The ASCAGolden Jubilee Host Consortium is proud to host
The 34th Australian Shepherd Club of America National Specialty
30TH Junior Handling Finals
20TH Stockdog Finals
8TH Obedience Finals
6TH Agility Finals
Sussex County Fairgrounds Augusta, NJ
September 29 to October 6, 2007
The Australian Shepherd Club of America Inc OfficersASCA Board of Directors
PresidentMr. Patrick MacRobertsMs. Linda Gray
First Vice PresidentDr. Michelle BerryessaMr. Peter Hellmeister
Second Vice PresidentMs. Allison BryantMr. Roger Stevens
SecretaryMs. Ann DeChant Mr. Maarten Walter
TreasurerMs. Kristin McNamara
Executive SecretaryMs. Jo Kimes
The ASCA Golden Jubilee Host Consortium (AGJHC)
Australian Shepherd Club Of New England OfficersASCNE Board of Directors
PresidentMs. Jean JanottaMs. Brenda Dean
Vice PresidentMr. Peter DolanMs. Keli Gaunt
SecretaryMs. Gull Reidy
TreasurerMs. Dottie Duclos
Affiliate RepresentativeMs. Sheila Dolan
Garden State Australian Shepherd Association OfficersGSASA Board of Directors
PresidentMs. Jayne LipsMs. Laurie Shuren
Vice PresidentMs. Andrea BlizzardMs.Kay Marks
SecretaryMs. Audrey RichardsenMs. Laura Kirk
TreasurerMs. Lisa Wiseman
Affiliate RepresentativeMs. Chris Carlson
Working Australian Shepherd Club of Upstate New York OfficersWASCUNY Board of Directors
PresidentMs. Linda BraunMs. Hope Grogan
Vice PresidentMs. Kathy FretzMs. Deborah St. Jacques
SecretaryMs. Barb MongeonMr. Ernie Gobielle
Co-SecretaryMs. Cindi Port
TreasurerMs. Sue Bishop
Affiliate RepresentativeMs. Pamme Gagnon
New York Australian Shepherd Association OfficersNYASA Board of Directors
PresidentMs. Joyce LeachMs.Sue Trinka
Vice PresidentMs. Nancy DeVauxMs. Joan Della Rocco
Secretary Ms. Dottie Anderson
Treasurer Ms. Mary-Lou Trone
Affiliate RepresentativeMs. Joyce Leach
Heart of New York Australian Shepherd Club OfficersHONYASC Board of Directors
PresidentMs. Betsy AtkinsonMs. Sue Crowley
Vice PresidentMs. Cindy SnyderMs. Heather Gould
Recording SecretaryMs. Odette FetznerMs. Karen Soule
Membership SecretaryMs. Margaret AbrahamsonMs. Nan Bonnell
TreasurerMs. Lynne SkinnerMs. Susan Beals
Affiliate RepresentativeMr. Todd LeBoeuf
2007 ASCA National Specialty Show Committee
Specialty ChairPete (860) 535-1159
Agility ChairJean (603) 895-5436
Conformation ChairLaurie (973) 786-5391
Conformation Invitational ChairPeter (516)785-0650
Obedience ChairRobin (603) 672-4092
Stock Dog Course DirectorsTenley (860) 354-9069
Diane (973) 948-5668
Tracking ChairDebra St. (518) 638-6453
Juniors ChairTina (860) 376-8559
Versatility ChairLisa (845) 567-0476
Catalog & Ad CoordinatorSheila (860) 535-1159
Entry CoordinatorKaren (508) 896-4624
Stall Rentals CoordinatorDonna (781) 878-1075
RV CoordinatorJayne (570) 588-3967
Vendor CoordinatorFran (802) 368-2429
ParadesKay (570) 224-4699
Banquet CoordinatorPeter (516) 785-0650
ASCA rules will be used. For copies of the rules contact:
6091 E. State Hwy 21
Bryan, Texas 77808-9652
(979) 778-1082
2007 ASCA Finals Judges
ASCA Agility Finals
Ms. Sandra Katzen
ASCA Junior Handler Finals
Ms. Libby Stibley
ASCA Obedience Finals
Ms. Diane Cohn
Ms. Janet White
ASCA Stockdog Finals
Mr. Wade Carter
Mr. Gary Hawley
Mr. Ken Lyle
Ms. Marti Parrish
2007 ASCA National Specialty Judges
National Agility Trial
Ms. Sarah Fix
Ms. Carol Maslansky
Mr. Ron Young
National Conformation Show
Best of Breed / Ms. Terri MorganIntact Dogs / Ms. Janet Goin
Intact Bitches / Ms. Carol Earnest
Non-Regular Conformation / Ms. Debbie Reneau
Altered Dogs and Bitches, Altered Best of Breed / Mr. Gary Hawley
Mr. Gary Hawley
MVA Evaluation / Mr. Gary Hawley
Junior Showmanship / Ms. Shawna Sakal-Beaty
Conformation Invitational
Ms. Sheila Polk, Mr. Ric Pittman, Ms. Judy Norris
National Obedience Trial
Utility A, Open B / Ms. Mary KobisUtility B, Open A / Ms. Stephanie Podejko
Novice B, Novice A, Team / Mr. Norbert W. Kowal
Novice B, Brace Veterans, Graduate Novice, Team / Mr. Robert Apap
National Stockdog Trial
Ducks / Mr. Bill Van HeckeSheep / Mr. Rick Pinney
Cattle / Ms. Joan Carrillo
National Tracking Test
Ms. Celeste Kelly
Ms. Susan Schroeder
Schedule of Events
Saturday September 29, 2007
ASCA Stockdog Finals Elimination Round
Greater Atlanta ASC Conformation Pre-Show
NYASA Pre-National Obedience Show
Sunday September 30, 2007
ASCA Stockdog Finals, Rounds 2 and 3
High Plains ASC Conformation & Obedience Pre-Show
Nationals Tracking Test (TD/TDX)
ASCA Agility Finals
Monday October 1, 2007
Blue Ridge ASC Conformation Pre-Show
Working Virginia ASC Pre-National Stockdog Trial
WASCUNY Pre-National Agility Trial
ASCA Obedience Finals
Obedience Judge Seminar
Welcome Reception and Finals Awards
Tuesday October 2, 2007
ARPH Pre-National Agility Trial
MVA Evaluation
National Obedience Trial
National Conformation Show - Juniors
Conformation Invitational
DNA Clinic
An Evening with Ernie Hartnagle
Wednesday October 3, 2007
National Stockdog Trial – first 1/3 of runs
National Conformation Show – Non-Regular and Altered
National Agility Trial
Juniors Reception
Affiliate Meeting
Thursday October 4, 2007
National Stockdog Trial – second 1/3 runs
National Intact Conformation - first half dogs/bitches
National Agility Trial
Canine Physical Fitness Seminar
General Membership Meeting
Friday October 5, 2007
National Stockdog Trial – last 1/3 runs
National Intact Conformation, remainder of dogs/bitches Winners Dog Winners Bitch
National Agility Trial
Parades – Veterans/Titleholders & Rescue
Banquet - Awards presented to include Most Versatile Aussie, HIT and HC Stockdog Awards, HIT and HC Obedience Awards, WD, WB, and Most Versatile Junior
Saturday October 6, 2007
Best of Breed
ASCA Junior Handler Finals
Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Best Opposite Sex and Premier Awards
Entry Information
Entries, RV/camping, stall, banquet reservations, and catalog requests must be dated on or after June 1, 2007. Entries close July 16, 2007 postmark date. Be sure to read the cancellation policy later in this document. Entries and requests will be accepted by postmark date. Entries postmarked before opening date, June 1, 2007, or postmarked after closing date, July 16, 2007, will not be accepted. Entries must be on an official ASCA entry form with the agreement signed on the back. Please use one form per dog, per activity (i.e. stock, agility, conformation, and obedience). Copies of entries, if complete, will be accepted. Proof of ASCA Registration must accompany entry form for any entry over 6 months. All events will be held in accordance with the rules and regulations of ASCA. Exhibitors, through submission of entries, acknowledge they are knowledgeable of all rules and regulations. Anyone who is not currently in good standing with ASCA will not be allowed entry into any event. No entry shall be made and no entry shall be accepted which specifies any conditions as to its acceptance. Entrants are responsible for errors on entry forms and no entry fee will be refunded in the event of such errors. No entry fee will be refunded after the published closing date of July 16, 2007 with the following exceptions: any stockdog trial entry that is pulled prior to the start of the first day of the National Stockdog Trial if that space can be filled from the official waiting list; any tracking entry that is pulled prior to the start of the test if that track can be filled with an official alternate. Entry fees shall not be refunded in the event a dog is absent, disqualified, excused by veterinarian or judge, or barred from competition by action of the Show Committee. If, because of riots, civil disturbances, or other acts beyond the control of management, it is impossible to open or complete the show, no refund of entry fees will be made. Any entries received without proper fees will not be accepted. Returned checks do not constitute a valid entry and will incur a $20 service charge. No facsimile, telegraph, telephone, or computer entry will be accepted. NO ENTRIES ACCEPTED THAT REQUIRE A SIGNATURE. IF YOU USE OVERNIGHT MAIL YOU MUST WAIVE SIGNATURE. For immediate confirmation of receipt, please enclose stamped, self-addressed postcard. Acknowledgment of entries will be made after close of entries. Entry information will be used to create the 2007 National Catalog; please make sure entries are legible and correct.
Make checks or money orders payable US funds to:
ASCNE 2007 Nationals
Foreign entries must be paid with funds drawn on a U.S. bank.
Mail to:
ASCNE 2007 Nationals
c/o Karen Miller
82 Ridgewood Drive
Brewster, MA 02631
Entry Fees and Classes Offered
Agility$110/6 runs or $20/run
All classes divided by jump height. 20+ and 24 jump heights will be scored together. All classes are divided into Standard, Veterans and Juniors.
2 Rounds Regular: Elite, Open, Novice B, Novice A,
2 Rounds Jumpers: Elite, Open, Novice
2 Rounds Gamblers: Elite, Open, Novice
Retired Canine Agility Class$10.00
Conformation – Intact & Altered$25.00
Divided by sex: 6-9 month, 9-12 month, 12-18 month, Novice, American Bred, Bred by Exhibitor, Open Blue Merle, Open Red Merle, Open Black, Open Red.
Best of Breed.
Conformation Invitational$50.00
Non-regular Conformation$20.00
Puppies divided by sex and color: 2-4 month, 4-6 month
Stud Dog / Brood Bitch: Two to four “get” of the dog or bitch, at least two must be entered in a regular conformation class. No progeny shall be entered in this class as a stud dog or brood bitch. Dog or bitch entered may be neutered.
Brace; Veteran Dogs, Veteran Bitches: Veterans divided by 7-9yrs and 10yrs & older.
Versatility Evaluation$22.00
Please use separate entry form
Most Versatile JuniorNo Fee
Indicate on stock entry as additional class
Junior Showmanship$5.00
Pee Wee 1-5, Sub. Jr. 6-7, Novice 8-12, Open 8-12, Novice 13-17, Open 13-17
Obedience $25.00
Utility B, Utility A, Open B, Open A, Novice B, Novice A.
Non regular Obedience $20.00
Brace, Graduate Novice, Team, Veterans (7 and over).
Stockdog Trial
Cattle $55.00
Started, Open, Advanced, Junior, Novice
TD $50.00
Parade of Veterans & Title Holders$12.00
Parade of RescueNo Fee
ASCA Junior Handling Finals No Fee
Must use separate entry form
Stockdog, Obedience & Agility Finals
ASCA contacts qualifying participants, fees sent directly to ASCA.
Confirmation of Entries
After close of entries, you will receive a confirmation of all classes entered for each dog. PLEASE READ YOUR CONFIRMATION AND CHECK IT FOR ACCURACY. CHANGES WILL NOT BE MADE AFTER SEPTEMBER 1, 2007.
30th Junior Handling Finals
ASCA invites and contacts all eligible open level Juniors. Novice level participants are not eligible. Use separate entry form. Junior showmanship rules apply. The “Keely Bryan Memorial Scholarship” is given for Finals Best Junior and Finals Reserve Junior. Awards will be presented immediately following judging.
20th Stockdog Finals
The National Trial Committee will determine dog run order and stock rotation order by random draw prior to the start of competition. Five (5) head of livestock will be used for each run. Sheep will be wool and/or hair, cattle will be beef crosses and ducks will be Crested.
Elimination Round: Handlers’ meeting at 7:30 AM, Course A.
First Finals Go-Round: Handlers’ meeting at 7:30 AM, Course B. Run order will be determined by random draw.
Second Finals Go-Round: To begin after a short lunch break or at the discretion of the National Trial Committee, Course B, run order determined by random draw.
The 2007 ASCA Stockdog Finals Awards will be presented on Monday at the Welcome Reception.
8th Obedience Finals
See Chapter 10 of the Obedience Rule Book for the Obedience Finals rules. The 2007 ASCA Obedience Finals Awards will be presented on Monday at the Welcome Reception.
6th Agility Finals
See Chapter 8 of the Agility Rule Book for the Agility Finals Rules. The 2007 ASCA Agility Finals Awards will be presented on Monday at the Welcome Reception.
29th National Most Versatile Australian Shepherd
The Most Versatile Aussie Award is offered to recognize the dog who best combines the attributes of working ability and trainability, and who faithfully represents the breed standard. The Versatility Chairperson and Show Committee are solely responsible for Versatility record-keeping from start to finish. The competition will be conducted using the rules in chapter 1 of the MVA National Rules. Bitches in heat will run at the end of each class (or as posted) with the same requirements as listed in the Agility/Obedience Finals. The 2007 Most Versatile Aussie awards will be presented at the Banquet, Friday evening. The “Joseph Hartnagle Memorial Award” and the “Jean Carrillo Memorial Award” will be given to the Most Versatile Aussie.
CONFLICTS: If you have a conflict with events, conformation takes priority, then agility, then obedience and then stock. Notify gate stewards first thing in the morning to get scheduling worked out. We will try to be accommodating, but must know you have a conflict.
30th National Most Versatile Junior
This award is for the Junior Handler who has the highest combined scores in junior showmanship, working and the performance events. The dog must be owned or co-owned by the junior or their immediate family and a co-owned dog must reside in the Junior’s home 75% of the year. The Most Versatile Junior competition will be conducted in accordance with section 6 of the Junior Showmanship Program Rule Book. Please write a short story describing the junior and their dog to be read at the MVJ awards ceremony. The “Sandy Tubbs Memorial Award” will be given for the Most Versatile Junior. The2007 Most Versatile Junior awards will be presented at the Banquet, Friday evening.
Agility Information
Entry is on first-serve basis by postmark date. Trial will be held outdoors on grass. Trial will be judged by three judges, judging in three rings simultaneously, with a limit of 350 runs per judge per day. Obstacles used during the trial are defined in the ASCA Agility rule book. Contact equipment will be without slats. The A-frame will be set at 5'6" height. Check in, schedule, and start times will be sent with confirmation of entry. Move ups for the Nationals trial close one hour after the close of the Tuesday pre-National trial. There is plenty of crating space available around the agility ring area and participants may want to bring tents for shade. AWARDS: Including but not limited to: 1st thru 4th rosettes for class placements, qualifying scores, HIT Standard Elite/Open/Novice, HIT Veteran Elite/Open/Novice, HIT Junior, HIT Overall.
Retired Exhibition Class: To honor our four-legged friends who have taught us and brought us to where we are, we are proud to offer this exhibition class for retired canine competitors on Thursday after the completion of the morning Jumpers class. To be eligible, a dog must have previously competed in agility but is now retired from all competitive jumping classes. The class is not limited by age. The course will be a simple Jumpers course (jumps and tunnels only). An official entry form must be completed and must be accompanied by a typewritten, double spaced script, approximately 100 words in length and received by entry deadline. On the entry form, specify the jump height (bars on the ground, 4”, 8”, 12”, or 16” (16” max height allowed). Each entry will receive a rosette.
Equipment: Max 200 Dog Obedience Equipment, Inc. is providing the equipment for this trial which will be available for sale at the end of the trial. If you are interested in a specific item, you can reserve it ahead of time. For more information, call Max 200 at (800) 446-2920 or e-mail to .
Junior Showmanship Information
Ownership rules must be followed to earn points. Please refer to the ASCA rules and regulations for Junior Showmanship and Junior Finals at A change of dogs must be made prior to the close of entries.
Conformation Information
Conformation will be held outdoors on grass. In the event of inclement weather Conformation will be held under cover. No set ups or grooming within the show arena. Dog and Bitch schedule will be sent with confirmation of entry. Judges will not wait for any dog holding up a class. Owners or agents are responsible to have their dog at the ring when their class is called to be judged. Neither the host club nor its Show Committee is responsible or obligated to furnish any service of notifying exhibitors of their class judging. Dogs will enter the ring in catalog order unless otherwise posted. A maximum of 175dogs/bitches will be judged by any one judge on any one day. If entries warrant, AGJHC reserves the right to divide classes into groups. The judge will designate which entrants will return for class placements. Awards include BOB, BOS, BOW, WD, WB, WD Reserve, WB Reserve, and Premier 10 dogs and bitches.
Obedience Information
The trial begins with the regular class group sit and down exercises. These group exercises will be held by class in the same ring as the individual classes and followed by the individual classes. All Non-Regular Class Group Exercises will follow individual exercises. Trial will be held in a building. Bitches in season will compete last after all other judging is finished with the exception of run-offs. Bitches in season must be crated away from the trial area until their runs. Ring assignment will be sent with confirmation of entries. Individual exercises will run in catalog order. Should the number of entries warrant hiring an additional judge, this will be indicated in your confirmation packet.
Awards: Including but not limited to: 1st thru 4th rosettes for class placements, qualifying scores, High in Trial, High Combined (Open B & Utility) and High Scoring Junior.