Dear Teacher,
Have you heard about Kids Read?
It's a JELLY project to encourage students to write (and draw) by offering them the incentive of publication in a real magazine,'Kids Read'.For the past 8 yearsteachers have foundthat the prize of seeing their work in print has added an extra zest to their classes' writing work.
You'll find all the information you need on how to get your classes involved in this motivating projectright below.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Kids Read will accept work from any Israeli school student, grades 3-9 [from Elementary to Junior High school level, English or Hebrew speakers' class] to be considered for publication.
Here's the challenge – we are looking for your students' creative responses to literature (a poem or a book) in written or artwork, such as……
Puzzlesor poems,
Quizzes or Quotes (an interview, a dialogue….)
Riddles or Rhymes,
Cartoons orCaricatures,
Picturesor Posters (book cover…) etc. or even a book report.
Enjoy inspiring your students!
Submitted entries must be type written and sent by email.
The required length is up to one page.
Artwork should be scanned and sent by email or on a computer diskette. Please note that work will appear in black & white.
please bear in mind…..
Since we receive many moreKids Read entries than we can publish - do make sure that your student's work has been corrected and is within the one page maximum.
Each English teacher is invited to send up to five pieces of work selected from work by their students. Please include:
a) Name of student, b) Grade level, c) School name and address
d) Name of teacher with email & phone number.
All material must be submitted by April 5th after Pesach.
An editorial board will be responsible for selecting entries to be included.KIDS READ, 2013will be printed early inJuneso teachers can share the publication with their students before the summer.
Every teacher who submits material that is published in theKIDS READ ANTHOLOGY, 2013will receive a copy for their school.School students, whose work is published, will also receive their own individual copy.
For the last five years we have held highly successful presentation eveningsin June attended by some of the students and their teachers which were a resounding success and a decided highlight of the Kids Read project.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Enjoy working with your students on their entries!
From the Kids Read 2013 Committee
To submit entries, and for any questions, queries & comments, contact us by email at;Diskettes should be sent to; Kids Read
c/o Deborah Lionarons, Yehuda 3, Jerusalem 93627