Stage Challenge 2013
We would like to congratulate your son/daughter on their successful audition as a member of this year’s Stage Challenge production.
Stage Challenge is a performing arts competition for students aged between 10-19 years. The focus of Stage Challenge is for students to perform at the best of their ability without the use of tobacco, alcohol or other drugs. It communicates health and social education messages to teenagers in a positive and supportive environment. You can visit for more information.
Competition Date and Venue
The regional competition is to be held on the 20thof May (Term 2, Week 3) at CBS Arena.
Commitment requirements
Cast members will be expected to attend 1-3 practices a week during Term 1. At least one of these practices will be after school but will be finished by 5pm. Important after-school full-cast rehearsals will occur during the first two weeks of Term 2.
If necessary, there will also be 1 or 2 Weekendrehearsals, however, we will release details of these closer to the time.
There will be two full day rehearsals in the school holidays. These are Monday 29th April and Tuesday 30th April from 9am-3pm both days.
As Burnside High School has always performed well in this competition, we have high expectations for our cast. We ask that if you participate in Stage Challenge that you are flexible with rehearsal times and give your student leaders your full-participation.
If your child has previous knowledge that they are unable to attend a rehearsal they must inform their student leaders or Miss Sullivan.
Parents evening
There will be an evening in the Aurora Centre on Wednesday 15th May at 7pm for family, friends and other members of the community to come and watch both the OPEN and RAW groups perform. This will be a gold coin donation.
Cost of involvement
The cost to be involved in Stage Challenge is $50. This cost is made up from a levy of $15 that is sent to the stage challenge foundation for each student, a donation of $15 to assist us in producing the show and $20 for a cast t-shirt, which is worn on event day
The date for your payment is Friday 19th AprilPlease return your permission slip and payment to the student office before this date.
Miss Sullivan(Teacher in Charge)
Student Leaders–Chloe Kannangara, Janou Kannangara, Helen Gaghis, Tayla Tank, Nicole Withers, Emma Richardson, Laura Albertson
Please note that the content of this form is confidential and will only be used by the liaison teacher, senior management and the school nurse.
Please return this form by Friday 19th April
The payment of $50 needs to be placed in a sealed envelope labelled “Stage Challenge” with the student’s name and form class clearly shown and taken to the student office.
Student Name:......
Form Class:...... Division:......
Home Phone Number:......
Parent/Caregiver Daytime Emergency Contact:......
Student Mobile Number:......
Medical Conditions and medication required during the day of competition:
- I give my permission for my son/daughter to participate in the Stage Challenge 2013 competition (20th May).
- I have read the attached letter and understand the participation requirements.
- The participation fee of $50 has been delivered to the student office to assist with production expenses.
Signed:...... Date:......
Due Date: Friday 19th April