Cuyamaca College, Rancho San Diego Parkway, El Cajon, California, 92019
Associated Student Government Meeting Agenda
Student Center, I-124
Friday, April 8th, 2016 at 12:30pm
NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN that the Associated Student Government of Cuyamaca College (ASGCC) will hold aRegular MeetingonApril 8th, 2016. The meeting time and location are noted above. TheASGCCreserves the right to suspend the orders of the day if necessary to conduct business. AllASGCCmeetings are held in locations that are wheelchair accessible. Other disability-related accommodations will be provided to persons with disabilities upon request. Persons requesting such accommodations shouldnotifytheASG President at 619-660-4274 no less than 5 business days prior to the meeting. Please contact theASG Secretary at 619-660-4273 for anyagendarelated questions.
Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.5:supplemental materials distributed less than 72 hours before this meeting to a majority of the ASGCC will be made available for public inspection at this meeting or at the ASGCC office by appointment during normal business hours. Materials prepared by ASGCC members and distributed during the meeting are available for public inspection at the meeting or after the meeting if prepared by a non-member. Documents related to closed session items or those that are exempt from disclosure as stated in the California Public Records Act will not be made available for public inspection.
Order of Business
Quorum was established. Meeting was called to order at 12:31pm by President Mariah Moschetti.
- Present: Mariah Moschetti, Davi Peterson, Jesus Suarez, Onjoli Jones, Evan Esparza, Tommie Post, NiveenAlmezory, TanujaAdigopula, DonnelEndaya, Jimmy Miller, Carol Bianchi, Julio Chavez, Alan Kassab
- Adoption of the Agenda
1. Addition of New Business Item A22: Approval of Andrew Watkins to serve on the ASGCC Election Committee
- Approval of Minutes ASGCCRegular Meeting Minutes from April 1st, 2016
- Approved
- Public Comment
This time is reserved for members of the public to address the ASGCC with concern to any agenda item or matter under the ASGCC’s jurisdiction. A time limit of three (3) minutes per speaker and ten (10) minutes per topic shall be observed. The law does not permit any action to be taken, nor extended discussion of any items not on the agenda. The ASGCC may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed; however, for further information, please contact the ASG Secretary for the item of discussion to be placed on a future agenda.
(Brown Act § 54954.3)
- Reports of Officers (3 minutes per officer)
- Tommie Post, Activities Assistant- None
- NiveenAlmezory, Public Relations Assistant- Helped pass out flyers for the volunteer fair
- Onjoli Thomas Jones, Secretary- Passed around the flyers for the volunteer fair
- Mawj Hasan, Club Coordinator- Absent
- Senators, Manny Juarez, Julio Chavez, DonnelEndaya, Carol Bianchi, Shams Judhi, TanujaAdigpoula, James Miller
Donnel- Currently working on his senator project with Manny.
Tanuja- Got her submitted questions on the ballot
Jimmy- Marie Gearhart thanked us for our support during the Pow Wow. There are job openings for Student Ambassadors. Applications are in the Student Affairs office.
- Evan Esparza, Trustee- None
- Andrew Watkins, Treasurer- Absent
- Jesus Suarez, Evening Vice President- He encourages everyone to attend the safe zone event upstairts
- Davi Peterson, Executive Vice President- Will do a food price comparison with Grossmont food and Cuyamaca.
- Lauren Vaknin, ASG Advisor- Absent
- Mariah Moschetti, President- None
- Reports of Standing Committees
- Activities Committee/Tommie Post- There are a lot events in April. Clothesline event, Magic the Gathering, Earth Week, and Denim Day just to name a few. Kudapaw is on May 17th . There will be no dunk tank but bounce houses are a strong possibility. Be sure to email Tommie your schedules.
- Reports of Special Committees
- Reports of College Committee Representatives
Facility Planning Committee/DonnelEndaya- The committee mainly went over prioritizing campus projects.
- Club Reports
- Special Orders
- Kate Miller from Career and Technical Education Services came to tell us of a volunteer opportunity (cashier) for the Spring Garden Festival. They also need volunteers for the Career expo on May 4th from 8am-2pm
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
A1. Allocation of Sufficient Funds for the Purchase of a Plaque for Ariel's Memorial
- Postponed until next meeting
A2. Approval of the Plaques Language
- “In honor of Ariel Satele, for her many contributions to our community as a passionate student leader (add years of service), Forever Grateful
A3. Discussion and Approval of Funds to Purchase Flowers for Ariel's Memorial
- Postponed until next meeting
- Tanuja and Jimmy have been assigned to find flowers to be used, by next meeting
A4. Approval of Earth Day to be Ariel's Memorial
- Postponed until next meeting
A5. Allocation of Funds for Food to be Served at the SafeZone Training Event 4/8/2016
- Postponed until next meeting
A6. Approval of the LGBT Student Union Name Change to Spectrum
- Davi moves; seconded (8,0)
- Approved
A7. Approval of the Creation of the 'Wall of Representatives' and Allocation of Sufficient Funds to Purchase Frames and Plaques for each of the current Adopted Positions and Spring Election Purposed Positions
- Carol moves to allocate $450.00; seconded (8,0)
- Approved
A8. Approval and Discussion of Different Awards for the Student Award Show
- Postponed until next meeting
A9. Approval and Designation of Date for Student Award Show
- Postponed until next meeting
A10. Approval of $9,000.00 to be allocated for General Assembly Spring 2016
- Carol moves; seconded (8,0)
- Approved
A11. Approval of $100.00 for the Denim Day Event onApril 27th, 2016
- Julio moves to combine items A11-A15; seconded (8,0)
- Approved
- Jesus moves to approve items; seconded (8,0)
- Approved
A12. Approval of $85.00 for the Cinco de Mayo Event onMay 5th, 2016
A13. Approval of $100.00 for Teachers Appreciation Day onMay 5th, 2016
A14. Approval of $800.00 for the Copyright Purchase of Star Wars: The Force Awakens
A15. Approval of $60.00 for the Clothesline Project onApril 11th, 2016
A16: Allocation of sufficient funds to purchase frames for the winners of the art show for display in the Cross Cultural Center
- Julio moves to allocate $150.00 (8,0)
- Approved
A17: Prior Notice: Approval of the adoption of the Article _ ASGCC Assistants and Titles 4/15/2016
- Officers would have designated assistants to help with the work load. They would not be able to vote but can report in meetings.
A18: Prior Notice: Approval of the adoption of the ASGCC Board Development & Trainings Committee to the Bylaws for 4/15/2016
- Officers would have to attend a required amount of meetings in order to foster better communication and promote safety efforts.
- Carol moves to suspend items of the day in order to listen to Kate Miller (see Special Orders)
A19: Prior notice: approval of the Addition of Evening Vice-president to the Mirror Clause effectively changing its name in the Bylaws to Vice president of Equity and Inclusion for 4/15/2016
- In order for students to have more representation at the school.
A20: Prior Notice: Approval of adoption of the revised Article 1 - Section 1: General Duties to the Bylaws for 4/15/2016
- Maybe assigned duties by ASGCC President’s and would state the amount of workshops that people need to attend.
A21: Prior notice: Adoption of the Revised Evening Vice President duties to the Bylaws for 4/15/2016
- Refer to revised bylaws
A22: Approval of Andrew Watkins to serve on the ASGCC Election Committee
- Jesus moves; seconded (8,0)
- Approved
- Open Forum
This time is reserved for the ASGCC to informally discuss any topics that do not appear on the agenda and do not require action to be taken. A limit of five (5) minutes per speaker and ten (10) minutes per topic shall be enforced. If any item needs further discussion or action, please contact the ASG Secretary for the item to be placed on future agendas.
Tommie- Advertise for events!
Jesus- Don’t forget to attend Safe Zone!
- Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 1:44pm