WUSD#1 Geometry Course Syllabus
Mr. Kerr, WHS Room 111,
Course Description:
This course requires students to develop logical reasoning and problem solving skills as they build a solid foundation of geometry concepts. The content of this course will successfully prepare students for Algebra 2.
Expectations: To provide every student the best opportunity for success, all students are expected…
…to bring these supplies each day: paper, pencil, composition notebook, folder/binder, compass, protractor and a scientific calculator.
…to follow these rules and regulations:
· Demonstrate respect for each other, the instructor, and the property of WHS.
· Follow all school handbook policies. No hats or hoods are to be worn during class. Appropriate dress must be worn. Before entering the classroom, all electronic devices (cell phones, Ipods, MP-3 players, gaming devices, headphones, etc.) are to be silenced and stored inside backpacks. Classroom supplies for this particular class are the only items to be at the student desk.
· Handbook and Hall Pass are needed to leave the classroom with the teacher signature. No permission will be given to leave the classroom the first and last 15 minutes of class.
· Remain seated until released by the instructor at the end of the period.
…to demonstrate responsibility for the learning opportunities by:
· Completing all assignments.
· Using any designated time in class to work on the given independent practice.
· Seeking appropriate support for standards not mastered.
· Knowing and adhering to the school attendance and tardy policy.
· Being punctual and prepared with materials. Be ready to participate in your learning experience when the bell rings.
Assessment Policy:
· Tests and quizzes must be completed within the class time allotted.
· On most assessments, work must be provided which sufficiently supports any procedural task and which explicitly supports an answer for any free-response task. In order to be scored for credit, all support must be legible and organized.
Recovering credit for assignments and tests in the event of a verified absence:
It is the student’s responsibility to recover credit for all work missed while absent. If the absence is verified, students have one day for every absence to recover credit. If you are absent on a review day, you must still take the test the following day. Be prepared! Tests missed during a verified absence should be taken within one week. Tests are expected to be completed within one sitting. If sports eligibility depends upon a test grade or grades for missing assignments, students will need to plan accordingly. It is unrealistic to expect the test/work to be scored and the grade to be updated for sports participation the same day as it is submitted.
Homework will be assigned on a regular basis. The homework must be completed by Thursday of the following week. You must complete all homework assignments in order to be eligible to re-take an assessment. It is very important that assignments are completed in order to practice the concepts taught and assessed.
Maintaining credit in the event of a school-approved absence:
For any school-approved absence, the student must make certain of the necessary assignment(s) ahead of time. Students involved in these activities must take the initiative to understand the lessons missed on their own and attempt the assignments as best they can. Absences from math class are not recommended as there will always be additional insights/ instruction from the teacher that you will miss by not being in class. Again, please do not expect the instructor to be able to update your grade the very day you submit your work if you are facing ineligibility. If you are absent on a review day, you must still take the test the following day. Be prepared!
Course Grading:
Grades are based on their cumulative earned points, which are weighted by category according to school policy. There are no additional assignments for extra credit. There may be a bonus question on a test.
Assignments, Projects, Participation, Attendance 18%
Tests and Quizzes 82%
The following units will be covered in Geometry.
1st Semester / 2nd SemesterEssentials of Geometry / Right Triangles and Trigonometry
Linear Functions / Reasoning and Proof
Parallel and Perpendicular Lines / Quadrilaterals
Essentials of Construction / Parallelograms
Properties of Transformations / Deriving the Distance Formula
Measuring Length and Area / Properties of Circles
Congruent Triangles / Surface Area and Volume of Solids
Dilations / Density
Similarity / Geometric Applications
Relationship within Triangles / Law of Sines and Law of Cosines
Right Triangles and Trigonometry / The Unit Circle
Students who have not mastered a particular standard are required to attend Intervention. If intensive support is needed, consider forming a study group with other strong students in the class, tutoring, etc.
Additional Resources:
Any student who is struggling with the material is strongly encouraged to access Khan Academy (www.khanacademy.org), a free website that contains hundreds of instructional math videos on every topic.
Parent Communication Tools Via the Computer:
Student success is important to teachers, and we realize that convenient and consistent opportunities for communication with all concerned parties are essential to that success. Access to a student’s academic standing in any class is available to students and parents through our online system. To maintain confidentiality, grades are never posted anywhere in a classroom nor do we show students grades directly from my computer. Grades are entered as quickly as possible. Email is the preferred and most efficient method for making contact. I attempt to check and to respond to school email daily between the contract hours of 7:30 am and 3:15pm on days when school is in session. Please do not hesitate to contact me via email during these times.
Academic Integrity Pledge
As a student enrolled in this class, I affirm the principle of academic integrity and commit to upholding integrity by completing all academic assignments in the manner expected, informing the instructor of suspected instances of academic misconduct by myself and my peers, and fully engage in the class and its related assignments for the purpose of learning. By signing below you acknowledge that you understand and agree to abide by all the information and policies stated in this syllabus. Teacher deserves the right to modify policies by informing students ahead of time depending on student’s behavior.
Geometry Syllabus – 2017-2018 (10 points)
After reading the syllabus, please complete this form and send it with your student by Monday, August 3, 2015. Your signatures indicate that you and your student have read and understand the contents therein.
Student name (please print):______Hour:______
Student signature:______
Parent/Guardian name (please print):______
Parent/Guardian signature:______
Date of signature:______
Please do not hesitate to email your instructor if you have questions or concerns!