Thank You Forsigning Upto Volunteer for WE RIT!

Thank You Forsigning Upto Volunteer for WE RIT!

Thank you forsigning upto volunteer for WE@RIT!

Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey before we host the event. Your time is greatly appreciated!

Please indicate your volunteer number:


Please indicate your current year level:

( ) 1





6 or above

Grad Student

Have you volunteered for a pre-engineering outreach event before?

( ) Yes


If yes, which pre-engineering outreach program(s) did you participate in? Check all that apply:

[ ] WE’re in Motion (for incoming female KGCOE students)

WE Build (one day program for females in grades 4-5)

WE Lead (online leadership course for females in grades 10-12)

WE Explore (one day program for females in grades 8-11)

Everyday Engineering Summer Camp (week-long camp for females in grades 4-12)

Park & Ride (two-day program for females in grades 6-8)

WE Retreat (in correspondence with and RIT Open House for Accepted Students)

TEAK (visit to middle school classroom)

SWE Overnight and Shadow Day Program (for females in grade 11)

What motivated you to volunteer for this event? Check all that apply.

[ ] Have fun

Strengthen my engineering skills

Leadership experience

Inspire young women to increase interest in engineering

I participated in a pre-engineering program and had a positive experience

Hang out with others with similar interests to mine

Experience to talk about in an interview

Service to my KGCOE community

Have something to do

Free food/giveaways

Recommended by a friend


Engage and Excel Within an Engineering Community

Instructions:Please rate the following questions according to your level of agreement.

Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly DisagreeDon’t Know

I feel connected to the KGCOE community.( )

Serving as a role-model is beneficial in developing self-confidence.

I see value in an experience that requires me to serve as a mentor.

When I serve as a mentor, I learn things about myself.

I recognize that mentors can provide valuable advice and guidance.

Teaching others strengthens my understanding of the subject matter.

I am confident in my ability to lead others.

I look for opportunities to lead others during my college experience.

I am confident in my technical communication abilities.

Other comments:

