The2015-2016schoolyear started for our Grade 1 to 8 students on Tuesday, September 1st. We havetwo new teachers on staff; welcome to Sean Grace, Learning Support and our 5/6 classroom teacher,Brittany Michalchukour Grade 3 classroom teacher. On Tuesday, September 2nd we welcomed 9 Kindergarten students: Sofia Dumas- Alfred, Summer Bowser, Billie Cowan, Tucker Gordon, Sam Kirby, Kolter Martin, Grace Paradis, Kya Rutledge and Owen Steeves. Kenna- Dee Carlson has transferred from Bienfait to bring our enrolment to 104 students. We are happy to have her join us and look forward to a great year ahead. Please refer to the school website as listed above to stay informed about our school programs and activities.
Newsletters andmemos printed on yellowpaper will go home regularly; please watch for them. Each student has an agenda to be used for home and school communication purposes. Please check them daily. Any money sent for hot lunches should be put in the agenda so it is easily found. If you have a concern about something, please contact thestaff member involved. If the issue is not resolved, please contact Mr. Wolf for assistance. Contact oursuperintendent, Mr. Merriman, if you feel the issue has still not been dealt with at the school level.
Michelle Toms is our Kindergarten and Response to Intervention teacher.Stephanie Gallowayteaches Grade 1. Heather Devlinteaches Grade 2/4. Brittany Michalchuk teaches Grade 3.Sean Grace teaches Grade 5/6 and is our Learning Support teacher. Greg Martin teaches Grade7/8. Mike Wolf is Principal and teaches 5/6 Math and K-8 Phys Ed.Marilyn Henderson and Angie Webb are ourEducational Assistants; Marilyn Henderson provides daily speech practice under the direction of Sara East, our Speech and Language Pathologist.Lianne Albrecht-Mallo is our Admin Assistant and Library Tech.Don Britt is in the school every Thursdaymorning for choral music instruction, then private music lessons all day Wednesdays and Thursday afternoons. Dyon Stadnick is our student counselor, and is here Tuesdays. Tatum Lee is our caretaker and will be our playschool leader for 3 and 4 year old children on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Our bus drivers are: Vic Huish (482-7118), Sandra Currie (306-482-6435) Larrie Murray (482-8677) and Marilyn Quennelle (452-7854). Members of our School Community Council are: Laura Stanley - President, Rhonda Halliday - Treasurer, Tatum Lee – Secretary, Sally Hamilton, Carla Laurent, Michelle Toms and Mike Wolf.The SCC Annual General Meeting and election is on Tuesday, October 20th. Everyone is welcome to attend.
We are in the modern age and have a new bell system and phone system. If you absolutely need to contact your child please wait to do so until recess or noon hour so as not to disrupt class and instructional time. Mrs. Mallo is more than happy to pass on messages to your child. Try to make any out of school plans ahead of time. Remember, if your child rides the bus, you need to notify the bus driver of any change in plans as well.
Morning Warning Bell: 8:45
Classes Start: 8:50
Recess: 10:20 – 10:35
Noon: 12:11 – 1:06
Classes Start: 1:11
Recess: 2:33 – 2:48
Dismissal: 3:30
Grade 2/4 parents for information on things happening in your child’s classroom please check out
Grade 7 and 8 parents remember to check out Mr. Martin’s classroom website at to find out what your children are learning and any deadlines and/or homework assignments.
It’s Volleyball season and our school is busy!!Mrs. Galloway has12 excited girls on the Rookie Volleyball Team: Ireland Cowan, Meg Brown, Jayde Murray, Savannah Webb, Des Moore, Kamryn Gilliland, Crystyn Steenbruggen, Starla Mann, Avery Webb, Karissa Elliott, Yasmine Tyndell and Alisa Paul. Practices have started and the girls are looking forward to a great season. Mr. Grace is coaching the Boys Rookie Volleyball Team this year.The boys that have signed up are Nick Quennelle, Layne Chicoine, Joey Meredith, Connor Murray, Conner Gardiner, James Dingwall, Turner McMillen, Jackson DuPerrier, Travan Bevan, Rowan Hill, Owen Browan,Jeremy Meredith and James Mann. They had their first practice this week and are looking forward to a great season!Stay tuned for details on their first home games.
The Terry Fox Run will be held Wednesday, September 30, 2015. We will meet in the gym at 1:50 before heading out on our run. Everyone is welcome to join us. Students are encouraged to collect pledges for this cause; Cancer has affected so many of us and the event is important because it teaches the students compassion, as well as the historical significance of a great Canadian hero.
School Picture Day is Tuesday, October 6th. Pictures will begin in the morning and we usually start with the lower grades first.
Our annual Turkey Trot will be held the afternoon of Friday, October 9th for all students. Classroom specific coloured golf balls and ten white ones will be hidden on the playground for students to discover. Students finding the coloured golf balls will receive a turkey, stuffing mix, cranberries and a pie for Thanksgiving. Those finding white golf balls will receive small prizes. Monday, October 12th is our Thanksgiving Day Holiday.
Twenty-two interested students are attending theCross Country meet being held in Weyburn on Wednesday, October 14th.Mr. Wolfwill be accompany-ing them.Students have been practicing at noon hour to prepare for the meet.
MUFFIN MORNING Carievale School staff invite all interested students, parents and community members to a muffin morning on Wednesday, October 21st from 8:00 until 9:00 am. Enjoy a muffin and a drink, meet the staff, check out the classrooms, view student work, sign-up as volunteers in our school. It takes a village to raise a child and we appreciate your support and interest in our school and students.
Carievale School students will take part in the Legion Remembrance Day contest again this year. Categories include: coloured posters, black and white posters, poems and essays. Most of the entries will be completed during class time. Deadline for entries is Friday, October 23rd.
Our school will be holding a Remembrance Day service on Monday, November 10th at 10:45 am. Everyone is welcome to attend.
“Population and Public Health is responsible for the immunization of children in Grade 1, 6 and 8, as well as follow-up when there is a case of a vaccine preventable disease in a classroom or school. To do their work, public health staff review student immunization records and enter vaccines given in school into the electronic provincial immunization registry called Panorama. Panorama is a secure electronic health record system designed to store and record immunization related information. Confidential immunization information is only available to authorized health care workers such as members of the public health team, nurse practitioners and physicians across the province using secure networks. To learn more about protecting the privacy of your immunization record visit: or call Population and Public Health at 306-766-7904.”
- School Community Council members for your continued efforts on behalf of our students and school.
- All who participated in our Grandparent’s Day activities and Welcome Back Barbecue September 4th.
- All parents, students and community members who support our fundraising efforts. We couldn’t do what we do without your help; working together benefits us all.
Sept. 30–PAA Hot Lunch: Chicken Caesar Salad
-Terry Fox Run 1:50 Meet in the Gym
-4H Registration 7:30 pm@Carievale Golden Years Club
Oct.5 – PD No School
Oct.6- School Picture Day
Oct. 7 – Fowl Supper
Oct.9 – Turkey Trot
Oct. 12 – Thanksgiving Holiday No School
Oct.13 & 14 – Playschool Starts
Oct. 14–X Country in Weyburn
Oct. 15 – Lifetouch Picture orders due
Oct. 17 – Rookie Girls Volleyball Tourney@ Carievale
Oct.18 – 24 Education Week
Oct. 18 – Moms Pantry Orders Due for Carievale United Church
Oct. 20 – SCC Annual General Meeting and Election 7:00 pm
Oct. 21 - Muffin Morning 8:00 – 9:00 am
Nov. 6 – Picture Retakes
Nov. 7 – Rookie Boys Volleyball Tourney @ Carievale
Nov. 10 – Remembrance Day Service at Carievale School 10:45 am
Nov. 11 – Remembrance Day – No School
Nov. 16-17 – Student Led Conferences 4 – 7 pm
Nov. 20 – No School
Nov. 23 – No School