Mr. GiaccheName:______

Mrs. Howell


Thank You M’am Study Guide

Reading Comprehension and Making Inferences

1) In what type of place does Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones live?

2) What does this tell us (the reader) about Mrs. Jones’s financial status and why?

3-6) List four ways Roger demonstrates honesty as a characteristic:





Literary Elements

7) Provide characterization of each character and the type of characterization being used

Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones


8) What is the central conflict of the story? Why? (make sure you discuss with your group)

9-11) Provide three examples of imagery from the story:

12) How does the first interaction between Roger and Mrs. Bates demonstrate an example of situational irony?

13) Roger probably would have gotten away with Mrs. Jones’ purse if only… a) he could have run faster, b) Mrs. Jones had not kicked him, c) the purse strap hadn’t snapped, d) he were a little sneakier

14) Why does Roger say his face is dirty? a) he hates to wash, b) he has nobody to tell him to wash it, c) he’s been sleeping outside, d) the water has been shut off at his house

15) Why doesn’t Roger run after she turns him loose, or steal her purse when she leaves him alone with it?

a) he thought he might get caught again, b) he didn’t want to disappoint Mrs. Jones, c) he realized she was as poor as he was, d) he thought she would call the police

16) Why does Roger try to steal Mrs. Jones’s purse?

17) What from the story (besides her telling Roger) shows that Mrs. Jones may have been in a similar situation to Roger growing up?

18) What kind of relationship do the two characters share? Use specific examples from the story.

(2-3 complete sentences)

19) Instead of embarrassing Roger by asking questions about his family or where he lives, what does Mrs. Jones tell him? Why?

20) Why did Mrs. Jones leave the door open leaving Roger the opportunity to run?

21) Ultimately, why does Roger decide to stay and not run?

22) What is/are the theme(s) of the story?