The Acadia First Nation Housing Department consist of 2 Administrative Workers, Jim Pictou who is the Housing Director and Marie Falls who is the Housing Assistant. Also there are 4 Head Licensed Carpenter’s, 3 Apprentice Carpenter’s, 5 Laborers, 1 Head Plumber/Electrician and 1 Electrician Apprentice.
The Housing Department is responsible for the maintenance of all housing units on Reserve, however we have also assisted members off reserve as directed by Chief and Council. Acadia First Nation currently has a total of 133 units on our 5 Reserves that spread out throughout South West Nova Scotia. The units are divided into 3 different categories 1) Section 95 Homes – CMHC delivers the program and may provide direct loans to First Nations to construct, purchase and rehabilitate projects. These loans, for up to 100% of the total eligible capital cost of a project, and insured under the National Housing Act and are guaranteed by the Minister of AANDC. A subsidy is provided to the First Nation for a maximum of 25 years or the duration of the project loan amortization period, whichever is less. The amount of subsidy is determined as follows: Project Subsidy=Loan Repayment + Operating Expenses – Revenue. We current hold 64 Section 95 Homes; 2) Section 10 Homes – Which is a basic mortgage from any financial institution but like a Section 95 has to be guaranteed by the Minister of AANDC. We currently have 9 Section 10 Homes; and 3) Band Owned Homes – Homes that are 100% band owned. We currently have 60 band owned homes.
The duties of the Housing Administrative Staff are to administrate and manage all the housing programs, secure funding, submit reports to the appropriate agencies, assist Band Members and occupants with their request and/or concerns, work with contractors, Canada Mortgage and Housing Commission (CMHC), Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC), Chief and Council and other programs within our Acadia First Nation programs.
Acadia First Nation has experienced positive structural growth in the past decade. We have made a steady progress in the field of housing. The housing, infrastructure, roads and public works are a very important component to Acadia First Nation with a wide range of responsibilities including planning and promoting new developments along with an ever changing environment.
All housing applications and request for repairs are submitted to Chief and Council for approval. The Administrative Staff do not have the ability to approve any application or request submitted.
Applications for Housing are available and accepted at any time and reviewed by Chief and Council as housing units become available. You can obtain a housing application in our office.
During the last 12 months we have built 5 new homes, completed 8 major renovation jobs and several minor renovation jobs throughout our 5 reserves. The new AFN Entertainment Center located in Yarmouth is completed and will be in operation soon. We are also currently working on the Community Center in Wildcat and should be weather tight by the end of November.
Our projected projects for the upcoming year will include but not limited to 3 new homes, 2 in Yarmouth and 1 in Gold River, and 3 Major Renovation Projects as well as the completion of the Community Center in Wildcat.