Annual GeneralMeeting Minutes

Jester’s Gaming Lounge

April 4th, 2016


Executive Members:President-Sandra Milne, Vice President - Shannon Wilson, Treasurer- Sandi Orr, Draw Master- Jim Fleckenstein, Secretary-Melissa Kimmitt

  1. Call To Order – 7:40pm
  1. Verification of Quorum – 51 members present
  1. Adoption of Agenda– Moved by: Nicki Rolls

Seconded by: Heidi Mrazek; Carried

  1. Approval of Minutes From Last AGM– Moved by: Angelina Palumbi

Seconded by: Ian Waugh; Carried

  1. Executive Reports:

a)Presidents Report

Thank you to everyone for another successful year. If it were not for you, the players, we would have no league. Congratulations to Nicki Rolls, Trish Pelechosky, Darlene Howarth, and Johnny Hannon for making the 2016 Team Alberta. We are proud of you and wish you all the best of luck at this year’s Nationals.

b)Vice Presidents Report

The year-end banquet will be held on Saturday, April 30th at the Polish Hall. All three leagues (City League, Pub League and TAME) will be participating in the banquet and sharing all costs associated to the banquet. Ian Waugh will be the DJ and is providing us, again, with a great price. Thank you, Ian, for your DJ services. We will be holding the normal jitney at the banquet to the first 32 registered participants. Banquet tickets will be sold at the end of the meeting by Heidi Mrazek. Prices for the banquet are $15 for members and $30 for guests.

c)Treasurer’s Report

This year, I did the financials a little bit different. I included in this year’s financial statements the previous year actual figures, the current year-to-date figures as well as the current year estimated total figures. We increased the prize payouts. For the seeding round, first place in each division will receive $200, second place will receive $150, and third place will receive $100. For each regular round of play, first place in each division will receive $200, and second place will receive $100. We decided last year that we would top up the special event payouts to try and encourage more participation by members. We have done that again for this season, but for a lesser total amount. Winners will receive an additional $20 for 1st, $10 for 2nd and $10 for 3rd, in each division for each special event. Over the summer, we will evaluate the special event prize top-up, as it did not seem to bring out as many additional members as we had hoped. Our thoughts will be brought up and discussed at the first captain’s meeting in the fall.

d)Draw Master’s Report

Thank you all for getting your scores in in a timely manner and for having me on the board.

  1. Old Business

Brenda Richardson – Is it possible to get rid of the sliding scoreboards that are used by one or more of the pubs in the league?

Issue addressed by Sandra Milne: The sliding scoreboards are banned by the league and have been for quite some time. No pubs are permitted to use the sliding scoreboards and, if necessary, the pubs will be approached and asked to remove them from the premise if they continue to use them.

  1. New Business

-Facebook survey – There has been a link put on the TAME Facebook page to encourage members to vote for the people they feel have improved the most over the course of the year based on what they have observed while playing (Grassroots player) and the most Sportsmanlike team they have played over the course of the year. The survey is open to all members, not just the team captains and you are all encouraged to complete the survey. It takes less than 5 minutes to complete the survey.

-Angelina Palumbi – Pub owners go out of their way to sponsor and accommodate dart players and teams throughout the course of the season and even outside of the season. If you have an issue with a pub owner, please address it with them. It is not necessary to trash talk them on Facebook.

Addressed by executive – If you have a problem with a pub, a fellow player or an executive member, please take it up with them personally rather than dealing with it in a public forum.

-Ryan Lewis – Monday nights have started getting to the point where it is running too late. Is there a way the league can look at perhaps starting earlier or perhaps adapting the format so that the night can be cut shorter?

Addressed by Sandi Orr/Sandra Milne – It may be possible to put together a survey with options that may be considered to try to shorten the length of the night and members will be notified through Facebook when the survey is available and the executive will review the responses and evaluate the situation further.

-Darryll Walsh – Would it be possible to look at how the movement is done through the divisions? With four divisions of four teams, if a team constantly finishes third in their division, they make no money. In a money league, perhaps it may be reviewed to perhaps move the top two teams up and the bottom two teams down so there is larger possibility that all league teams can receive some money.

-Nicki Rolls – Motion put forward to allow participants in ALL special events to play in a higher division, if they so choose to.

Moved by: Nicki Rolls

Seconded by: Fred Forbes; Carried

  1. Executive Elections


Sandra Milne – Nominated by Heidi Mrazek – Sandra agrees to let name stand

Shannon Wilson – Nominated by Ian Waugh – Shannon gracefully declines the nomination

Sandra Milne appointed President by acclamation

b)Draw Master

Michelle Rae – Nominated by Fred Forbes – Michelle agrees to let name stand

Darryll Walsh – Nominated by Ian Waugh – Darryll gracefully declines the nomination

Michelle Rae appointed Draw Master by acclamation

  1. Motion To Adjourn – Moved by: Darryll Walsh

Seconded by: Ian Waugh; Carried

  1. Meeting adjourned – 8:26pm