Mrs. Wick's 5th Grade Friday Notes

January 20, 2012

Important Dates:

Tues-Thurs., 1/24-26 – Country Project Presentations (Prezi)

(ask your child his/her assigned day; begin at 1:00)

Tues., 1/24 – Science Fair Materials/Procedure Plan (pg. 10-11 and any corrections on previous steps) due

Thurs., 1/26 – Microscope Lab

*Parent help needed @11:15

Fri., 1/27 – Cultural Fair

Ready, Set, Contact

Mrs. Wick 488-7553

Classroom Coordinator:

Mrs. Casey 223-0047


Art next week!

Chapter 15 tests are included in this Friday folder. We began Ch. 5, Data and Graphing, today. Chapters 5 and 6 will benefit students when they begin the testing portion of their Science Fair project.

We are enjoying our unit on the cell. Students have had the opportunity to use the microslide viewers with prepared slides of plant and animal cells as well as viewing cell division (mitosis). We’ll also use ‘real’ microscopes to view live onion cells next Thursday @ 11:15. Please consider helping us out – NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY 

Science Fair: In preparation for Science Fair, extra class time is given to work on daily assignments so that some of their homework time can be used to work on their Science Project. If your child reports he/she finished his/her homework at school, please remind them the homework time should be spent on their Science Project. In this way, students will avoid being overwhelmed the night before a deadline.

Due Tues.:Materials/ Procedure Plan (pgs. 10-11) and any corrections on previous steps. Please review the steps of your child’s procedure for detail!

Students learned about various modes of transportation used to travel west, including the flatboat, steamboat, railroad, and stagecoach. We also learned about the concept of ‘manifest destiny.’ We ended the week with a look at the events at the Alamo.

Students have been working in class on their Prezi projects for their chosen country. All students should be ready to present their project on their assigned day next week. If students are sharing a food product representing their country, the item must be store or restaurant bought as per PSD policy.Students have already been provided 8 netbook sessions in the classroom, but if studentswant more computer time to work on their Prezi, they can use their netbooks in class before or after school (make prior arrangement with Mrs. Wick), or during recess. Students have been encouraged to ‘rehearse’ their presentation, including making notecards, prior to presenting to the class.

Language:Students are using their research, writing, speaking, and listening skills well with their country research projects.

Reading:We are enjoying our current novel,Tom Sawyer.We read from both the unabridged and an abridged version, as well as enjoy the CD occasionally. Please avoid watching the movie while we read the book.