The Anointing of God

Author: Sandy Banks – Combined Service with Exalted Word Ministries Church – 3/31/2014


It is so important in the day and time that we live in that we have an understanding of the anointing. Many people in the Church world have never heard the terminology “anointed” or “anointing”. Many of those who have heard the terminology “anointed” or “anointing” still have no idea what it is. Many have thought the anointing and talent is the same thing, they are not! Others have thought the anointing was some mystical force or something out there.The anointing, or divine enablement, removes burdens and destroys yokes. This enabling power is an outflow of the Holy Ghost through human vessels.

  1. The anointing removes burdens and destroys yokes. (Isaiah 10:27, KJV)
  2. It is the burden removing, yoke destroying power of God. (Isaiah 10:27, KJV)
  3. The anointing is the Presence and power of God manifested.
  4. The anointing is a divine enablement.
  5. It is God’s ability on your ability, enabling you to do what you couldn’t do in the natural.
  6. Jesus had to be anointed to fulfill God’s purpose for His life. (Acts 10:38, KJV)
  7. To anoint means to rub on and smear into.
  8. God the Holy Ghost wants to rub on you and smear Himself into you.
  9. Jesus was anointed when He was about thirty years old. (Luke 3:21-23, KJV, AMP, NLT)
  10. Jesus didn’t do/perform one single miracle until after He was anointed (by turning water into wine at the wedding feast of Cana). (John 2:1-12, KJV, AMP)
  11. Jesus told us the purpose for why He was anointed. (Luke 4:18-19, KJV, AMP)
  12. Jesus was revealed for the purpose of destroying the works of the devil. (1 John 3:8, KJV, AMP)
  13. The MSG Bible says that Jesus abolished the devils ways.
  14. You as a born again Child of the Most High God have been anointed to destroy the works of the devil.
  15. Jesus said that we would do the works that He did and greater works also. (John 14:12, KJV, AMP)
  16. In order for us to do the greater works of Jesus, we will have to be anointed by the Holy Ghost also. (Luke 24:49, Acts 1:8, KJV)
  17. God wants you to be anointed to destroy the works of the devil in the lives of others.
  18. The purpose of the anointing is to set people free. (Luke 4:18-19, KJV, AMP)
  19. The level of anointing you have determines your level of productivity.
  20. You don’t need the anointing if you are not doinganything.

1)There is no anointing to DO NOTHING!

  1. The anointing that comes up on you is for services.
  2. It is for others, it is not for you.
  3. When you find yourself accomplishing things that you never dreamed you could accomplish, you will realize that God’s power is working through you!
  4. It enables people to do better in life than they could without the anointing.
  1. The anointing is tangible, it can be transmitted and it can be transferred. (Mark 5:21-32, KJV, NKJV, AMP)
  2. The woman with the issue of blood felt the power go into her. (Mark 5:29, KJV, NKJV, AMP)
  3. Tangible means to be perceived by touch, it can be felt.
  4. Jesus felt the power go out of Him. (Mark 5:30, KJV, NKJV)
  5. The word translated “virtue” is the Greek word “dunamis”, which in other places is translated as power.
  6. Dunamis is God’s miracle working power.

1)This is also where we get the word dynamite.

a)Dynamite has the power to change and rearrange things.

  1. Touching the hem of Jesus’s garment. (Matthew 14:35-36, KJV)
  2. The Power of the Lord was present to heal. (Luke 5:16-17, KJV)
  1. The anointing or power of God was so strong on Peter that even his shadow brought healing. (Acts 5:14-16, KJV)
  2. God worked extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul. (Acts 19:11-12, KJV, AMP)
  3. The anointing on Paul was able to be transferred into handkerchiefs and scarfs.
  4. The anointing that was upon the Prophet Elisha even after he died waspowerful enough to raise from the dead a man who came in contact with Elisha’s bones! (2 Kings 13:20-21, KJV)
  1. To consistently operate in the anointing, you must walk in love.
  2. Your faith works by love. (Galatians 5:6, KJV)
  3. Your faith is what activates the anointing of God to operate in your life.
  4. You must be willing to do what is necessary for God to anoint you with the ability to get results.
  5. It is because of the anointing that you can be like God in the demonstration of power.
  6. The anointing is an outflow of the Holy Spirit through a human vessel.
  7. When God is with you, you are anointed.
  8. You are anointed for a mission.
  9. You can’t occupy your throne without the anointing.
  10. You must exercise the anointing in your life if you want to see it increase.

Scripture References:

  • Luke 4:18
  • Isaiah 10:27
  • John 4:1-14