The 20th Meeting of the OIE Sub-Commission for Foot and Mouth Disease in South-East Asia and China
Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar 11-14 March 2014
The Sub-Commission:
Priority Activities
- NOTES the initial and generally constructive findings of the DFAT-commissioned independent Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the STANDZ Program as outlined in the Consultant's Aide Memoire, and the process for finalising the MTR Report.
- SUPPORTS proposals for the Northern Laos FMD Control Program (2014-2016).
- NOTES that New Zealand Government has asked OIE to prepare a Concept Note and Project Design for a 5-year NZ$4.5 M to support SEACFMD Campaign.
- PROPOSES to harmonise cross-border movement approaches by holding a high-level meeting of the OIE Delegates from the Greater Mekong Sub-region.
- ENCOURAGES members to actively involve private sector in FMD control-related activities through public-private partnerships.
- NOTES with concern the spread of Serotype A and Request Members to take action to contain and control spread, including post-vaccination monitoring.
- AGREES to continue to monitoring circulating viruses in the Region, particularly Serotype A, so that vaccine matching plans can be developed using the expertise of the RRL and WRLFMD.
- PROPOSES that the expert group convened in the margin of the Sub-Commission meeting provide recommendations to OIE and the Sub Commission on: a) Suitable serotype A vaccine strains, b) FMD strains for inclusion in the OIE Vaccine Bank, and 3) FMD research needs and
NOTES the recommendations of the expert group meeting and action plan to be drafted.
- URGES members to submit FMD samples in a timely manner to OIE Reference Laboratories for characterization and conduct epidemiological studies on FMD outbreaks to identify risks and potential control points.
- NOTES the intention of Malaysia, Thailand, and the People's Republic of China to submit soon their applications to OIE for recognition of their official control programme for FMD.
- SUPPORTS the activities and value of the OIE Vaccine Bank and recommends plans be developed to ensure its sustainability.
- AGREES that an animal movement study be designed and conducted in GMS countries.
- AGREES that, pending the finalisation of the 3rd Edition, an addendum to the 2nd Edition of the SEACFMD 2020 Roadmap be prepared with minor amendments such as Membership of the SEACFMD Steering Committee and clarifications of some functional elements to ensure consistency with overall OIE policy and approaches.
- RECOMMENDS that the SRR-SEA compile recommendations of the 2013-2014 SEACFMD Meetings and indicate the status of their implementation.
- NOTES the cooperation between FAO and OIE at global and regional levels towards implementation of the recommendations from the Second FAO-OIE Global Conference on FMD (Bangkok 2012) and Global FMD Control Strategy.
- AGREES that members share the responsibility for delivery of FMD programmes and coordination costs while ensuring political support and providing counterpart funding and resources.
- NOTES the first contribution from People’s Republic of China to the SEACFMD and the potential for additional contribution.
- NOTES the preliminary results of the OIE socio-economic studies on FMD, and that the Final Report will be circulated to Members; as well as the FAO economic impact framework of FMD at different levels of the livestock value chain; and Agrees that they be used as resource material for advocacy and communications, including linkages to food security.
- SUPPORTS the general thrust of the 2014/15 SEACFMD Program and Notes that this will be refined if necessary at the August 2014 National Coordinators' Meeting in Chiang Rai.
- ENCOURAGES FMD-free countries to substantiate the economic benefits of maintaining FMD-free status.
- ENCOURAGES members to increase public awareness on the importance of FMD control.
- ENCOURAGES the active involvement of Veterinary Education Establishments in FMD control.
- ENCOURAGES more bilateral and multilateral dialogues on FMD and associated control issues, including but not limited to animal movement.
- AGREES that comments on FMD Post Vaccination Monitoring be provided to the FAO/OIE Working Group considering this issue.
- RECOMMENDS that, when relevant, countries apply for OIE endorsement of their official control programme for FMD.
- AGREES to the recommendations of the 2013 National Coordinators' Meeting in Lao PDR.
- Similarly, AGREES to the recommendations of the 2013 Labnet and Epinet Meetings.
- AGREES to the recommendations of the Upper Mekong Working Group, support its continuation, and that livestock movements be one of the themes of the 21st Sub- Commission Meeting.
- AGREES that the livestock industries, farmers and non-government veterinarians, and veterinary statutory bodies (VSBs) have key roles to play in ensuring the success of FMD control and eradication programs and NOTES the potential role of VSBs in encouraging veterinarians to be actively involved in FMD control.
- REITERATES the importance of early notification through WAHIS and the WAHIS regional core ARAHIS.
- AGREES to the drafting of the 3rd Edition of the SEACFMD 2020 Roadmap (2016-20) and Notes that an initial draft will be put to the 21st Sub-Commission Meeting for comment.
- ENCOURAGE countries to request PVS follow-up evaluations and any other PVS Pathway missions when relevant.
- ENCOURAGES the participation of ASEAN Secretariat and/or the chair of the ASEAN Sectoral Working Group for Livestock in the Sub-commission and other relevant meetings.
- Members, partners and observers for their active participation;
- The Australian government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade for its continued support and contributions to the SEACFMD Campaign through the STANDZ;
- The European Union for its support to the OIE vaccine banks and the PVS Pathway through the HPED programme;
- The OIE/Japan Trust Fund for its contribution and activities to support the SEACFMD campaign;
- FAO/ROK project for its contribution and activities to support the SEACFMD campaign;
- China and New Zealand for initial small grants to support the SEACFMD campaign;
- The Government of Myanmar and LBVD for hosting a great, outstanding, and successful meeting.
Next Meeting
- REQUESTS the Philippines to host the next Sub-Commission meeting in March 2015.