Epic Literature Project:
Important: Read the following directions very carefully, and then take this out and re-read it every day that you work on this project. The information is vital for your success.
You will be working on this project today, Mon. Jan. 23rdthrough Tue., Jan. 31.
Although you will be working in a group, you also will be graded on your own work while we work in the classroom.
Your group’s first job is to select a reliable group leader. This person will be responsible for directing the group’s plan. The next thing you will do is sign out a book (if applicable).You will have a series of tasks to complete each day.
Note: The Once and Future Kinggroup will be reading part 1 of text called “The Sword and the Stone,” chapters 1,3,5,13,18, 23,24
Epic Literature Plan:
Group Member’s Names:
Assignments due at the end of the day: / Pages of text to be completed by the end of the day:MON
Jan. 23 /
- Read the pages that your group has designated for today in class.
- Each group member will write down his or her own 75-100 word summary.
- Each member will contribute two new vocabulary words along with their definitions (no duplications). The group leader will compile these vocab words on one piece of paper.
- Any assignment not finished by the end of the class period must be completed for homework.
Jan. 24 /
- Group will read the pages for today’s assignment.
- Each member should annotate the text as he or she reads today’s designated reading assignment. (at least 8 notes with page #’s on them as well as a reflection/comment).
Jan. 25 /
- Save the Last Word for Me: Each student will choose two annotations he or she would like to discuss. Each student receives two index cards and writes the passage which prompted the annotation on one side and their response to the annotation on the other. Students will share their passages with their group according to Ms. Woody’s verbal instructions.
- Read today’s designated pages. Write a summary of 75-100 words.
- After the summary, write down two passages (and cite them) that best show the characteristics of any of the main characters. (Identify the character.)
Jan. 26 /
- Read today’s designated pages independently.
- Each student will devise three discussion questions that have to with this portion of the text. They MUST deal with the beginning, middle and end of the today’s reading.
- Additionally, each member will contribute two new vocabulary words along with their definitions (no duplications).
- The group will come back together the last 20 minutes of the class to complete a group activity.
- The group leader will compile these vocab words on the same sheet of paper with Monday’s vocab words.
Jan. 27 /
- Finish the Epic today. Annotate the text eight times.
- When the group is done annotating independently, you will compile all the annotations categorizing them into four to six groups and label them.
- Summarize the last portion of the text. (75-100 words)
Jan.30-31 /
- Computer Lab to do part 2 of the project. (Instructions will be given to you next week.)