THE 2nd Central Asian Cereals Conference

1st Circular

June13-16, 2006

Cholpon-Ata (Issyk-Kul lake), Kyrgyzstan


Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resourcesand Processing Industry of the KyrgyzRepublic

International Maize and WheatImprovementCenter (CIMMYT)

InternationalCenter for Agriculture Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Seed Sector Development Project in theKyrgyzRepublic


German Technical Cooperation Agency


Washington State University, USA

International Organizing Committee

  1. D.Akimaliev, Kyrgyzstan, Chairman
  2. A. Amanov,Uzbekistan
  3. Z. Bedo, Hungary
  4. H.-J. Braun, CIMMYT-Turkey
  5. K. Campbell, USA
  6. Z.-H. He, China
  7. A. Kurishbayev, Kazakhstan
  8. T. Lumpkin, WVC-Taiwan
  9. K. Metzler, GTZ-Kazakhstan
  10. A. Morgounov, CIMMYT-Kazakhstan, Secretary
  11. T. Nabiev, Tajikistan
  12. R. Paroda, CGIAR-PFU-Uzbekistan
  13. R. Persson, SIDA-Kyrgyzstan
  14. S. Rajaram, ICARDA-Syria
  15. A. Saparmuradov, Turkmenistan
  16. N. Saulescu, Romania
  17. V. Shevtsov, Russia
  18. Representative fromTurkey

Local Organizing Committee

  1. A. Anarbayev, Minister of Agriculture Water Resources and Processing Industry of the KyrgyzRepublic, Chairman
  2. D. Akimaliev, Director General, Kyrgyz Agriculture Research Institute, Deputy Chairman
  3. A. Adjibekov, Director General, Center of Agriculture Research, Kyrgyz Respublic
  4. T. Bessonova, Breeder, Kyrgyz Agriculture Research Institute
  5. H. Islamov, Representative, Sida Project
  6. N. Karabayev, Institute Director, KyrgyzAgrarianUniversity
  7. P. Krasnozhenov, Chief Agronomist, MIS Farm
  8. A. Morgounov, Regional Representative, CIMMYT
  9. Z. Omorbekova, World Bank
  10. E. Omuraliev, Governor, Issyk-Kul region
  11. R. Paroda, Regional Representative, ICARDA

Over the last years wheat has become one of the main crops in Central Asia. The countries like Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan increased the area under wheat by several times. Countries of the region have already achieved reaching self-sufficiency in wheat. The issues of sustainable wheat production improvement were addressed at the 1st Central Asian Wheat Conference which took place in June in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The conference was very successful and attracted more than 250 scientists from 22 countries. In addition to wide communication and establishment of the contacts the conference also resulted in some new projects. At the concluding session of the conference the participants decided to hold the conference every three years and Kyrgyzstan was selected as the location of the 2nd Conference. The International Organizing Committee at its meeting in Aleppo (Syria) in May, 2005 expanded the mandate of the conference to the cereal crops. The new Government of the KyrgyzRepublic confirmed its commitment to hold the conference in 2006. The organizers and the sponsors of the 2nd Central Asian Cereals Conference hope that it will attract not only the scientists from the region, but also all the parties interested in sustainable improvement of grain production in Central Asia.

Location of the conference

CityofCholpon-Ata, LakeIssyk-Kul, KyrgyzRepublic. The LakeIssyk-Kul is a natural pearl of the country and the region. Surrounded by the mountains at the altitude of almost 1600 m it gives unforgettable impression and memory. The natural beauty of the mountains and the lake willcontribute to the productive atmosphere of the conference.


Both Russian and English will be working languages. Synchronized translation will be provided.


June 13

Opening the conference

Keynote presentation “World achievements and perspectives in cereals breeding”

(Dr. S. Rajaram, ICARDA)

Keynotepresentation “CerealsproductioninCentralAsia” (Dr. D. Akimaliyev, Kyrgyzstan)

KeynotePresentation “Conservationtillage technologies of cereals cultivation”

Keynote presentation “Application of biotechnology and genomics in cereals breeding”

The FirstPlenarySession


The SecondPlenarySession

Cereals breeding and seed production

The ThirdPlenarySession

Cereals diseases and pests

Poster presentations.

June 14

Fourth plenarySession


The FifthPlenarySession


The Sixth Plenary Session

Conservation tillage practices of irrigated cultivation of cereals

The SeventhPlenarySession

Conservation tillage practices of rainfed cultivation of cereals

Poster presentations.

June 15

The Eighthplenarysession

Genetic resources of cereals

Parallel working group meetings.

Closure of the conference.

June 16

Visit to Kyrgyz Agriculture Research Institutein Bishkek

and seed production farm of MIS

Contact persons:

Larissa Geronina

P.O. Box 374, Almaty, 050000, Kazakhstan

E-mail: Fax: +7(3272)-282551

Phone: +7(3272)-284947; 285966; 285277; 984510

Kyrgyz Agriculture Research Institute,

73/1 Timur Frunze Street, Bishkek, 720027


E-mail: . Fax: +996-312-647907


THE2nd Central Asian Cereals Conference

Pre-registration Form

Name, Surname:______

Institution: ______


Department: ______


Mailing address: ______


City: ______

Country: ______

E-mail/Fax: ______

Presentation type : Oral Poster

Presentation title: ______


Please return the Pre-registration Form to the contact persons by December 1, 2005

Contact persons:

Larissa Geronina

P.O. Box 374, Almaty, 050000, Kazakhstan

E-mail: Fax: +7(3272)-282551

Phone: +7(3272)-284947; 285966; 285277; 984510

Kyrgyz Agriculture Research Institute,

73/1 Timur Frunze Street, Bishkek, 720027


E-mail: . Fax: +996-312-647907
