The aims of this study day are:
- To describe the specific clinical features of the persons with TBI related to their “vulnerability” and making them different from others categories of vulnerable persons.
- To illustrate specific conditions where the vulnerability of TBI persons made them prone to ill-treatment, violation of rights and discrimination.
- To describe how the legal systems in different European Countries can (or cannot) protect the rights and dignity of the TBI persons.
Villa Pace Park Hotel Bolognese Treviso (Best Western)
Via Terraglio 175, 31022 Preganziol - Italy
Tel. : +39 0422 490390
Fax : +39 0422 383637
Web Url:
Languages of the meeting: English, French, Italian
(with simultaneous translation)
For more information:
EBIS Secretariat
Phone: + 32 (0)2 522 20 03
Fax : + 32 (0)2 521 65 55
European Brain Injury Society
« Vulnerability after traumatic brain injury :
from benevolence to abuse.
Medical, legal, psychological, social and ethical aspects.»
Treviso(Preganziol) -Italy
Friday 25th November 2011
With the participation of :
- Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro (INAIL)
- Societa’ Italiana di Medicina Fisica e Riabilitativa (SIMFER)
- Associazione Melchiorre Gioia
- Federazione Nazionale Associazioni Trauma Cranico (FNATC)
- Societa’ Medico-Legale del Triveneto
- Azienda ULSS9 Treviso
8.30 amWelcome
9.00 amOpening speech :
- Mrs Christine Croisiaux-EBISPresident - Director of “La Braise”- Brussels (B)
- Pr Jean-Luc Truelle -EBISVice-President - Neurologist - Service of Physical and Rehabilitation Medecine C.H.U. Raymond Poincaré - Mediator - Garches (F)
Chairpersons: - Dr Rita Formisano - Foundation Santa Lucia - Roma (I)
- Dr GiovanniPietro Salvi- President “La Rete” (I)
9.30 amTestimonies/ experiences of families and/or patients, associations
in Italy.
10.00 amVulnerability and clinical specificity of the TBI persons :
Pr Hans-Erich Diemath-Professor Emeritus - Neurosurgical University Hospital Salzburg - Medical legal expert (Chairman of the legal conference of the Osterreichische Arztekammer (legal medical Association) - Honorary President of E.M.N. - Salzburg(A)
10.30 amCoffee break
11.00 amMedical legal aspects :
Pr Paolo Cortivo-Professor Emeritus of Forensic Medicine - University of Padova- President of the “Società Medico-Legale del Triveneto” (I)
11.30 amSecurity and vulnerability in handicapsituation:
Which measurement favorable to the risk management in the environment?
Mrs Christine Croisiaux -EBIS President - Exposé sur le travail mené par Mr Louis Plamondon - Juriste et sociologue - Partenaire sur Réseau Internet Francophone Vulnérabilités et Handicaps - Québec (Ca)
12.00 amDisability, human rights and UN convention : an European
Mme Donata Vivanti - European Disability Forum Vice-President
(E.D.F.) (I)
12.30 am - 2.00 pm : Lunch
Chairpersons : -Mr Vincenzo M. Saraceni - Presidentof the Italian Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (SIMFER)(I)
-Dr Cristina Dal Pozzo - Chief Medical Officer of the Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione sugli Infortuni sul lavoro (INAIL) (I)
2.00pmLegal aspects, human rights, discrimination :
Vulnerability of the brain injured person, bioethic and legal aspect, regarding the international law of human rights.
Ms Laurence Azoux Bacrie -Doctor in Bioethics and Biological -Lawyer at the Court- Mediator (F)
2.30pmLegal aspectsin different European countries:
- ABI Consortium- France, Slovenia, Hungary, Austria:
Mrs Danielle Jagodic -Project ABI coordinator Center for persons with ABI Zarja - Ljubljana (Slo)
- Belgium : Mrs Sarah Botticelli - Avocate at the Brussels Bar
- United Kingdom : Mrs Katherine Allen - Lawyer - London
3.45 pmRound Table: «Vulnerability of TBI persons in the different European countries.»
Moderator: Dr Paolo Boldrini - EBIS Vice-President- Director - Dipartimento Interaziendale di Riabilitazione -ULSS9 Ospedale Riabilitativo di Motta di Livenza Treviso (I)
- Pr Philippe Azouvi-Professor of physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - University of Versailles Saint Quentin - Hospital Raymond Poincare - Garches (F)
- Dr Paolo Fogar - President of the “Federazione Nazionale Associazioni Traumi Cranici” (FNATC) (I)
- DrGiovanni Cannavo - President of the Association “Melchiorre
Gioia” (I)
- Mrs Irena Reberšak -Director of Center for personswith acquired brain injury Zarja, Ljubljana -President ofthe Associationoforganizationsfor persons with acquired brain injuryat SOU Slovenia, member EASPD(Slo)
5.00 pmConclusions :
Dr Paolo Boldrini- EBIS Vice-President
5.30 pmGeneral Assembly of EBIS Members