Avila Women’s Club

Membership Application and Renewal Form

We hope that you will join us for our upcoming 2013-14 season. Our official year

begins September 1, 2013 and ends on May 31, 2014. Our annual dues are $35. Because the compilation of the Avila Woman’s Club Directory takes considerable volunteer effort and time, we ask that you please complete and return this Membership Application along with payment no later than June 1, 2013. This will enable the timely publication of our directory for the coming year.

Membership Directory Listing

  • ____Check here if everything is exactly as it appears in the 2012-2013 Directory. If so, only your name is needed below.

Last Name______First______(Mrs./Ms/Dr.)


Address______Birth date (mo) _____ (day) _____


Mandatory: Email address______

No access to email? ____ Please check so that you can be placed on a special phone list.

Children: (College age and younger)

Name______Birth date______School______

Name______Birth date______School______

Name______Birth date______School______

Name______Birth date______School______

Volunteer Opportunities

As an organization, our members’ interests and participation in club activities and events is very important. We welcome and appreciate all offers of help! Please check below the level of involvement that best suits your needs and comfort level.

I could:

___ host an AWC event at my home ___help organize or assist with an event

___set up for meetings/programs___make calls to members

___greet guests at meetings/events___share a skill or hobby

___present a program___help with labels/stamps for mailing

___provide snack/dessert for a meeting___greet newcomers to neighborhood

___serve as host at nametag table___other (please list)

___Please send me the AWC Board Minutes via email

Please share any ideas you have for the Avila Women’s Club (program topics, activities, etc.) Use back of sheet as needed!

Goods and Services Recommendations

If you have a vendor that you wish to recommend, be sure to complete the following info for inclusion in the directory.

Remember that our by-laws state that members may not nominate themselves or their own business (or those of family members) to the Goods and Services directory.

Name/Type of Business______


Name/Type of Business______


Name/Type of Business______


Also please list any vendors that have not given satisfactory service or that you know are out of business so they can be removed from the directory.

Name/Type of Business______


DIRECTORY OF BABYSITTERS and DIRECTORY OF DOG AND HOUSE SITTERS. ONLY those names submitted on the current application form will be listed. NO NAMES will be included from previous directories—unless relisted on this form. If you have a baby sitter or dog and house sitter that you wish to recommend be sure to complete the following info for inclusion in the directory.______

I would like to recommend the following babysitter for our directory (please indicate if CPR trained).

Name______Birthdate ______CPR______Phone______

Name______Birthdate ______CPR______Phone______

I would like to recommend house sitter______Phone ______

I would like to recommend dog sitter______Phone ______

Make check payable to Avila Women’s Club ($35.00) and send with your membership application to the treasurer:

Patti Tilchin, 16301 Villarreal de Avila, Tampa, FL 33613

DUE NO LATER THAN June 1, 2013

Cook Book Orders can be included with this check if you please!

_____Cookbooks @ $15 each = $_____; Check total: $35 + _____ = ____