Mr. Lanpher

English I Honors – Syllabus


Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays (6:30 a.m. – 6:55 a.m.)

Parents/Guardians and Students,

I want to begin by welcoming you to the new school year. I am glad to have you in my class, and I know that this will prove to be a worthwhile experience for all of us. In this syllabus, you will find information for all of the expectations that I have for our learning environment as well as the consequences for those who may fail to adhere to these guidelines. My classroom will be based uponrespect: a respect not merely given to me and other classmates by you, the student, but a respect that will also be given to you in return for your respect. In my teaching experiences, I have come to realize that without respect students cannot learn, and I cannot teach. Thus, respect is absolutely essential to us both, and I will be very firm in assuring that we all respect one another in my classroom. I know that in the year to come we will continue to show respect and consequently enjoy our time together. Come to class with an open-mind, and you’ll truly enjoy our studies together.

As for parents/guardians, I am looking forward to working with you to make this year a success for your son/daughter. I must start off by saying that I am a teacher who is concerned not only with how well the students do in my class, but I am also very focused on preparing your son/daughter for the professional/collegial “real world” that is waiting for them. Consequently, I demand a lot of my students in order to prepare them. I will do my best to keep you informed of not only any problems that may arise, but also the successes that are sure to come in this school year. However, feel free and I strongly encourage you to contact me at any time if you’d like to discuss your son/daughter’s progress in the classroom. I try to immediately call/e-mail back, but again, I ask you to call me/email me as much as possible so that we can continue to help your son/daughter succeed in my class. Please see the attached syllabus, and sign the bottom portion of this note. This must be turned in tomorrow for homework points; I want us all to begin with prompt communication. I also encourage you to add my e-mail address to your address book so that you can e-mail me in the case that you have any questions/concerns about your son/daughter’s progress in this class.


Mr. Lanpher


  1. Three-ring binder with paper and dividers (dividers should be labeled as notes, handouts, homework/classwork, writing) – this is guaranteed to help you throughout the year
  2. Choctawhatchee High School Planner
  3. Daily Independent Reading Book/magazine
  4. Pencils
  5. Pens (Black, Blue, and Red)
  6. Highlighters (multiple colors)

NOVELS: MUST BE PURCHASED ON YOUR OWN:The majority of this book will be read outside of class and on your own. Therefore, it will behoove everyone if you have your own copy to take home, highlight, make notes, etc.

  1. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

GRADING SCALES – Total Points System

  • Exams and Projects(100 - 300 pts)90% - 100% = A
  • Homework/Classwork(10 – 100 pts)80% - 89% = B
  • Quizzes (10 – 50 pts) 70% - 79% = C
  • Writing/Essays(25 – 200 pts)60% - 69% = D
  • Weekly Participation(25 pts)59% - Below = F

Classroom Expectations and Policies

1.Be on time and in your seat with all necessary materials (books, papers, pens, pencils) when the bell rings; you are considered tardy otherwise.

2.Be productive. You are in my classroom for a reason—to learn; you need to be following directions that I give you the first time and continue to do so until told otherwise.

3.Be respectful, using classroom appropriate language and conduct. Bullying, racism, prejudice, or any other negative behavior towards another student or faculty member will not be tolerated.

4. You are now in high school… disrupting the teacher or class is unacceptable.

5.No food, gum, or open drinks in class (screw top bottles ONLY)

6.I dismiss you, not the bell.

7.No cell phones, Ipods, headphones or other electronic devices should be out in class. I will take them and turn them into administrators. If cellphones are out during tests/quizzes I am going to assume you are cheating and you will receive a zero; DO NOT HAVE PHONES OUT unless given permission.

8.Class periods will begin with a five-minute independent reading session or a warm-up activity. Students are expected to have their independent reading books and notebooks with them EVERY CLASS PERIOD. They will not be permitted to go back to their lockers to get their materials once class begins.

9.Students are responsible for acquiring information about lessons covered in class and those assigned for outside review. Students that were absent for prior class meetings or will be absent for future class meetings are responsible for acquiring all information pertaining to these lessons. Students may acquire information about lessons from weekly lesson plans which can be found on the white board. Handouts may be obtained from the makeup work folder or the teacher.

10.Students must never cheat or plagiarize. Students will receive zeroes regardless of the weight of the assignment and also receive a referral.

Assignments AND Make-up Work Policy

  • Per District Policy: For excused absences the student will be expected to make up the work missed during the time of absence. As a general rule all such make-up work must be completed within five school days after the student returns to school. However, the teacher and/or principal may grant additional time for the make-up work if the individual situation warrants. If a student has been given a due date for an assignment prior to their absence, teachers may require the assignment be turned in on the first day the student returns (teacher discretion). Also, if a student misses a scheduled test during an absence, the teacher may require the make-up test on the day of return. It is the student’s responsibility to check with and get the test rescheduled.
  • All homework assignments are due the first few minutes of the class period. FAILURE TO TURN WORK IN ON TIME WILL BE CONSIDERED LATE AND DOCKED A LETTER GRADE FOR EACH DAY IT IS LATE.
  • If a student loses a handout or worksheet given to him or her, he/she is responsible for making a copy of their own in the media center for ten cents.
  • Essays and projects will generally be given to you with at least a week, if not longer preparation time; therefore, they will not be accepted after the due date. They are due the day they are due, no exceptions. If you are not in class that day, it is your responsibility to get it to me when it is due.
  • All major papers and projects must be typed in MLA format. The computer lab or media center are available as well as other options if needed.
  • I require independent reading. Any extra time in the classroom will be dedicated to independent reading.
  • I will also be posting a weekly agenda in the classroom for students to be able to keep track of weekly assignments. The agenda’s may change, but I will always notify students of changes. It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of what is due and when it is due (per the weekly agenda).
  • Students may make-up quizzes/tests when absent; however, it is the students responsibility to designate a time to make-up the quizzes/tests. There is only a ten day time frame from the date(s) he or she was absent that the student is able to make up any missed quizzes/tests. Any item not made up by the time frame will automatically receive a zero which abides by the Choctaw handbook.
  • Weekly points are accrued each day by doing what is expected, following directions, participating in class functions, and behaving appropriately in class without disrupting the teacher or your classmates. Failure do so after your one warning will result in a loss of those points for the day.
  • Any other assignments not turned in on time can be turned in only during the week that it is due; it will be docked a letter grade for each late day.


  • You will be required to participate in class discussion for daily points. If you do not participate, you will lose points. Hands must be raised to contribute.
  • Students will receive weekly/biweekly points for being on task and doing what is expected and asked. Students who have trouble with this will lose points for as long as it continues.
  • You will receive points for notes which are collected at random times. Keep a notebook with a list of all the terms that we have covered in class and daily notes on all class discussion, lecture, lessons, everything! You must keep these notes with you in chronological order at all times. On the days that I decide to collect them, you will need to turn in your notebook with your name on it to get credit. I give points for the completeness and correctness of your notes.
  • If you have a question about your grade, you must make an appointment with me after class, or before or after school. DO NOT ASK ME ABOUT YOUR GRADE DURING CLASS TIME. I will not change or give grades for “lost or incorrect grades” unless I see and can hold the assignment in question. Teachers do make mistakes so it is important to hold onto assignments once they are passed back to help clear up any discrepancies.
  • All essays will be returned to students who are responsible for keeping them in their folders to be referred to throughout the year and for a possible final exam.


I am a very understanding individual and will be happy to meet with any of you before or after class/school, as well as during my planning period (3rd period) if you have any concerns, difficulties, misunderstandings, or misgivings, or just need to talk. The biggest mistake that can occur in my class is not making an attempt to talk to me and not following through on assignments. Assuming anything without talking to me or getting clarification can only cause problems.

Keep in mind, this is an honors course. Although similar to English 1, this class will be held to higher expectations and will encompass more writing, projects, and analysis.

Class will be both fun and challenging. My goal for each of you is to help you succeed on the FSA, prepare you for the rest of high school, and assist you in gaining knowledge that will help you in college and in the real world. Come to class with an open, inquisitive mind and a positive attitude!


I ask that students and a parent(s) read over the material and sign it and return it by Friday, August 12th, 2016 for a homework assignment.

Parents: Please fill in the accompanying information so that we can more easily communicate throughout the year.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Student Print Name: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Print Name: ______

Parent/Guardian Email Contact: ______

Parent/Guardian Contact Phone: ______

