Static-2002R Training:
How to Code, Interpret, and Report Static-2002R
Leslie Helmus, M.A.
Sponsored by:
Forensic Psychology Research Centre (CarletonUniversity)
Friday November 25th, 2011
2017 DuntonTower
CarletonUniversity, Ottawa, Ontario
Description of Workshop
Static-2002 is one of the most commonly used actuarial risk assessment scales for adult male sex offenders in Canada. Recently, Static-2002R was developed by improving the weights for the age item. It can be scored based on commonly available criminal history information (ideal for archival data sources) and has demonstrated moderate accuracy in predicting sexual, violent, and any recidivism. Its major advantage over Static-99/R is its increased conceptual clarity (i.e., subscales that help evaluators identify the major sources of risk). The training will present background information on Static-2002R (i.e., development, empirical support, appropriate uses) and will teach participants how to score, report, and interpret Static-2002R in applied evaluations (this will include scoring practice cases).This training is appropriate for anyone involved in risk assessment research or practice with sexual offenders (familiarity with Static-99/R not required).
Training Objectives
After completing the training, attendees will be able to:
1)Discuss development and validation research on Static-2002R
2)Correctly score all Static-2002R items
3)Present recidivism estimates, percentile information, and relative risk ratios associated with Static-2002R scores
The presenter has no financial interest in a commercially available product involved in the presentation.
The Trainer
Leslie Helmus, M.A., is a Ph.D student in forensic psychology at CarletonUniversity in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and a researcher with Public Safety Canada. Her research interests focus on the assessment and treatment of sexual offenders. She has been deeply involved in the recent advances in structured risk assessment tools, including the development of STABLE-2007/ACUTE-2007, Static-99R, and Static-2002R (as well as co-author of the coding rules), and is a certified trainer on both Static-99R and Static-2002R. She has several publications focusing on the STATIC and STABLE risk assessment scales and has received numerous grants and academic awards including the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers Pre-doctoral Research Grant. She has served on the executive board of the Canadian Psychological Association’s Criminal Justice Section (2006-2011) and has been involved in the Conference Planning Committee and Student Committee of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers.
Registration Fees
$50 for students
$150 for non-students
For more information contact:Shelley Brown
613-520-2600, ext. 1505