Gdańsk, the 5th of October, 2011
The agreement covers the participation of The International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology based in Warsaw into the conduct and operation ofthe full-time Life Sciences and Mathematics Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies at the University of Gdańsk
The Agreement concluded between:
The University of Gdańsk, based in Gdańsk, Bażyńskiego 1A Street,
represented by:
Prof GrzegorzWęgrzyn, Ph.D. hab., Vice Rector for Research at the University of Gdańsk, countersigned by the Bursar KatarzynaNiemierko, M.Sc.,
Prof Ewa Łojkowska, Ph.D. hab., Director of LiSMIDoS, Dean of the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology,University of Gdańsk-Medical University of Gdańsk,
Prof. Adam Majewski, Ph.D. hab., Dean of the Facultyof Mathematics, Physics and Informatics,
Prof. DariuszSzlachetko, Ph.D. hab., Dean of the Faculty of Biology,
Prof. AndrzejWiśniewski, Ph.D. hab., Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry,
further referred to as “the University”
The International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, based in Warsaw, KsięciaTrojdena 4 Street
Represented by:
- Prof. JacekKuźnicki, Ph.D. hab., Director of the Institute
- JacekJaworski, Ph.D. hab., professor at IIMCB, Deputy Director,
- Hanna Iwaniukowicz, M.Sc., Chief Accountant,
further referred to as “the Institute”
The University conducts the full-time Life Sciences and Mathematics Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies, further referred to as LiSMIDoS in accordance with the University of Gdańsk Senate Resolution No 38/10 of 29 April 2010 and the IMPSD (LiSMIDoS) Agreement of 24 November 2010, according to the regulation administered by the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 19 December 2006 (Journal of Law 2007, no 1, item. 3) including amendments of 9 February 2009 (Journal of Law no 30, item 194) and according to the decision of the four Faculty Councils: Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology,University of Gdańsk-Medical University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdańsk,Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, University of Gdańsk to create an interdisciplinary 4-year full-time doctoral studies programme, enabling students to obtain a Ph.D. degree in the field of Life Sciences in the disciplines of biology or biochemistry, in the field of Chemical Sciences in the discipline of chemistry, in the field of Physical Sciences in the disciplines of physics, or in the field of Mathematical Sciences in the discipline of mathematics.
LiSMIDoS organisation principles are covered in the Resolution No 38/10 of 29 April 2010 by the University of Gdańsk Senate, regarding the launching of the LiSMIDoSprogramme conducted in English, and are consistent with the Rules and Regulations of the University of Gdańsk (The University of Gdańsk Senate Resolution No 27/08 of 27 March 2008), further referred to as The Regulations.
The studies within the LiSMIDoSprogramme are conducted in a form of University Community, consisting of Ph.D. students and the academic staff of the Faculties participating in the programme. All LiSMIDoS activities are coordinated by the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Gdańsk-Medical University of Gdańsk, further referred to as UG-MUG.
The parties herein agree as follows:
- The Institute accedes to the IMPSD (LiSMIDoS) Agreement of 24 November 2010 (attachment No 1) with equal rights and status with the consent of the parties.
- The institute is entitled to the rights and obligations under the IMPSD (LiSMIDoS) Agreement and Regulations of LiSMIDoS concerning the Faculties. Any provisions of the Agreement and the Regulation concerning the Dean of the Faculty are also applicable to the Director of the Institute. The Institute shall nominate two representatives to the University Programme Council of LiSMIDoS. It is required that the members of the Council on the part of the Institute hold at least a scientific degree of doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) with a habilitation or be employed as university professors.
- The representatives of the Institute actively participate in the work of the Programme Council and in the recruitment procedure; however it is agreed, that some of the procedures and voting can be carried out electronically. Prime and secondary supervisors employed by the Institute may participate in the recruitment procedure.
- The institute will prepare the Educational Offer (lectures and seminars) available to all students ofLiSMIDoS. The lectures and seminars shall be conducted in a modular mode at the University of Gdańsk, in the form of a video-conference at the University of Warsaw or at dedicated scientific events, such as scientific summer schools and others.
- The University will grant and disburse PhD scholarships to the students referred from the Institute in the amount agreed upon by both the student’s supervisor and the Director of the Institute, but not lower than that specified for a particular academic year in the Rules and Regulations of the University of Gdańsk, unless the student’s scholarship is funded from external sources.
- The Institute covers the expenses of scholarships disbursed in accordance with Paragraph 2 (1), unless the scholarships of the PhD students from the Institute are funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education via University of Gdańsk or by another independent funding source.
- All expenses related to the doctoral conferment procedures of the students referred from the Institute, including salaries for supervisors and reviewers, shall be covered by the Institute, provided they are not covered by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education via University of Gdańsk or by another independent funding source.
- The Institute shall not fund nor the University shall cover any expenses related to the education of students within the LiSMIDoSthat were not previously agreed upon in writing.
- Regulations of LiSMIDoS (Attachment No 2) and the Schedule of Studies (Attachment No 3) constitute an integral part of this Agreement. The attachments are available at the website of Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG-MUG.
- All the documents concerning the course of studies of the LiSMIDoS students are handled by the Dean’s Office of the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG-MUG, while the relevant administration bodies on the part of the Institute (the director, human resources, accounts department) may access the documents which are related to their PhD students.
- The parties agree to undertake joint action to create Information & Communication Technology Platform to enable the students from both parties to participate in the lectures conducted both in Gdańsk and Warsaw.
- The Institute shall make research facilities available to the LiSMIDoS students and, where possible, shall accept the LiSMIDoS students into research internships programmes.
- The Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period and shall enter into forceon the day of its signing.
- In the event of flagrant breach of the Agreementeach party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement at the end of an academic year.
- In matters not regulated by this agreement, provisions of the Polish Civil Code and the Act on academic degrees and academic title and degrees and title in art (Amendment of 18 March 2011) (Dz.U. Nr 84 poz. 455) shall apply.
- The parties shall aim at harmonizing the text of the Agreement of 14 November 2009 covering the formation of the Life Sciences and Mathematics Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies (LiSMIDoS) and the Regulations ofLiSMIDoS in consistence with the attached Letter of intent.
Any changes and amendments to this Agreement shall be made in writing.
Any dispute between the parties relating to or arising from this Agreement shall be submitted to the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Regional Chamber of Legal Counsels in Gdansk.
The agreement has been made in three identical copies, one for the University, one for the Institute and one for UG-MUG, as the representatives of the Faculties participating in LiSMIDoS.
Signatures of the representatives