
We are pleased to give you information about our school and are glad to welcome you and your child into our program. We want to make your child’s experience in Wee Care Preschool a happy one!


The address is: Wee Care Preschool

501 S. Whitney

Room 108 and Room 123

Marshall, MN 56258

Website address:

The telephone number is: 507-532-6642

(Holy Redeemer School)

Home Office Address: Wee Care Preschool

Heidi Aufenthie: Director/Owner

2188 State Hwy 19

Marshall, MN 56258


Home Office Telephone: 507-532-5776


We wish to provide experiences where the child can meet success and where they will develop a positive self-image and a sense of self-worth.

Wee Care Goals

At Wee Care Preschool it is our goal for each child to:

1.Develop social growth through group activities and understanding of others.

2.Develop a positive self-image and sense of self-worth.

3.Encourage development of the child’s creative abilities.

4.Develop physical growth and muscular coordination through educational play.

5.Develop emotional growth through high success experiences and guidance in handling emotions.

6.Develop verbal communications skills and attention span by participating in appropriate activities.

7.Provide a greater understanding of the world through exploration, discovery and a hands-on approach to learning.

Current Staff

Heidi Aufenthie: Director/Owner/ Fun Friday Teacher

Julie Macht: 5 year old Teacher

Kelly Garrels: 4 year old Teacher

LeannaOlsem: 3 year old Teacher

Beth Roelfsema: 4 year old Teacher

Director/ Owner/ Teacher-Heidi Aufenthie

Mrs. Aufenthie is the owner and director of Wee Care Preschool. She graduated from Augustana College in Sioux Falls, SD with a BS degree in K-12 Physical Education and coaching. After graduation, she taught Elementary Physical Education and coached volleyball, basketball and track in Poth, Texas for three years. She later obtained a Pre-kindergarten license from Southwest State University. Prior to her involvement at Wee Care, she was a home daycare provider for 6 years. “Mrs. A” and her husband Charlie have four children. Zach is 19 years old, Spencer is 14 years old, Konnor is 9 years old and Cecily Rae is 7 years old. She teaches the third day option for the four-year-old classes known as Fun Friday and will assist the 3 year old classes and the 5 year old class too this year!

Teacher- Julie Macht

Mrs. Macht is currently the teacher for our 5 year old class. She has taught three, four and five years old classes throughout the last 18 years. Julie attended Mankato State University and Southwest Minnesota State University and she has also acquired a Child Development Associate credential. Mrs. Macht’s favorite part of working with the children is gathering at circle time to sing songs, share stories and to dance! Mrs. Macht also enjoys working part-time at the Marshall Independent. She and her husband Al have four children Kristi, Amy, Bethany or “Beaners”and Andy. They are officially “empty nesters”!

Teacher: Kelly Garrels

Mrs. Garrels is a 2003 graduate of Southwest State University with a degree in Elementary Education and a Preprimary Specialty. She worked four years at the Southwest Minnesota State University Child Care Center before coming to Wee Care. Mrs. Garrels is excited to start her ninth year at Wee Care. She has been a teacher’s assistant for the three and four year old classes at Wee Care in the past and is thrilled to start her seventh year of teaching the four year old classes. When she is not teaching, she is working as a teller at the First Independent Bank. Mrs. Garrels and her husband Dustin have 2 dogs!

Teacher- LeannaOlsem

Before joining the staff at Wee Care, Mrs. Olsem ran a daycare in her home and also worked for Schwans. She started working at Wee Care Preschool in 1997, first as an aide and then after receiving her Child Development Associate credential, as the teacher for all the three year old classes. She and her husband Doug live on Lake Marshall and have three children, Ben (25), Sara (23) and Hayley (20).

Lead Teacher/Assistant- Beth Roelfsema

Mrs. Roelfsema isexcited to be co-teaching the 4-year-old classes with Mrs. Garrels and assistant teaching in the Fun Friday classes with Mrs. A. this year at Wee Care!This will be hereighth year at Wee Care Preschool. Mrs. Roelfsema graduated from Worthington Community College in 1993 with an Associate of Arts degree. She earned her CDA (Child Development Associate) credential in the winter of 2009. Mrs. Roelfsema and her husband Todd have three boys. Zach (16), Tom (15) and Max (14). She enjoys attending her children's sporting events and activities, teaching confirmation at her church and spending time with her family.

Days and Hours of Operation

The preschool is open from mid September to mid May. The licensed capacity is 18 children per class. Children ages three through six years of age may be involved in the program which is set up to service children one, two and three years before Kindergarten. 3-year-old Classes: Mondays (am), Tuesdays (am), with second day options on Wednesdays (am) and Thursdays (am). Room 123

4-year-old Classes: Monday/Wednesday (am or pm), or Tuesday/Thursday (am) with an optional third day on Fridays (am or pm). Room 108

5-year-old Class: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (pm) and Fridays (am). Rm 123

All morning classes are from 8:30-11am and all afternoon classes meet from 12:30-3pm.

A complete list of closing and holidays are printed on the last page of this handbook.

Tuition and fees

Tuition is figured as an annual fee. It may be paid by the year or in 8 equal monthly payments beginning with September and ending with April. A fee schedule will be provided at Parent Night to all parents. Because tuition is an annual fee, no refunds are given for illnesses, vacations or snow days. Snow days are not rescheduled or made up at the end of the year.


If a child needs to be withdrawn from the preschool, one-month notice is required so that another child can fill the vacancy. Should more notice be possible, it would be appreciated. Tuition will be prorated for children leaving the program with notice. Children leaving in April will be expected to a pay a full year’s tuition.

Registration Fee

There is a $25.00 registration fee payable upon registration. This registration fee in non-refundable. Registration for the next school year will begin in February of that year and continue until all spaces are filled.


As previously stated, it is the philosophy of Wee care Preschool that early childhood should be a time of fun, warmth, security, exploring and discovery. Preschool children are creative and receptive, the staff strives to nurture and encourage these qualities in the children who attend this preschool. The purpose of the preschool is to provide an atmosphere that encourages social, emotional, physical and intellectual growth and develop the child as a whole. Planned within the framework of this philosophy and purpose, Wee Care Preschool’s curriculum includes sharing and conversation time, stories, songs, finger plays, creative art activities, games, large muscle activities, field trips throughout the community, food preparation, science and nature activities, exposure to shapes, colors, numbers, letters and celebration of birthdays and holidays. A complete Wee Care Program Plan is on file at the school and may be obtained at any time by the parent.

Field trips

Written permission is necessary for your child to participate in field trips. Any assistance in planning, supervising or driving children on trips is appreciated. In accordance with state law, children are required to be transported with seat belts and seated in booster seats. All parents wishing to be involved in field trips and field trips transportation must complete and be approved by the Department of Human Services with a background check prior to any field trip. Children who are three years old must be transported in an approved safety seat provided by the parents. Parents wishing to help drive for trips will be asked to sign up for each individual trip and must have background check approval.


Snacks are served at each session. They consist of fruits, crackers, bread, peanut butter, etc. 100% juice and 2% milk are also served. An effort is made to provide nutritious snacks for the children. Snacks are also store bought items and stored and kept according to proper specifications.


These are special days. Please talk to your child’s teacher to arrange a special plan for bringing goody bags from your child if you so choose. Birthday treats from home planned for snack will NOT be an option unless specified by your individual teacher. Instead, we prefer birthday goody bags for the children to bring home in the place of a sugary snack at snack time. This individual attention continues to develop a positive self-image in the children. Summer birthdays are celebrated at the end of the school year in May or on the “half birthdays” according to the teacher’s preference.

Transportation and Carpooling

Transportation is provided or arranged for by the parent. Parents frequently form carpools. The staff will be glad to assist you. A list of names and addresses of children who are in your child’s class will be available at the beginning of school to help you in establishing carpools. Please inform the teacher of carpooling arrangements.

School Cancellation

School cancellation will be announced on the Marshall radio stations. If Marshall schools are closed for bad weather, Wee Care will also be closed. If Marshall schools have a 2 hour delayed start, Wee Care classes in the morning session will run from 10:00-12:00pm and the afternoon classes will remain the same. If schools have a 1 hour delayed start, all Wee Care morning sessions will run from 9:00-11:00am. Please check school closings before sending your child on snow mornings and afternoons. Also, check our website for any and all announcements relating to Wee Care Preschool. That website address is


Parents of children who will be absent for any reason during the day should contact the preschool prior to arrival time.


Discipline in the classroom centers on the positive and stresses and commends positive behavior patterns. When possible, we will endeavor to guide a child to redirecting his/her interest or activity if the behavior problem involves what the child is doing and how he/she is interacting with other children. We will help a child learn acceptable behavior alternatives. The safety of the children in the classroom and the staff will be protected and if threatened, immediate and direct consequences will be provided.

In the event those above methods of behavior modification are not effective, the child may be separated from the group for a brief time. Anytime a child is separated from the group, the teacher will enter the date, time and incident in preschool’s separation log. In the event of persistent unacceptable behavior continues, the parent will be contacted for a conference and the staff will observe and record the incidents of negative behavior.

At NO time shall children be subjected to corporal punishment, emotional abuse, separation from the group (except within rule guidelines) punishment for lapses in toilet habits, withholding of food, light, warmth, clothing, medical care or use of physical or mechanical restraints.

Health Information

Each child is required by state regulations to have on file a signed emergency care statement authoring emergency care and transfer of a child to a local hospital and emergency numbers for reaching parents or guardians or another authorized person. Please inform the school of emergency information changes, if you move, change jobs or if home or business phone numbers change.

Each child is required by state regulations to submit a completed health form prior to entry. A physician must sign this form or qualified health care person and must include an up to date record of all immunizations with dates. No child who arrives at school noticeably ill, with a rash, has vomited within the last 24 hours or with a fever of 100 or greater will be admitted for that day. Should a child become ill during the day, parents will be notified immediately and the child will be isolated from the other children by being asked to rest on a cot in the dramatic play area within sight of an adult at all times. Holy Redeemer’s nurse is available for consultation.

In the event the child contracts a communicable disease and exposes the other children, parents will be notified of such exposure when they arrive to pick up their children. The child will not be allowed to return to preschool until the period of contagion has passed.

A staff member trained in CPR and First Aid will be on duty at all times children are present. In case of a medical emergency during a preschool session, a staff member will administer First Aid. The parent or authorized adult will be notified at once. If medical attention is required, the staff will call a local ambulance service that will transport the child to the hospital. Every effort will be made to contact the child’s own physician.

Staff without a doctor’s order will NOT dispense medication. In such cases, the teacher, according to physician’s instructions, will administer it. It will be stored in the nurse’s office (separate room close to the preschool classroom). Refrigeration is available if required.

Research and Publicity

Parental permission will be requested in writing prior to any occasion of research, experimental procedures or public relations activities involving your child.

Drop Off and Pick Up of Children

NO child is to be brought to school until 8:30am for morning classes or 12:30 PM for afternoon classes. The teachers need this time to prepare for projects, plan for the class, review those plans with the assistant teacher and set up activities for the class period. We appreciate NOT having the children arrive until the actual class time begins! NO child will be allowed to walk home unless the school has written permission from the parent or guardian. For safety sake, children must always be left in the care of an adult. Children must also be brought directly to the classroom. Children must never be left at preschool without a teacher present. Parents are asked to return to the classroom to pick up children after class is over.


We observe all holidays. This is an important part of your child’s heritage. We will have parties at Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Easter. Wee Care strives to make observances fun and non-violent. Anyone who wishes to contribute information of other cultural holidays is invited to contact your child’s teacher.


Wee Care Preschool is a proud owner of goldfish or Beta fish, hermit crabs, Tom the Turtle and Snow White and Oscar the parakeets. There will be other pets and animals brought in our classrooms but not without notification to families via monthly newsletters. All pets brought to the classroom for show and tell must be properly cared for, inoculated and licensed (if required by the City of Marshall).

Confidentiality of records

Children’s records are open only to the child’s teacher, the assistant teacher, the Director, an authorized employee of the licensing agency or the child’s parent or legal guardian.


Wee Care preschool is licensed for a capacity of eighteen children per class. We maintain and exceed the minimum requirement of 1 to 10 adult to child ratio.

The Department of Human Services of the State of Minnesota licenses Wee Care. Telephone number is 651-296-3971

Parent Conferences and Communication

This booklet has been supplied in an effort to answer many of your questions. Please contact anyone on staff if you have more questions. Parents are informed of the activities of the preschool through monthly newsletters. The newsletter includes weekly or daily themes, class activities, field trips and suggestions for parents. We also use as a way to communicate with you and our home phone numbers and/or home email addresses are also listed on our newsletters. Parent Boards are also available outside each classroom door detailing your child’s day.

Two opportunities for parent conferences are offered during the year, one in the Fall and one in the Spring. (The Fall Conference is offered while the Spring Conference is scheduled.) Either the parent or the teacher may request an additional conference any time there is a special concern.

State regulations concerning class size and teacher ratio do NOT make it possible for children to bring friends to visit during class time. Parents are encouraged to visit preschool at any time. Because of occasional field trips and special activities, advance notice is suggested, but not required. If the teachers are not free to talk with you, please understand that the children come first during class time. The teachers will happy to talk with you after the children are dismissed. Please remember that this is your preschool and your child’s education. So come and find out what is happening!