights belong to someone else.
We appreciate that it will not be appropriate to share some CPD materials, for example if they are commercially sensitive, but we hope that organisations will contribute what they can in order to share learning across the sector. We will ensure we keep submitting organisations updated as the PSDP progresses.
Submission template overleaf
Name of organisation submitting materialsPoint of contact
Type of materials being submitted (training slides, exercises, tools, video/audio resource, etc)
Topic/s these materials relate to (eg reflective supervision, promoting practitioner resilience)
Experience of using these materials to support supervisors, and any assessment/evaluation of their impact and effectiveness
- I confirm I have the rights to share these CPD materials
- I understand that these materials may be added to an open-access online repository, either in their current form or after adaptation
- I have enclosed the relevant materials with this template
PLEASE RETURN TO with the subject heading ‘CPD materials’
If you have any queries, please contact
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Submission identification number:Date reviewed:
IncludeAdapt and include Decline