Roman StudiesCommittee: terms of reference


The Committee shall have 7 voting members, comprising the Honorary Secretary of Roman Society (Chair), 1 school teacher, 5 other members (with interests or expertise relevant to the remit) and 1 member nominated from and by the Archaeology Committee (ex officio).

The normal term of office (excepting the Honorary Secretary) shall be 3 years, renewable or extendable once without a 3-year interruption.

New members, when needed, shall be proposed by vote of the Committee in time for ratification by Council at its November meeting.

The Secretary of the Roman Society shall attend and take minutes. The President and Treasurer may attend if they wish, and any other person invited by the Committee.


The Committee’s year runs from 1 January to 31 December. It shall have 3 regular meetings a year, to follow the meetings of the Schools Committee.

At its spring meeting, the Committee shall reconstitute itself as the Hugh Last Committee to recommend to Council the award of grants funded from that bequest. The two Advisors who represent the Last Bequest shall be informed of applications potentially to be funded from that Fund, and will note any which they think do not fit the terms.

The quorum of the Roman Studies / Hugh Last Committee shall be 5 members including the Chair or an Acting Chair nominated by the Chair.

The Committee shall operate within the financial and other parameters set for it by Council. The Minutes shall beforwarded to Council for approval of all proposed grants, and noting any other matters on which a decision of Council is needed.


The Committee’s remit shall be to consider, implement (where appropriate) and review ways to promote knowledge of and interest in Roman studies among the general public, primarily in the UK. In particular it shall focus on promotion of Latin language and literature and Roman history, thought and art (complementing the remit of the Archaeology Committee), and work closely with the Schools Committee to support and develop Roman studies in schools. It shall also consider and review what the Society does and might offer to its members, and how it can most effectively satisfy and expand its membership.

Areas of current and potential concern include:

1. The lecture programme of the Society, special events (including FIEC 2019, the future of the Quadrennial) and study-days, online resources offered to members (including Epistula, slide collection), the development of non-academic membership.

2. In collaboration with the Schools Committee, developments in the National Curriculum and in teacher training, responses to Government proposals, and advocacy of the teaching of Roman studies.

3. In all these activities how best to liaise and collaborate with other bodies such as the Classical Association and Classics for All, and to develop the Societies’ activities throughout the UK.

4. The RS Committee will also administer the Museum Summer Placement Scheme.


The current annual budget is as follows:

£3,000 – for applications to the General Fund

c.£5,000 from the Hugh Last Fund

£2000 for the Museum Summer Placement Scheme for BA and MA students

DWR 4 March 2015, as amended Council 10 March 2015, rev. FKH September 2017


Current Members

Roland Mayer (Hon, Secretary, Chair)

David Moyes (Schools Committee)

Richard Alston

Andrew Parkin

In attendance (ex officio):

Fiona Haarer (Secretary)

Claire Millington (Electronic communications assistant; KCL)

Archaeology Committee rep