
The Age of Napoleon Begins

The Man From Corsica:

  • Napoleon was born in Corsica to a family of minor nobility with little money.
  • At 9, he was sent for military training in France & was s 20 yr old lieutenant at the start of the revolution
  • He favored Jacobins & republican rule, especially since they were the winning side at the time.

Early Successes.

  • He rose quickly in the army, winning against the British at Toulon (1793), defeating the Austrians, & capturing northern Italy.
  • In 1798, he invaded Egypt to disrupt British trade with India, but the campaign was disastrous.
  • By 1799, be helped overthrow the Directory & set up the Consulate (3man board).
  • Another constitution was written & Napoleon was named 1st Consul; then consul for life in 1802.

A Self-made Emperor:

  • In 1804, he accumulated enough power to be crowned Emperor.
  • He invited the Pope to Notre Dame Cathedral; took the crown from the Pope & crowned himself.
  • He always held plebiscite (ballot where everyone chooses yes or no) & each time he was supported.

France Under Napoleon

  • He strengthened the central government & made order, security,& efficiency the new slogan.


  • Modernized finance; regulated economy by controlling prices, encouraging new industries, & building roads & canals.
  • He encouraged public schools to ensure the country has excellent officials & officers.
  • Made peace with the Catholic Church in the Concordat of 1801 by giving religious freedom for Catholics.
  • Encouraged émigrés to return; allowed peasants to keep land they bought from the Church & nobles; & made government jobs open to all; Brought back order.

Napoleonic Code

  • A new law code that had Enlightenment principles such as equality of all before the law, religious toleration, advancement based on merit or talent.
  • Women lost most of their rights as they were considered minors with the rights of citizenship.
  • He valued order & authority over individual rights.

Subduing an Empire

  • 1804—1814, he faced the combined forces of the greatest European powers.
  • He valued quick movements & had a new plan for each battle.
  • He took great risks & even suffered great losses.

The Grand Empire

  • He redrew the map of Europe & added the Netherlands, Beligum, parts of Italy & Germany.
  • He abolished the Holy Roman Empire, cut Prussia in half, forced alliances & treaties on his enemies.
  • He put his friends & family on the thrones of Europe. (Joseph on Spanish throne)
  • Divorce his wife to marry Josephine, niece of Marie Antoinette for her family’s name.

France Versus Britain

  • Only Britain remained outside Napoleon’s empire due to its strong navy.
  • In 1805, Napoleon prepared to invade England but at the Battle of Trafalgar Admiral Horatio Nelson defeated a French fleet.
  • He closed all European ports to British goods (Continental system). Britain blockaded European ports. Both sides took neutral ships suspected of trading with the other side.

Successes & Failures.

  • Continental system reduced British exports but the British navy kept trade routes to America & India open.
  • Trade restrictions hurt Europe as goods were scarce & prices soared.
  • Many merchants ignored Napoleon’s ban & smuggled goods.