That JANUARY1st is New Year’s Day on the Gregorian calendar*

1st ends Kwanzaa, an African American celebration

6th is Epiphany, a Christian observance in Western and some Eastern traditions*

6th is Three Kings Day, a Latino Christian observance

7th is Orthodox Christmas for some Eastern Orthodox & Coptic Christians*

14th is Makar Sankrat, a Hindu festival

14th is New Year's Day for some Eastern Orthodox Christians*

21st is Martin Luther King Day, a U.S. celebration*

19th is Theophany, an observance in some Eastern Christian traditions*

24th or 29th commemorates the Prophet Muhammad's birthday in differing Muslim communities

That FEBRUARYis African-American History Month

10th begins the 3-day Lunar New Year celebration, marked by Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Tibetan cultures*

12th is Shrove Tuesday, beginning Mardi Gras in the U.S.

13th is Ash Wednesday, beginning Lent, a 40-day observance in Western Christian communities*

15th is Vasanta Panchami, a Hindu and Sikh festival

18th is President's Day, a U.S. celebration*

23rd, sundown, begins Purim, a Jewish celebration

That MARCHis Women's History Month

is Irish Heritage Month

8th is International Women's Day

10th is Maha Shivaratri, a Hindu observance

16th is St. Urho's Day, a Finnish celebration

17th is St. Patrick's Day, an Irish celebration

18th begins Great Lent for Eastern Orthodox Christian communities, a 40-day observance*

21st begins Naw Ruz, commencing the New Year for those who practice the Baha’i faith*

24th is Palm Sunday for Western Christians

25th, sundown, begins Passover, an 8-day Jewish observance*

27th is Holi, a Hindu and Sikh festival*

28th is Maundy Thursday, a Western Christian observance

29th is Good Friday in Western Christian communities*

31st is Easter in Western Christian communities*

That APRIL is Thai Heritage Month

2nd, sundown, ends Passover, a Jewish observance

7th is Yom HaShoah, marking the Jewish holocaust, observed on April 8th

8th marks the Birth of Buddha

13th begins the Buddhist New Year, known as Songkran in Thailand

13th begins the New Year in Laos and Sri Lanka

14th is Vaisakhi, celebrated by Sikhs and Hindus

20th is Ramanavami, a Hindu celebration

20th, sundown, begins the Festival of Ridvan, a 12-day Baha’i celebration*

25th is Take our Daughters/Sons to Work Day in the U.S.

28th is Palm Sunday for Eastern Christians

30th begins Beltane, a Celtic celebration

That MAYis Asian/Pacific Heritage Month

is American Indian Heritage Month in Minnesota

is Jewish Heritage Month

is Older Americans Month

2nd ends the Festival of Ridvan, a Baha'i observance

3rd is Holy Friday in Eastern Christian communities*

5th is Easter in Eastern Christian communities*

5th is Cinco de Mayo, a Mexican celebration

9th is Ascension Day, a Western Christian commemoration

14th, sundown, begins Shavuot, a Jewish observance*

17th is Syttende Mai, a Norwegian celebration of independence

19th is Malcolm X’s birthday, an African American commemoration

23rd is the Anniversary of the Declaration of the Bab, a Baha’i commemoration*

25th is Vesak, a Theravada Buddhist commemoration

27th is Memorial Day, a U. S. commemoration*

29th is the Anniversary of the Ascension of Baha’u’llah, a Baha’i commemoration*

That JUNE is Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Pride Month

5th marks the Ascension of Muhammad, an Islamic commemoration

19th is Juneteenth, an African-American celebration

20th is the Summer Solstice

22nd is St. John's Eve, a Finnish celebration

23rd is Svenskarnas Dag, a Swedish heritage celebration

26th is Somali Independence Day

29th-30th is the GLBT Pride Festival in Minneapolis

That JULYis Heritage Celebration Month in Minnesota

1st is Foundation of the Republic Day, a Somali commemoration

4th is the United States' Independence Day celebration*

8th, sundown, begins Ramadan, the Muslim Month of Fasting*

9th is the Anniversary of the Martyrdom of the Bab, a Baha’i commemoration*

14th is Bastille Day, a French celebration

24th is Pioneer Day, a Latter Day Saints celebration

That AUGUST2nd, sundown, begins Lailat ul-Qadar, a Muslim observance*

7th, sundown, begins Eid Al-Fitr, the end of Ramadan, a Muslim observance*

15th is Assumption Day, A Western Christian commemoration*

26th is Women's Equality Day in the United States

That SEPTEMBERis Deaf Awareness Month

2nd is Labor Day in the United States*

4th, sundown, begins Rosh Hashanah, Jewish New Year*

6th continues Rosh Hashanah, a Jewish observance*

11th is Enkutatash, Ethiopian and Coptic Christian New Year

13th, sundown, begins Yom Kippur, Jewish Day of Atonement*

15th begins Hispanic Heritage Month

16th is Mexican Independence Day

18th, sundown, begins Sukkot, an 8-day Jewish festival*

23rd begins National Deaf Awareness Week

26th, sundown, begins Simchat Torah, a Jewish celebration

That OCTOBERis Polish Heritage Month

is German Heritage Month

is Gay & Lesbian History Month

is Disability Employment Awareness Month

14th, sundown, begins Eid Al-Adha, a Muslim festival*

20th is the Anniversary of the Birth of the Bab, a Baha’i commemoration*

31st is Halloween or All Hallows' Eve

31st is Samhain, beginning Celtic New Year

That NOVEMBERis American Indian Heritage Month

1st is All Saints or All Hallows' Day, a Christian celebration*

1st is the Day of the Dead celebration in Mexico*

2nd is All Soul's Day, a Christian remembrance

3rd begins Diwali, Hindu Festival of Lights and marking the Hindu New Year*

4th, sundown, begins Muharram and the Muslim New Year*

11th is Veterans Day, a U.S. commemoration*

12th is the Anniversary of the Birth of Baha’u’llah, a Baha’i commemoration*

13th, sundown, begins Ashura, a Muslim observance

27th, sundown, begins Hanukkah, the 8-day Jewish Festival of Lights

28th is Thanksgiving Day in the United States*

29th begins the New Year celebration for those of Hmong culture in the upper Midwest*

That DECEMBER is AIDS Awareness Month

1st is World AIDS Day

5th, sundown, ends Hanukkah

6th is St. Nicholas Day, a Christian observance*

8th is Bodhi Day, a Buddhist celebration

12th is the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, a Mexican celebration*

21st is the Winter Solstice

25th is Christmas, a celebration in Western Christian communities*

26th begins Kwanzaa, an African-American celebration

31st is New Year's Eve on the Gregorian calendar

* indicates an observance that is likely to require scheduling considerations; (Sponsored by the DHS Equal Opportunity & Access Division; 10/12)