Newsletter March 1st 2017

Congratulations to Oak Class who all completed their Level 1 Bikeability training. They will all move on to Level 2 training after Easter.

The children enjoyed the visit of the author Maria Farrer together with Mister P. There are a few copies of her book for sale in the school office priced £6.99.

Thanks to FTS for a very enjoyable disco.

Overcast conditions did not prevent our Annual Pancake races.

Playtimes: In order to make playtimes more exciting and fun for the children we will be setting up “Play Zones” with activities for the children e.g. small world play, colouring, playground leader activities, chalking, Connect4 and a free play zone.

Red Nose Day: Red Noses will be on sale from 20th March at a cost of £1. On Red Nose Day (24th March) children can wear red to school for a donation of £1. Also on this day there will be our Dragon’s Den Fair at 3pm. All profits in aid of Comic Relief.

Safety of our children:We would like to remind parents that for their safety children should not be left unattended in the playground before 8.45am as there are no adults on duty at this time.

Website:We would encourage parents to view our school website- including the class pages - to keep up to date with events in school. Please look out for documents relating to the Multi-Academy Trust which will be appearing shortly. There will be a Parents Meeting arranged soon.

School Closure:School is closed on Friday 17th March due to staff training.

Reception places 2017: Although the cut-off date for reception places has passed, if you know of anyonewho has not applied for September 2017 late applications can still be considered.

Host needed: Would you be able to host a young French woman, in your home from17 May – 3June? Alice would be able to help with children. It might be possible for Alice to stay with two families: a week with each. She wants to improve her English as part of her merchant navy training. Please contact Trevor Rogers on or 873017 if you are able to help.

Future Dates:

2nd March: Reading and Reciting Competition YrR-Yr4, Debating Competition Yr5-6

3rd March: Business and Enterprise Day for Yr6 at the Gryphon School

3rd March: KS2 Parents Assembly

6th March: Netball against St Andrew’s Yetminster at home

FTS meeting 7.30pm Oak Classroom

8th March: Netball and Football against Sherborne Primary at home

9th March: KS2 Dragons Den pitch – this is where groups of children in KS2 come up with a business plan which they pitch to Governors/Dragons for £5 towards materials. Thesematerials will be used to create their business idea and the completed items will be sold at the Dragon’s Den Fair on 24th March. All profits to Comic Relief.

10th March: KS1 Parents Assembly

15th March: Netball and Football against Abbey Primary at home

17th March: INSET Day

22nd March: School Nurse Drop-In 3.30pm

Sherborne Area Cross Country Competition

24th March: Red Nose Day and Dragon’s Den Fair

29th March: Yr5/6 Netball Tournament at Sherborne Girls School

31st March: KS2 Parents Assembly

Week beginning 3rd April: Easter Egg hunt

3rd April: Parent Consultations

4th April: Bag2School

Yr3/4 Netball and Yr5/6 Football Sherborne Area Tournament at Sherborne Girls School

Parent Consultations

6th April: Sherborne Area Concert at the Gryphon Schoolfor Yrs 3,4,& 5. Time to be confirmed

7th April: Easter service at Thornford Church 9.30am

Eco Walk 1.30pm

Easter Egg competition

Break Up for Easter Holidays

As always, if you have any issue to discuss, please contact myself or my staff at the school.

Neela Brooking (Headteacher)

01935 872706