Thank you to all Parishioners for their contributions last week,
Weekly Collection : £1133.50
The Pope’s Collection (yellow envelope) will be taken up after Communion.
Clonard Solemn Novena to our Mother of Perpetual Help. There will be a bus leaving St Patrick's Church, Aghagallon on Tuesday 21st June 2016 at 7.30pm for the 9.00pm Mass in Clonard. Guest speaker Mr John McAreavey (Michaela Foundation). £5 per person, no need to book.
LOURDES PILGRIMAGE 14TH – 21ST SEPTEMBER 2016This Pilgrimage is organised by Armagh Diocesan Pioneer's but we give everyone an opportunity to join us on this journey. We hope that by joining us you can leave all your troubles at the grotto in Lourdes and come home refreshed in Spirit Mind and Body.The fare is £680.00 sterling for seven nights staying in Hotel Astoria which is five minutes from St Joseph's Gate.Booking forms can be obtained from Mary Livingstone on 07974629994.
St. Patrick’s Primary School Aghagallon On Tuesday 7th June 2016 St Patrick’s P.S was delighted to learn that their school won
Northern Ireland Amenity Council Best Kept School Award for 2016.
This was followed by an award of the Green Eco Flag. On Friday 3rd June we were all very proud to raise the flag for the first time. These awards are a result of a concerted effort by the children and the school community over the past three years. The Best Kept School Award is the icing on the cake for us!
Congratulations to Méabh Lenehan, a volunteer in our Parish, on her great achievement becoming the ‘Rose of Armagh’.
We wish you the best of luck in Tralee.
Aghagallon Preschool invites you to a treasure hunt followed by balloon modelling,
face painting, jumping clay workshop, tea/coffee and buns on Sunday 19 June from 3-5pm in St Patrick’s Primary School. Admission £3.
Would you like to join our Altar Servers club? We welcome P4 – P7 pupils who have made their First Communion to become Altar servers in our Parish. If you would like to join please ask your parent / guardian to complete a form in the Church porch and return to the Parochial house.
God, bless all the fathers in the world.
Guide them to be good role models
and loving to all their children.
Help them to be a father like You are.
Give them grace and patience
to handle situations in a loving way. Amen!
All insertions for the bulletin please leave in the Parochial house red post box, phone 02892651214 during Parish Office hours or email before 4pm on Tuesday