The Ayrshire Breeders Association of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and West Virginia have chosen to reward an outstanding Ayrshire youth who has completed a minimum of one year of college with a $500.00 scholarship.

To be eligible for this scholarship you must be a Pennsylvania, New Jersey or West Virginia resident; must own or be involved with Ayrshire cattle; must have completed one year of college successfully; complete an application for the scholarship; and provide a portfolio.

The scholarship committee will review the information submitted and the awarding will be based on a 100 point profile with the scholarship being awarded to the person with the highest score.


  1. Completing one year of college will indicate; not only the desire for success, but your grade average will demonstrate your dedication and your achievement. This will be assessed for 20% of your scholarship assessment.
  2. Your application for this scholarship will be 30% of your scholarship assessment. It should contain activities such as church, school, sports, organizations and offices held. Two recommendations need to be included, two letters of recommendation of why you are a worthy candidate for this scholarship. A brief statement of how and why you have chosen the Ayrshire cow and why you believe they are the best. Your application will tell us what you believe and needs to convey to the scholarship committee that belief.
  3. Your portfolio will be 50% of your scholarship assessment. Your portfolio should contain your personal resume, successes of your animal, such as production, show records, classification, etc. It should contain a list of activities in which you have participated. Also include your personal awards and any articles recognizing your accomplishments.

The deadline to submit your application and portfolio is March 1st, 2015.

Scoring of all application materials will be commensurate to the following rubric:

Rubric for Scoring

Scholarship Applications

1. Successful completion of year of college.

2. Your application for this scholarship.

3. Your portfolio


1. Scoring of your previous year of college will be 20 points.

The previousyear average: A Average would equal 20 points

B Average would equal15 points

C Average would equal10 points

D Average would equal5 points

2. Your application for scholarship will be 30 points.

Church activities2 points

School activities2 points

Sport activities2 points

Organizational activities2 points

Offices held2 points

2 Letters of recommendation5 points each

Your statement of how and why you have chosen the Ayrshire cow and why you

believe they are the best, will be scored on your ability to impress the committee

with the facts and on what you believe. 10 points

3. Your portfolio will be 50 points.

Your resume10 points

(Scored on objective, education, training, qualification and awards.)

Your participation in organizations10 points

The successes of your animal10 points

Your awards: 10 points

(showmanship, dairy princess, fair queen, etc.)

The total quality of your portfolio 10 points

(organization, neatness, total content, etc.)



Check List

Name: ______

Address: ______

Phone Number: ______

The reason I want this Scholarship:


Check each item to be sure you don’t leave any area not covered with a response.

_____ College Requirement

_____ Church Activities

_____ School Activities

_____ Sports Activities

_____ Organization Activities

_____ Offices Held

_____ Letter of Recommendation (1)

_____ Letter of Recommendation (2)

_____ Your Statement

_____ Your Resume

_____ Your Participation in Fairs, etc.

_____ Your animal success

_____ Your awards

_____ Your completed package

I believe that all the information contained in my application for the scholarship package is true and complete.

Applicant Signature:______Date: ______

(Please print)

Parent/Guardian Name ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______