The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho - Study Questions

Directions: answer on a separate sheet of paper using complete sentences

Prologue and pages 3-10*

1.  Why do you think Paulo Coelho uses the legend of Narcissus in the prologue?

2.  The novel opens with Santiago thinking about his sheep. What does he observe about their existence? (Use specific examples/quotes from the text)

3.  How might the sheep symbolize the way some people live their lives?

4.  How does Santiago’s observation that the sheep “have forgotten to rely on their own instincts” foreshadow what might be coming in the novel?

5.  How does Santiago’s father react when his son tells him that he wants to travel? (Use specific examples/quotes from the text)

Pages 10*- 25*

1.  Why do you think the old fortuneteller says that Santiago’s dream is difficult to interpret?

2.  Why is Santiago suspicious of her? (Use specific examples/quotes from the text)

3.  The old man tells Santiago a story about a miner and an emerald. How does it connect to Santiago’s situation?

4.  What does the old man mean when he says that “treasure is uncovered by the force of flowing water, and it is buried by the same currents?

5.  What does the quote in question #4 have to do with the story of the miner and the emerald?

Pages 25*- 33*

1.  What point does the old man’s story about the boy in the castle and the drops of oil make? (page 30-32)

2.  How might this story apply to us/you/society in our modern lives? (1 paragraph minimum)

3.  What does the King give to Santiago to help him to recognize omens?

Pages 33*- 47

  1. How do Santiago’s thoughts and perceptions about himself and the world begin to change on pages 42-44? Support your answer with a quote(s) from the novel, include the page number. (1 paragraph minimum)
  1. Describe 3 things that Santiago sees now that he has never noticed before. Support your answer with a quote(s) from the novel, include the page number.

Pages 51 – 61*

1.  What lessons does Santiago learn by working at the crystal shop? Use specific examples from the novel. (Quotes and page #’s)

2.  Why do you think Paulo Coelho chooses to have Santiago work in a crystal shop? Why not in a bar? In the market? For a rug merchant?

3.  How does the crystal merchant’s explanation for NOT taking the pilgrimage to Mecca highlight the difference between Santiago and the merchant?

4. What effect does the merchant say Santiago has on him? On his business?

Pages 61*- 79*

1.  The Englishman and his goals are described on pages 65-70. What/who is he looking for? Give specific examples from the text. (Quotes and page #’s)

2.  What does the Englishman demonstrate to Santiago that he already knows?

3.  How does the Englishman define the SOUL OF THE WORLD?

4.  How does the Englishman connect the idea of the SOUL OF THE WORLD to the relationship between the caravan and the desert?

Pages 80-87*

  1. What are the Englishman’s books about? (Be specific by giving examples from the text and/or quotes)
  1. Why is the Englishman in Africa? (Be specific by giving examples from the text and/or quotes)
  1. Define the word Bedouins (p. 84) and explain what they have to do with the novel.
  1. Define the word oasis (p. 86) and explain what it has to do with the novel.

Pages 87*-104*

  1. The oasis is described in great detail. How does its lushness, laughter and color reflect what Santiago finds there? Use quotes to support your answer.
  1. Where else in the novel does Coelho provide details about the physical setting in order to lend more meaning to the events which occur there? Use quotes to support your answer.
  1. Explain how Santiago’s union with Fatima represents the Language of the World, according to Santiago on page 93. Use quotes to support your answer.
  1. Why does Fatima accept that her new husband wanders the desert, as she explains on page 98? Use quotes to support your answer.

Pages 104*- 116*

  1. What is the meaning of the two dead hawks and the falcon in the oasis? Use quotes to support and explain your answer.
  1. How does this omen change Santiago’s status in society? Use quotes to support and explain your answer.

Pages 116*- 132*

  1. During his trek through the desert with the alchemist, Santiago is told of many basic truths. The alchemist says, “There is only one way to learn. It’s through action. Everything you need to know you have learned through your journey” (125). What are some of the things that Santiago has learned on his journey through action? Use quotes to support your answer. (Minimum of 5 examples)

Pages 132*-142*

  1. Summarize The Alchemist page133- 138*. Use quotes to support your answer.
  1. Summarize The Alchemist page 138*- 139*. Use quotes to support your answer.
  1. Summarize The Alchemist page 139*- 142*. Use quotes to support your answer.

Pages 142*- 152*

  1. Summarize The Alchemist page 142*- 143*. Use quotes to support your answer.
  1. Summarize The Alchemist page 143*. Use quotes to support your answer.
  1. Summarize The Alchemist page 143*-152. Use quotes to support your answer.

Pages 153-167

  1. Why do you think that the alchemist tells Santiago the story about the man’s dream about the two sons (the poet and the soldier) on page 156? Use quotes to support your answer.
  1. Why did Santiago have to go through the dangers of the tribal wars on the outskirts of the oasis in order to reach the Pyramids? Use quotes to support your answer.
  1. The boy remembers the old proverb: “The darkest hour of the night came just before the dawn.” How does this apply to his current situation? Use quotes to support your answer.
  1. At the end of the journey, why does the alchemist leave Santiago alone to complete it? Use quotes to support your answer.
  1. Earlier in the story, the alchemist told Santiago “when you possess great treasures within you, and try to tell others of them, seldom are you believed.” At the end of the story, how did this simple lesson change Santiago’s life? Use quotes to support your answer.
  1. How did it lead him back to the treasure he was looking for? Use quotes to support your answer.