Sunday 10 March 2013

Irish Club, Townshend Road, Subiaco

Members present: Denis Bratton (President), Patricia Bratton (Treasurer), Brian Corr, Julia Corr, Eleanor Nolan, Tony Bray (Secretary), Cecilia Bray, Maureen Hart, Carole Murphy, Sally-Ann O’Neill, Mary O’Byrne, Brigitte Bloggs, Mary O’Callaghan, Richard Moloney, Marie Moloney, Maura Ducey, Carmel Ryan, Gerry Grogan, Frank Murphy

Apologies for absence: Annette Healy-Pickwell, Paul Drury, Patrick Coughlan, Brenda Cheeseman

The meeting commenced at 4:15 pm with Denis Bratton, President, as chairman.

Minutes of meeting 11.3.12 – these were approved unanimously by members present on the proposal of Eleanor Nolan and on the secondment of Mary O’Byrne.

Matters arising from minutes – Tony Bray presented the new AIHA brochure which is an interim version for distribution on St Patrick’s day. It requires much more input on a local Irish heritage trail under the coordination of Sally-Ann O’Neill

Board of Management Report: year to December 31 2012. The report circulated was taken as read. Denis read through the record of activities in the report and noted a decrease in numbers attending dinners. Acceptance of the report was proposed by Denis Bratton, seconded by Cecilia Bray. Carried.

Treasurer’s Report and Audited Accounts tabled: year to 31 December 2012 The Treasurer Patricia Bratton, tabled the audited accounts showing a surplus of $1,769 for the year compared to a surplus of $3,458 for 2011. The reduced surplus was attributed to reduction in memberships and a switching from full to concession rate. Total funds increased from $31,649 to $33,418. Brian Corr acknowledged it was a good result. Marie Moloney asked if the Association received grants. Patricia said no, the activities haven’t warranted it. We did purchase a new computer for our Journal and website editor for $600 and recall the previous one was funded by a lottery grant. Marie said grants were available for Adults Learning Week and for Seniors Week. She offered to email details to the secretary. The report was proposed for acceptance by Patricia Bratton, seconded Maureen Hart, carried.

General Business:

Proposed Planning & Review meeting – Tony said it was proposed that the incoming committee hold a review of the organisations activities in April to test for relevance

Events – Brian Corr said the trend from large events to many small events was good. Commenting on the Book club he felt there should be more Irish authors. Maureen said availability of books in the library system was a limiting factor.

The Journal – Brian urged the Board to form a sub committee to examine electronic media as publishing is moving that way with the advantage of access to archives and lower costs. Mary O’Byrne said the Tintean Irish magazine in Melbourne was looking at on-line publishing and she was willing to look into this.

Yeats Society – Marie Maloney suggested reverting to gatherings on poetry over afternoon or high tea. Brigitte supported this recalling Dame Mary Durack opening her garden for the Yeats society. Denis replied that the gatherings faded and the Board introduced the annual Yeats dinner instead. He has spoken with Prof Dennis Haskell who offered to get involved. Denis to follow him up.

Transport for Members – Marie raised the possibility of organised transport for members to evening functions. Brigitte agreed people are more likely to go along if they were taken there.

Famine Commemoration – Mary O’Byrne suggested opening the event to students to perhaps commission a play. We are a cultural organisation.

Awareness of AIHA – Marie considered if we could expand awareness as in an election. Denis gave example of The Brendan Award not attracting nominations as an example of lack of interest. Tony added that a Brendan Award Honour Board has been ordered to improve the profile of this award. Marie said sporting organisations have a focussed interest beyond which they don’t look. She suggested advertising in the School for Seniors who have 500 members. Patricia said we need a Publicity officer. Frank said from attending commercial events he wondered where all these Irish people are when it comes to elite culture as opposed to mainstream pop culture. Internet and social media is the key and perhaps AIHA should have a Facebook page. We need to reach into the universities where Yeats is read. Brian said the revived St Patricks Parade began with a Facebook page. Maura suggested reaching WAPA students. Tony expressed interest in how to reach students as a source of performers.

Member Fees – Denis said we may have to consider revising due to rising costs. Maura asked how many members we have and Patricia replied 115 family units and 6 honorary life members. Denis said as we keep costs of events low we have limited ways of generating funds.

Election of Officers: The chairman appointed Brian Corr returning officer and the following members were unanimously proposed and elected as board members:

President Tony Bray proposed Denis Bratton. Maura Ducey seconded. Denis said this

would be his 7th year and that it was important we have change. He accepted

the nomination.

Vice-President Sally-Ann O’Neill, nominated by Patricia Bratton, seconded Eleanor Nolan

Treasurer Patricia Bratton, nominated by Cecilia Bray, seconded Sally-Ann O’Neill.

Patricia recommended new blood.

Secretary Tony Bray, nominated by Sally-Ann, seconded Patricia Bratton

Committee Mary O’Callaghan nominated by Maureen Hart, seconded by Maura Ducey

Carmel Ryan, nominated by Carole Murphy. Carmel declined but offered to

help with activities and events

Marie Maloney, nominated by Cecilia Bray. Marie declined but offered to help

with activities and events

Eleanor Nolan, nominated by Patricia, seconded by Mary O’Byrne

Carole Murphy, nominated by Denis Bratton, seconded by Julia Corr Mary O’Byrne, nominated by Maureen Hart. Mary declined as she is committed

to writing a book of short stories and has applied for an authorship program. She

agreed to act ex-officio as organiser of writing competitions and coordinator of

History talks.

Frank Murphy nominated by Gerry Grogan, seconded Denis Bratton

Maura Ducey, nominated by Sally-Ann O’Neill, seconded by Patricia Bratton

Denis thanked all. Maureen thanked the outgoing committee. Tony acknowledged the great commitment by Denis and Patricia.

The meeting ended at 5.25 pm with all present being invited to have refreshments provided by Maureen and Eleanor.

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