The basis for the survey just taken by CSI students, The Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) in part measures the degree to which the institution is providing support services that students deem to be important, such as advising and career counseling. Generally speaking, support services are very important to students. I believe availability and delivery of those services contribute greatly to the overall satisfaction of students with their CSI educational experience. For the last four years I have had the pleasure of working with PACE folks, directors and others in the areas of planning, grant development and student services. What a group! These are people with capable heads and empathetic hearts. They care about the work they do and even more about the students they serve.
Now, what about the CSI Foundation? Let’s talk people. Debbie, Jenny, Mary Jo, Donanna and many others make the Foundation hum, buzz and sing. Similar to the ad on TV, they don’t make the money; they make the money better. And the Foundation Board, what a wonderfully dedicated embodiment of community spirit and action! They believe in the College and what it means to individuals and communities across Southern Idaho. They give of their valuable time and incredible talents. They give money.
Let’s talk money. It is not a four letter word. It means purchase of equipment, enhancements of programs, construction of buildings and scholarships. It is construction support for buildings such as the Herrett Center and the Student Union. It is money for Steinway pianos and other enhancements of the Fine Arts Center. It is scholarships. Next school year the Foundation will disburse in excess of $800,000 in scholarships. Amazingly generous people live in this part of the country. People from Castleford to Rupert, Sun Valley to Jackpot, in between and beyond have provided scholarships and established endowments in the Foundation for students of the College. The generosity of the communities at large is mirrored by the generosity of PACE members and others in the CSI community through the internal campaign and in other ways. Thank you.
But what is good can be better. Through a comprehensive planning process, the Foundation has developed ambitious designs for improvement. The present ratio of one scholarship per five full time students will be improved to one in three within the next five years. Awareness of the Foundation and the scholarships it offers will also be elevated. Support for a significant capital campaign will be developed. The next steps in growth and evolution of the Foundation for benefit of the College are possible only with continuing support from the community. Thank you for supporting students through the Foundation. Let us know what we could do better.
Curtis Eaton
Donuts Anyone?
- Second Tuesday of the month in the SUB by the Student Info desk on first floor
- Starts around 8:30 and ends around 9:30
- If you would like to volunteer to help at the donut table please contact Angie Standlee at Ext 6213
- Ends in May and starts back up in September
- Great PR opportunity for PACE with the campus
- CSI Employees can have a cup of coffee or pop for 50 cents in the Eagles Nest.
- Just ask and be ready to show your ID in case the server doesn’t know who you are.
- Advertise your personal goods on CSI Classifieds at
PACE Rep Meetings for 2007
2-3 PM, 2nd Wed. of the Month
Date...... Chair...... Recorder...... Location
May 9...... Sandy Bosteder...... LuAnn Mavromachalis...... Taylor 258
June 13...... ______...... Shelby Carter...... Shields 103
July 11...... ______...... Lauri Watkins...... Shields 103
August 8...... ______...... ______...... Shields 103
September 12...... Leslee Treshow...... Vicki Kulm...... Taylor 258
October 10...... Shelby Carter...... Leslee Treshow...... Taylor 258
November 14...... ______...... ______...... Taylor 258
December 12...... ______...... ______...... Taylor 258
PACE Reps for 2007
Name...... Ext...... Representing
Lauri Watkins...... 6850...... Aspen
Revis Turner...... 6688...... Canyon
Sandy Bosteder...... 6300...... Desert
Caralee Perry / Merry Olson...... 6400 / 6401...... Evergreen
Robert Milligan...... 6600...... Fine Arts
Ann Keane...... 6530...... GRM ADC
Rosann Baird...... 6503/6500...... GRM Library
Karen Baumert...... 6493...... Gym
Kristi Bronson...... 6657...... Herrett Center
Chance Hamilton...... 6600...... Maint
LuAnn Mavromichalis...... 736-2122...... Office on Aging
Leslee Treshow...... 6931...... Outreach Centers
Vicki Kulm...... 6801...... Shields
Shelby Carter / Zetell Nelson...... 6554 / 6264...... Taylor
Monthly List
Check it out after the first of every month.
New Faces on Campus
Jim Taylor
Replacing Lavonne Albers
Custodian, Maintenance
McManaman Bldg – 732-6600
Dated March 26, 2007
Next Edition Scheduled For May 15, 2007
(Subject to Change)