From: Kruse, Richard J – Spectra Energy
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 11:19 AM
To: Rae McQuade; Veronica Thomason; Crockett, Valerie; ; ; ;
Cc: Field, Doug; Langston, Michael T.; GeneNowak; Young, Randy
Subject: Comments from the Board Members of the WGQ pipeline segment in response to Board of Directors Request for Comments - Due August 15, 2014
Pursuant to the Parliamentary Committee’s request for comments, the Board Members of the pipeline segment NAESB WGQ
oppose the adoption of the proposed resolution concerning the administration of NAESB elections which currently reads as follows: “All voting for elected positions within NAESB shall be conducted electronically and administered through the NAESB office.” In lieu of the proposed resolution, we offer the following replacement language:
“BE IT RESOLVED, that all voting for elected positions administered through the NAESB office shall be conducted electronically.”
This alternate language achieves the proposed resolution’s objective for NAESB to conduct electronically the elections that it administers. Yet, importantly, it maintains the pipeline segment’s ability to administer its own elections.
The pipeline segment has conducted its Board of Directors and Executive Committee elections fairly and openly since the inception of the Gas Industry Standards Board (predecessor to NAESB), with the administrative assistance of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA). We believe good cause exists for the pipeline segment to continue conducting its elections through INGAA. Pipeline segment elections, as administered by INGAA, comply with applicable NAESB standards and are open to all NAESB member companies in good standing. The elections do not discriminate against INGAA or non-INGAA members who wish to run for office or vote (limit one vote per NAESB member company in good standing per NAESB procedures). INGAA also updates the pipeline segment distribution list regularly. The list is used to solicit nominations for the Board of Directors and Executive Committee elections each fall. If a NAESB member company wishes to add or substitute a representative on the list, INGAA promptly revises the list. Finally, we note that the pipeline segment already conducts its elections electronically. INGAA maintains proper electronic records should someone request supporting documents for the results of an election.
This process has allowed the pipeline segment to keep its Board of Directors and Executive Committee seats consistently filled with qualified representatives. We also have maintained a full leadership roster – unlike some of the other segments of NAESB. As a result, important issues at NAESB are vetted through the pipeline community and discussed thoroughly.
We will respond at a later date when more details are available on the Parliamentary Committee’s proposal to remove quadrant addendums.
Respectfully submitted,
Doug Field, Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline
Richard Kruse, Spectra Energy Corp.
Michael Langston, Energy Transfer
Gene Nowak, Kinder Morgan, Inc.
Randy Young, Boardwalk Pipeline Partners, LP