Minutes of the Committee Meeting

Held Friday 3rd May 2013 at Borrowash


Patient Representatives: Josta Gardner (Chairman), Christine Heath (Treasurer), Enid Ruff (Secretary), Margaret Gregory, Ann Hope, Keith Wallace, Ruth Wallace, Linda Murfin and Martin Fox.

Practice Representatives: Dr H Foley and Fiona Bolstridge (Practice Manager).

Apologies: Alan Beadling (Vice Chairman). Jenny Forrester (Asst Practice Manager).

1. Approval of the Minutes

Proposed by Keith Wallace and seconded by Martin Fox.

2. Matters Arising

Item 4 (November minutes) NAPP Choose Well Campaign. Fiona reported that the laminated patient self help cards have now been received and she distributed a copy to everyone.

3. Treasurer’s Report.

Sale of Books for January and February (in) £20.00

NAPP Affiliation Fee (out) £40.00

Cash at Bank £1121.47

Christine reported that book sales are down.


·  Change book stock

·  Remove video tapes from shelves

·  Introduce sales of DVDs at £1.00 each

·  Sales of CDs at 25p/50p

4. Correspondence

Enid referred to the NAPP bulletins for March and April.

She also distributed the DHU leaflets which arrived in the post this morning. Three more copies have been ordered and will be delivered to Margaret and Linda as soon as they arrive.

5. Spending

The nurses have requested the provision of an adjustable treatment couch at Borrowash. (There is already one at Breaston) After discussion and reference to our policy guidelines the purchase was proposed by Margaret and carried unanimously.

It was agreed to buy an adjustable couch for the treatment room at Borrowash. Fiona will advise on cost which will be between £700 and £800

6. Practice Action Plan.

Josta thanked Fiona for emailing the approved Action plan to us on 4th March.

·  The telephone message has been re-recorded. Keith reported problems with the “loop” on number 2 instruction. Fiona will investigate.

·  The waiting room information boards have been updated.

·  The action plan and the questionnaire results are on the website.

·  The TV screens will be back on in both surgeries soon.

7. Accessing test results.

The patient information leaflets have been approved by the Partners and are now available in the surgeries.

Margaret questioned the receipt of a letter when no prior telephone contact had been made. Fiona will investigate and review the computer input for informing patients of test results.

Dr Foley asked if messages were left by reception staff. Fiona explained that messages were left but had to be within the data protection rules.

8 Contingency planning for phlebotomy services.

Fiona said that services are under review and asked that this item be deferred to our next committee meeting.

9 Refurbishment of Breaston Surgery

The building works were completed on time. There has been very positive feedback especially for wheelchair access. There was some discussion about privacy and Fiona will look into seating plans in the waiting area. Private conversations between patient and reception staff can be requested. The choice of background music will be reviewed and the CD switch will be relocated to reception (from room 6).

10. Policy statement for PPG spending plans.

Josta read the amendment and referred to Keith’s valued help and input (which she greatly appreciates). The amendment to the policy statement was passed unanimously.

11. Have we survived CCG takeover? (Clinical Commissioning Group)

There are no noticeable changes as yet.

12. Patient Participation Awareness Week.

Enid referred to the awareness pack and we agreed to study its contents and look at it for next year. We will put it on the agenda for discussion in January 2014 with a view to actioning the event next June.

Fiona will contact The Park Surgery to co-ordinate any action for this year.

13. AOB

Disabled parking at Borrowash. Fiona and the partners will review the provision of disabled parking and possibly reallocate and increase bays.

A new phone system is currently on order. There will be no noticeable changes to the way calls are handled, but it will allow more people to get through on the phones, and the triage queue should work more effectively.

Following Fiona’s phone call with Alan during the meeting it was decided that Josta should send him a card on behalf of everyone.

Date of next meeting Friday 5th July at 12 noon at the Borrowash Surgery.