The Anatomy of a Revolution

The Anatomy of a Revolution


The Anatomy of a Revolution

How do ideas change society?

Standard 10.2 Students compare and contrast the Glorious Revolution of England, the American Revolution, and the French Revolution and their enduring effects worldwide on the political expectations of self-government and individual liberty.

The American Revolution and the French Revolution were sparked by new ideals of freedom, equality, and popular sovereignty that were first expressed by the philosophes of the Enlightenment era which came to fuel the cries for independence and revolt that would be heard around the world for the next two hundred years. The lessons on the revolutions follow lessons on the Enlightenment, the Scientific Revolution, and the Anatomy of a Revolution. In the study at hand, the students will be given the opportunity to develop an understanding of the concept “revolution” as they explore the conditions that lead to revolutions in various world nations and compare the course that those revolutions took.

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Anatomy of a Revolution PPT Notes / 20B / 21A HW#1 DUE
French Revolution Video Questions
Project Assigned / 22B / 23A HW #2 DUE
French Revolution Video Questions
26B / 27A HW #3 DUE
Project Workday / 28B / 29A PROJECT DUE
Presentations / 30B
NO SCHOOL – OCT BREAK / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14

HW assignments on the back ------

HW #1 (10 Points) DUE: Wednesday, September 21st

Read Section (pgs. 206-211) in Modern World History.

1) Why might Parliament want to restrict American colonial trade?

2) Why would taxation without representation seem unfair to Enlightenment thinkers?

3) Was the Declaration of Independence justified or was it treason?

4) Why would the states want to avoid a strong national government?

5) The delegates at the Constitutional Convention argued for months. What united and motivated them for so long?

6) Why might it be important to have a Bill of Rights that guarantees basic rights?

7) Summarize in two paragraphs the ideas of the American Revolution concerning separation of powers, basic rights of freedom and popular sovereignty.

Key terms: Use these in your answers.

Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, checks and balances, federal system, Bill of Rights, Articles of Confederation, Constitution

HW #2 (10 Points) DUE: Friday, September 23rd

Read (pgs. 217-227 in Modern World History

1) What did the clergy do for society that might justify their low tax rate?

2) What group within the 3rd Estate would suffer the most from the increase in the price of bread?

3) Why do you think Louis chose to raise taxes on the nobility?

4) Why did nobles expect each estate to have one vote?

5) What results would show that the National Assembly was a legitimate government?

6) After years of oppression, what finally caused the French people to revolt?

7) What can you infer about the power of Louis from his signing of the 1791 Constitution?

8) In what way was the National Convention that took office in September 1792 more radical that the National Assembly of September 1791?

9) What does the large number of executions among the urban poor and middle class suggest about support for the revolution?

10) What reasons did the members of the National Convention and the public have for opposing the Reign of Terror?

Key terms: Use in your answers.

Old Regime, estates, Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Estates-General, National Assembly, Legislative Assembly, émigré, sans-culotte, Jacobin, guillotine, Maximillian Robespierre, Reign of Terror

HW #3 (8 Points) DUE: Tuesday, September 27th

In your textbook read (pgs. 247 – 252) in Modern World History

1) How can people have such different philosophies?

2) How did nationalism blur the line between philosophies?

3) Why did leaders of powerful countries oppose revolution even when not directed at them?

4) How were the revolutions in Italy different from the revolutions in Greece, Belgium, and Poland?

5) How were the actions of the radicals contrary to their philosophy?

6) Was the election of Louis-Napoleon a victory for the radicals?

7) How did Russia’s defeat in the Crimean War push it towards political reform?

8) Were the peasants better off after the serfs were freed?

Key terms: Use these in your answers. Conservative, liberal, radical, nationalism, nation-state, the Balkans, Louis-Napoleon, Alexander II