Grant Application

The Barbara Roberts Memorial Fund is now accepting applications.

Barbara Roberts was the Alberta Representative on the CRIAW Board from 1993 to 1998. Barbara was active in many parts of CRIAW's life, notably the Global Feminisms Committee and the Publications Committee. In honour of her "commitment and contribution to Women's Studies, her radical clarity and active work for, and celebration of justice, peace and community", her colleagues atCRIAW have established a memorial scholarship which is managed by CRIAW.

The Barbara Roberts Memorial Fund was established with the primary objective of continuing, promoting, and supporting work inpeace issues, workplace/unions/radical social movements, social justice/human rights and women’s studies educationfrom a feminist perspective. The Fund is administered by the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW) inOttawa, Canada.

This award constitutes of one grant of $2,000. Each project will be evaluated by members of a special jury, whose decisions will be final. No individual critiques can be provided. If no submissions meet the jury's requirements, the grant money will be returned to the Fund.

This grant is for action-based research projects on one of the four themes indicated above. CRIAW will fund the whole project or parts or stages of a project. The funds are meant to provide access to research funding to those who normally would have difficulty obtaining research funds. The research must make a significant contribution to feminist research and be non-sexist, non-racist and non-homophobic in its methodology and language.

Priority is given to women’s groups and unaffiliated emerging researchers. Please note that the Barbara Roberts Memorial Fund does not fund 1) research which is part of an educational degree, 2) the publication of a document which is the outcome of a previously completed research project, 3) workshops and conferences, 4) projects outside of Canada, 5) capital expenditures such as furniture, computers, books. The primary researcher must be a Canadian citizen.

Deadline for application is March 11, 2016.

Please email your application form – including all pertinent information

Deadline: March 11, 2016

General Information



Telephone: (Work)______(Home)

Fax: E-mail:

Choose one of the following

Independent researcher

Researcher working with a women's group

Researcher affiliated with an institution

The project corresponds to the following theme (please chose only one)

Peace issues

Workplace/unions/radical social movements

Social justice/human rights

Women’s studies education

Write a brief outline of the proposed project.

Signature: Date:

Please provide an answer for each of the following questions (Maximum three pages)

  1. What is the title of the project?
  2. What are the project's goals and objectives and how will these be fulfilled?
  3. What is the project’s methodology?
  4. Who will benefit from this project and how?
  5. How will the research be shared? Please provide an indication of what you will do with the research once completed.
  6. Please provide a brief outline of your workplan (ie: timetables).

Please provide details of how the money requested is to be used

The items listed here should be justified in the written description of the project. Include a budget for the full project and indicate how the funds from the Barbara Roberts Memorial Fund will be used.

Costs which are not eligible include:

  1. Capital expenditures
  2. Costs incurred before a final decision is made
  3. Costs associated to projects taking place outside of Canada

Please send your application by email to: ,

marking ‘Barbara Roberts Fund’ in the subject line

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