Minutes of the meeting held by Potterne Parish Council held on Wednesday 9th April 2014 in Potterne Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Present: Mr Hoddinott, Mr Molland, Mrs Straw, Mr Huntley, Mr Chandler, Mr Hunt-Grubbe,

Mr Burns, Mr Edwards, Mr Balls and Councillor Liz Bryant.

Apologies: Mr Twiney and Mr Smart

01/14/15 / Welcome and Apologies: Mr Hoddinott welcomed members and received apologies. /
02/14/15 / Declaration of members Interest: There were no declarations of interest.
03/14/15 / Minutes of meeting held on 12th March 2014: The minutes were agreed as a correct record and were duly signed.
04/14/15 / Matters Arising:
1. / Devizes Area Board: Mrs Straw reported on the meeting held on 24th March some of topics covered included :
·  Recognising local volunteering: Potterne Mummers were awarded a certificate for their hard work in fundraising and amusing the local community. Councillor Laura Mayes also mentioned howmuch the Duke of Edinburgh enjoyed meeting them last year in Salisbury.
·  Youth Activities Review: Councillor Laura Mayes said that changes would have to be made to youth service and, although the initial plan to cut £500,000 had been reduced to £190,000, there would still be redundancies for some youth workers. Rosie Mullins, who spoke for a group of teenagers which use Devizes Youth Club, gave Laura a hard time and said “Young people are not impressed with the options” “We have got counselling and staff who care for us… its feels as though you are going to take it all away” “It’s not fair or cool” Councillor Mayes replied “The Youth Service will not be cut completely. It will be different”
·  Special Education Needs and Disability: Change in the law will mean instead of youngsters being passed onto adult services when they are 18 years old they will stay until 25 years old. The Area Board is giving £5,000 towards developing a mentoring project for young people with special needs.
·  The Confederation of Passenger Transport has given Devizes a Coach friendly award.
·  Devizes School Campus: Head of Devizes Schools, Mr Irons reported they had not had any information re the Devizes Campus and was told that letters would go out later that week.
·  Grants approved were for: £5,000 to Urchfont Village Hall towards their kitchen extension; £4,000 to Devizes School for furniture and equipment to extended services drop-in centre and £500 given towards the Drews Pond Wood Project towards repairs to the Nature Reserve.
Councillor Bryant also told the Parish Council that Dr Helen Osborne gave a talk on Clinical Care and the sharing of resources. Councillor Bryant also informed the Parish Council that the proposed funding for improvements to the road crossing point at the bottom of Caen Hill on the A361 had been approved although she voted against it.
2. / Devizes Community Area Partnership: Mrs Straw said there was nothing to report.
3. / Youth Centre and Community: Mr Chandler reported on several items of interest:
·  Ryeleaze playing field: The playing field has been cleared of litter, but there was concern that broken glass seems to be an ongoing problem. There is a hole in the fence adjacent to the A360 which will require repair when the Council take it over and Mr Chandler also suggested that perhaps ‘No litter / Dog fouling’ signs should be erected in due course. It was also noted that the footpath adjacent the bungalows will need re-instating. Mr Hoddinott said he was still waiting for Wiltshire Council to come back to him following his meeting on site some time ago.
·  Courses for youth: Mr Chandler reported that Mr Steve Upton was looking at running non-qualified courses for youth in the village ie writing CV’s, interview skills etc.,
·  Mobility access to Youth Centre: Mr Chandler was currently researching possible funding to provide a mobility access into the youth centre.
·  Potterne Mummers: The Mummers were very pleased with their certificate from the Area Board.
·  Neighbourhood Group: Mr Chandler reported the Social Club had received funding from Aster.
4. / Neighbourhood Plan: Mr Hunt-Grubbe reported the steering group had had a further meeting and that both he and Philip Mackie had attended a Worton Parish Council meeting to discuss how they started the Neighbourhood plan for Potterne.
Mr Hunt-Grubbe is still unsure whether an environmental sustainability assessment will be required.
The steering group have agreed to employ the services of Peter Kent, a local planning consultant to assist with the development of the plan.
5. / Website: Mr Burns was pleased to report he has found someone who could provide website facilities where organisations in the village could add their own updates, but it would be an overall village website. Costs for this were estimated at £300, which the Parish Council agreed were very reasonable. The Council agreed to earmark £500 towards the cost, which hopefully would include some training.
7. / Annual Parish Meeting: 30th April 2014: The Neighbourhood Planning team have agreed to do a presentation at the Annual Parish Meeting, as well as someone from the Clinical Commissioning Group, which will be entitled ‘Local Changes to the NHS’.
Discussion on the purchase of a media projector took place and it is hoped the village hall could purchase one, if the Parish Council assisted with funds to provide such an item. Not only would this be of benefit to the hall, but also to the Parish Council and Neighbourhood Plan group. Mr Molland will discuss this possibility with the village hall committee.
Mrs Straw and the Clerk will arrange refreshments, but it is hoped Councillors will assist on the evening. / AM

Open Session

Mr Hoddinott declared that the meeting was temporarily suspended to allow for an open session for 10 minutes so that the public could place questions to the Council to be discussed at the next meeting if confirmed in writing.


/ CPRE meeting: Mr Hoddinott reported that he and The Clerk had attended the CPRE Best Kept Village information evening, which was followed by planning information talk by Mike Willmott, head of planning at Wiltshire Council. The evening had been very informative, but Mr Willmott seemed to be trying to persuade those present not to undertake neighbourhood Plans unless you were a large town.


/ Reparation work at cemetery: The Clerk had circulated an email to Councillors, which showed her response to the Wiltshire Youth Integrated Services team, whether two youths could carry out supervised work at the cemetery in Brownleaze Lane. This matter was discussed and thought a good idea.
Concern was raised regarding the two youths that had held up the Post Mistress, and it seems apparent that people in the village wanted to see the youths charged with their offence and that they should write an apology to the Post Mistress. The Clerk asked to write to the Police and Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire to ask why the youths do not appear to have been charged. Also if it is the two youths that might work at the cemetery with the Youth Team, it might be seen as a bad idea as there is a strong feeling of resentment in the village. / Clerk


/ Bridleway, Potterne 45: Mr Hunt-Grubbe has been approached by local farmer, Mr Butcher to seek assistance in clarification on removing a fence, as requested by Wiltshire Council. Wiltshire Council has told Mr Butcher to remove the fence, as it is not allowing the full width of the bridleway, which is eight metres, to be used. Wiltshire Council will charge Mr Butcher if they have to come and remove the fence. The removal of this fence will mean there is at least a two-foot drop along the edge of the bridleway.
Mr Edwards has already been in communication with Mr Butcher and agreed to talk to Mr Butcher again.
/ There were no further comments from the public therefore Mr Hoddinott closed the Open Session.
05/14/15 / Correspondence:
1. / Wiltshire Council: 1 Tonne Salt bag scheme: Wiltshire Council is asking parishes to inform them if they have suitable places and resources to store and distribute road salt. Parishes would be responsible for the dry storage of the salt and coordinating salt to the spread on their local roads and paths. The Parish Council felt they had no facilities that would be central to the village.
2. / Devizes Area Neighbourhood Plan: The Parish Council had been sent a consultation document re the Devizes Area Neighbourhood Plan and asked to make comments.
Councillors briefly discussed the plan and will submit their comments for the Clerk to collate and submit.
06/14/15 / Finance:
1. / Accounts to be paid and transfer sufficient funds to pay accounts: It was proposed and agreed that these accounts be paid and sufficient funds transferred to pay same.
Cheq. No. / Payable to / Net / VAT / Gross
1341 / F A Coles / 295.00 / 295.00
1342 / Sally Hoddinott (Salary) (Expenses) / 345.93
87.20 / 345.93
1343 / HMRC / 86.40 / 86.40
1344 / Wiltshire Council / 228.44 / 228.44
1345 / Wessex Water / 5.36 / 5.36
1346 / Southern Electric / 13.40 / .67 / 14.07
1347 / CPRE / 36.00 / 36.00
1348 / Devizes & District Link / 250.00 / 250.00
1349 / WALC / 463.00 / 92.60 / 555.60
/ 1810.73 / 93.27 / 1904.00
2. / Donation request from NSPCC: A request to assist with general funding had been received. It was agreed to defer this item to the Precept meeting later in the year when all requests for donation that are not urgent will be discussed.
07/14/15 / Planning: There were no items for discussion
08/14/15 / / Footpaths & Highways: No items for discussion /
09/14/15 / / Burial and Property Maintenance: No items for discussion /
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.50pm

Minutes of the meeting held by Potterne Parish Council held on Wednesday 9th April 2014 in Potterne Village Hall to discuss planning applications received.

Present: Mr Hoddinott, Mr Molland, Mrs Straw, Mr Huntley, Mr Chandler, Mr Hunt-Grubbe,

Mr Burns, Mr Edwards, Mr Balls and Councillor Liz Bryant.

Apologies: Mr Twiney and Mr Smart

Mr Hoddinott declared an interest in this application (14/02109/FUL) and took no part in the discussion or decision.

14/02109/FUL / Ware Farm
West End, Potterne / Internal alterations within existing farmhouse, conversion of existing double garage / office to create drawing room with connecting hallway. Replace existing garden room with new orangery wit addition of breakfast room extension. Demolish existing dilapidated carport, garden store and chicken shed and replace with new carport, garden store, snooker room and gym.

No objection

Minutes of the meeting held by Potterne Parish Council held on Thursday, 1st May 2014 to discuss planning applications received.

Present: Mr Hoddinott, Mrs Straw, Mr Huntley, Mr Chandler, Mr Hunt-Grubbe,

Mr Burns, Mr Edwards, Mr Balls and Mr Twiney

14/03220/FUL / Sugarwell
Coxhill Lane
Potterne / Single storey extension to cricket club pavilion and alterations for DDA usage

No objections raised

14/03580/FUL / Land adjacent to Four Winds
11 Silver Street
Potterne / Detached dwelling

The Parish Council consider the siterestricted, but would raise no objection to theapplication subject tocondition removing any permitted development rights to protect the amenity of the existing dwelling.

14/03398/FUL / Little Farm
Whistley Road
Potterne / Annexe garage conversion, new garage, demolition of existing lean-to extension, two single storey rear extension, single storey side extension and front dormers windows to new house

The Parish Council raise no objection to thisapplication subject to occupation of the annexe being tied the main dwelling.
Minutes of the meeting held by Potterne Parish Council held on Wednesday 9th April 2014 in Potterne Village Hall to discuss nominations for the Jubilee Cup.

Present: Mr Hoddinott, Mr Molland, Mrs Straw, Mr Huntley, Mr Chandler, Mr Hunt-Grubbe,

Mr Burns, Mr Edwards, Mr Balls and Councillor Liz Bryant.

Apologies: Mr Twiney and Mr Smart

Two nominations had been received for the Jubilee Cup and bother were considered very worthy recipients. After discussion it was agreed to award the cup to Mrs Sheila Gover, who has given numerous years as the Editor of the Parish Magazine and is now stepping down to hand the reigns to someone else.