Minutes of

The Andover Health Centre Medical Practice

Patient Participation Group Meeting (PPG)

Monday 7th June 2010

Present: Dr Will Liddell (GP Partner), Lydia Higginson (Practice Manager),

Jim Hanson, Karen Jenkins, John Rose, Katie Denton, Doreen Denton, Pam Prince, Jim Tuckwell and Zander Greig.

Previous Minutes: These were agreed.

AOB: Premises Update – Dr Liddell updated the PPG that Winchester and Eastleigh Healthcare Trust (WEHCT), still want to move us out of the current Health Centre building and sell off the land for housing. Dr Liddell explained that the Primary Care Trust (PCT) who re-imburse our rent will not consider increasing our rent which is stopping us moving premises.

Unwanted Medicines – Lydia explained she had contacted the Head of Medicines Management at Hampshire PCT to enquire if the Practice could take unwanted medicines over the counter to send to Intercare who support medical aid for Africa as proposed at the last PPG meeting. She has received a reply saying the PCT follow the WHO guidelines who do not support the use of expired and/or medicines returned from patients. They state in reality aid agencies tend to go to the pharmaceutical industry to request supplies of what is needed for the specific crisis and the industry and very good at responding. There have been a number of problems with medicines that have expired, are labelled in the wrong language or not actually needed (therefore providing the recipient county with the problems of disposal) being supplied to countries hence the WHO guidance.

The link to the WHO guidelines:

Practice Boundaries – Lydia explained that currently patients are registered with Doctors in the area in which they live. However there is considerable pressure on the government to abolish practice boundaries enabling patients to register with any doctor of their choice. Dr Liddell explained the benefits of having practice boundaries and indeed the problems that would arise if boundaries were abolished. He explained it would be very difficult if the patient requested a home visit and they lived in Southampton. Lydia also explained that at present all the patients medical history is kept on their medical record held on computer where they are registered and if there was dual registration this would cause a problem.

The PCT are encouraging PPG’s to make their views on the subject online by visiting www.gpchoice.dh.gov.uk

Triage System – Dr Liddell explained that we now have a Triage Nurse, Vicki Lloyd who started at the beginning of May who is assisting the duty doctor with the triage calls. Vicki is an experienced triage nurse who has worked for several years in Basingstoke’s Out of Hours service. He explained from a Practice point of view the new system is working well and asked for feedback from the group. None of the PPG had experienced the nurse triage system yet but said they would ask around and report back their findings.

Practice Website –

Lydia displayed the Practice website site and asked for the PPG members to take the time to visit the site. Lydia will add the PPG details to the website. It was also suggested that the Practice should have a Practice Leaflet with the same information in for patients who do not have internet access. Some PPG members have had problems requesting repeat prescriptions via the website. Lydia asked them to report any problems to her or Carol (Lydia’s assistant) if problem occurs.

NHS Choices Website –

Lydia again displayed this website and explained there is a section on this website for patients to add comments regarding their experiences of the Practice. Dr Liddell encouraged the PPG members to visit the website and add any comments they see fit.

BMA Website –

Lydia also displayed this website and encouraged the PPG members to visit and add comments. BMA stands for British Medical Association.


It was commented that the use of the internet for patients to diagnose their own problems could result in the patients becoming over anxious. Dr Liddell said he always advised patients to use bona fide websites and recommends the website – it was suggested that the Practice put a link from it’s website to this website.

A couple of the PPG members reported different experiences of the new Phlebotomy service in the new outpatient departments; one positive one not so positive.

Date of Next Meeting Monday 4th October 6pm