The following scholarships are sponsored by community and school organizations. There is only one application needed for any or all of these NRHS scholarships. Read the criteria for each scholarship carefully to determine the scholarships for which you are eligible. Each scholarship that you apply for needs a separate copy of the application. Some scholarships require special additional information and/or an essay. Review the application form in its entirety before completing it. Do a complete and accurate job of filling out the application. Be especially careful to do a good job on the personal statement as the various sponsors put a lot of value on this part of the application. Write your statement, proofread it, and rewrite it if necessary.
Please type or print in black ink.
Steps for completing the NRHS Scholarship Application:
1. Complete NRHS scholarship application form for each scholarship you checked.
2. Identify the scholarship that you are applying for by placing a check mark preceding the name of the scholarship on each application packet.
3. Attach a copy of your transcript, given to you in English class, and a copy of your ACT/SAT scores available online at or to each of your applications.
4. Read and add additional requirements from the criteria of each scholarship, if it applies.
5. Highlight in yellow (on top of application) which scholarship you are applying for on each packet.
6 Turn in COMPLETED packets to the NRHS Guidance Department (Ms. Fedorko) no later than March 13, 2013 by 3:00 p.m.
7. Each organization will select the recipient(s). Notification of scholarship recipients will be announced at the Senior Awards Breakfast Ceremony on May 31, 2013.
8. Failure to follow directions exactly may cause your application to be discarded. If you have any questions, please check with Ms. Fedorko or your counselor immediately.