Fundraising Trustee
Application Pack 2014
January 2013
Dear Applicant
Thank you for your interest in this key role at Befrienders Worldwide (BW).
Befrienders Worldwide is an international network contributing to a society where fewer people die by suicide.
Our mission is to establish a supportive structure to assist worldwide consistency in the delivery of our emotional support service, to increase public awareness of the network and enhance the credibility of BW in the eyes of the public whilst undertaking and sharing research which can lead to innovative delivery practices.
We are fortunate to have an extremely hard working volunteer force and partners who believe passionately in our vision, mission and values. It is their commitment to reducing suicide and emotional distress that enables the network to make lasting change.
This is an exciting time for Befrienders Worldwide as it takes its next steps in the recruitment of additional
Trusteesto its Board and we welcome your application.
To apply for this position please complete the Application Form and attach your CV. Please return them to
Vija Shunmoogum, Director of Befrienders Worldwide:
Post: Befrienders Worldwide – Trustee Recruitment, Level 3, 4-8 Rodney Street, London, N1 9JH
Telephone: 020 7841 8731 Mobile: 07528 595 113 | E-mail:
The deadline for applications is 13 January 2014, and short list interviews will be held via Skype inlate February or March 2014. Due to limited resources, we will only contact you if you have been short listed for interview.
Thank you for your interest, and good luck.
Yours faithfully
Martin Taylor
Chair of Trustees
Befrienders Worldwide
Befrienders Worldwide, Incorporated in England and Wales, a Company limited by guarantee Registered Number 07964782, and a Registered Charity Number 1146717, having its Registered Office at International House, 39 Great Windmill Street, Piccadilly, London, W1D 7LX.
A Background to Befrienders Worldwide
Befrienders Worldwide (BW) was established in 1974 by Chad Varah (the founder of Samaritans) who had a vision to spread the core principles of Samaritans around the world and to bring together a separate international network of Samaritans help centres. BW is now a rapidly expanding global network of 169 emotional support centres in 29 countries on five continents. We are a UK registered charity administered by a Board of Trustees. Our organisation consists of one central staff member and a core group of regional coordinator volunteers, working interactively with our centres.
- In the last 45 years suicide rates have increased by 60% worldwide and every year almost one million people die from suicide globally. This is a mortality rate of 16 per 100,000 people or one death every 40 seconds.
- Suicide in some countries is now among the three leading causes of death in the 15-44 age group and it is currently the second leading cause of death in the 15-35 years age group.
- These figures do not include suicide attempts, which are more than 20 times more frequent than completed suicides.
- In many countries suicide is still a stigma or a taboo and is sometimes illegal, with suicide attempts punishable by jail sentences.
The BW centres around the world, including 10,000 trained volunteers, provide an invaluable source of emotional support in moments of crisis and an open space for those in distress to talk and be heard. We operate with specific guiding principles inspired by Samaritans,the main being:
- To offer multiple options to contact the centres, including telephone, SMS messaging, face to face and internet chat.
- To respect confidentiality for those who make contact.
- All centres are non-political and non-sectarian and volunteers do not seek to impose their personal convictions on anyone.
- Callers can be invited to consider seeking professional help in addition to the emotional support offered by the centres. Relevant professional experts are available for consultation and referral.
- Volunteers are selected, trained, mentored and supported by other experienced volunteers
The total cost of our network of centres is approximately £4.5m annually. In addition our 10,000 unpaid trained volunteers generously donate their time to BW and ifour centres were to pay for these services, this would at least double the annual cost of our network. BW has many local supporters, including our own volunteers, who help to fund the activities of these local operations
BW centres continuously interact with people at risk in many countries and therefore we have an unparalleled opportunity to gather data and enhance understanding of suicidal behaviour and trends. Through the experience of our volunteers we also have direct knowledge of numerous situations where the contact and interaction with our centres has prevented suicides.
There are also examples of specific local 'outreach' initiatives which have had a measurable impact on decreasing suicide.
In rural Sri Lanka it is estimated that 71% of suicide deaths involve pesticides. Sri Lanka Sumithrayo, a BW centre, initiated a project that introduced lock boxes for pesticides among a number of rural households. These boxes had a message on them about how to deal with anxiety and depression and where to seek help. There is research evidence that the suicide rate reduced following this activity. The Sri Lanka rural outreach programme has been recognised by the World Health Organisation as a unique project significantly impacting on rural suicide rates in that country.
In several countries BW centres have also actually influenced national strategy and Government policy on suicide prevention.
The BW Trustees, task forces and central and regional teams focus on:
- Monitoring and supporting the adherence by our centres to their guiding principles.
- Maintaining and developing an international website which provides concrete information about suicide and easy identification of local help centres for people who seek help for their problems.
- Fostering an environment where our centres are mutually supportive and committed to sharing experiences and data with other member centres.
In 2010, our Brazilian centres devised a new way to provide support to those in distress through internet CHAT. This initiative has encouraged centres in other locations in the BW network, including the US and Serbia, to reach out in a similar manner using these new technologies.
- Developing new and improvedtraining programmes and materials to ensure that our volunteers all over the world have the skills and knowledge to provide consistent and effective emotional support.
- Using data provided by our centres to prepare original research into both trends in suicidal behaviour and the impact of centres and volunteers on suicide prevention. This helps our centres to identify and implement more effective methods and approaches.
- Increasing the geographical reach of our network by both recruiting help centres around the world and by helping to establish new centres in countries where emotional support is not available on the telephone and internet.
- Influencingglobal and local policy on suicide and suicide prevention.
An annual amount of £85,000 is spent on these activities of the BW international organisation. We keep these costs to a minimum utilising the experience of valued volunteers and a sole member of staff.
Trustee Role Description
The role of the Befrienders Worldwide Fundraising Trustee is to work alongside the organisation’s Chair and Board to maximise fundraising opportunities and income.
Main Duties and Responsibilities:
- Communicate regularly with Befrienders Worldwide’s Chair and Board to keep abreast of and to contribute to the fundraising strategy and requirements of the Charity
- Support and guide the Befrienders Worldwide fundraising officer
- Connect with own personal contacts who may have an interest in supporting / an ability to support the organisation and ‘open fundraising doors’
- Identify, through networking, new contacts with charitable trusts, the corporate sector and key individuals who may be able to support Befrienders Worldwide and make approaches as appropriate
- Represent the organisation at functions or fundraising presentations as appropriate
- Assist in setting up a small group of influential individuals who would undertake to organise at least one key event per year with the aim of fundraising and / or introducing new contacts to Befrienders Worldwide
- Assist with other fundraising initiatives as and when agreed and appropriate
- Update and involve other Trustees as and when appropriate
Statutory duties of a Trustee:
- To ensure that the organisation complies with its governing document, charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations
- To ensure that the organisation pursues its objects as defined in its governing document
- To ensure the organisation uses its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects: the charity must not spend money on activities which are not included in its own objects, no matter how worthwhile or charitable those activities are
- To contribute actively to the Board's role in giving firm strategic direction to the organisation, setting overall policy, defining goals and setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets
- To safeguard the good name and values of the organisation
- To ensure the effective and efficient administration of the organisation
- To ensure the financial stability of the organisation
- To protect and manage any properties of the charity and to ensure the proper investment of the charity's funds
- To appoint the Director and monitor his/her performance.
Other duties:
In addition to the above statutory duties, each Trustee should use any specific skills, knowledge or experience they have to help the Board of Trustees reach sound decisions. This may involve:
- Scrutinising board papers
- Attending Board and ancillary meetings
- Leading discussions
- Focusing on key issues
- Providing guidance on new initiatives
- Taking a special interest in an area of the organisation and liaising with the appropriate individuals/centres/stakeholders etc. on a regular basis
Person specification:
- Commitment to the organisation
- Willingness to devote the necessary time and effort
- Strategic vision and the ability to focus on practical issues
- Good, independent judgement
- Ability to think creatively
- Willingness to speak their mind
- Understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of Trusteeship
- The skills to analyse proposals and examine their financial consequences
- Ability to work effectively as a member of a team
- Willingness to be available to other Trustees and the Director for advice and enquiries on an ad hoc basis
In addition to the qualities needed by all Trustees, the Fundraising Trustee should also possess the following:
- a network of contacts and a willingness to make approaches to some of these people to gain support for the Trust
- persuasion and influencing skills
- networking skills
- presentation / public speaking skills
- a willingness to attend a small number of events / presentations throughout the course of the year
- good ‘people’ skills
Please complete and return with your CV to the Director, Vija Shunmoogum:
by email to:
or by post to:Befrienders Worldwide – Trustee Recruitment, Level 3, 4-8 Rodney Street, London, N1 9JH
Candidate Number:(office use)
Forename (s):
Surname: / Zip code/Postcode:
Home Telephone: / Mobile:
Email Address: / Skype Name:
Where did you hear about the vacancy?
Do you consider yourself to have a disability / impairment covered by the Disability Discrimination Act 1995?Please delete as appropriate: Yes/No
The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) defines a disabled person as someone who has a physical or mental impairment that has substantial and long term adverse effect on his/her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities which has lasted or is likely to last for at least 12 months
Is there anything we need to know in order to offer you a fair selection process at interview? If yes please give details:
Should you be successful in your appointment, please can you state below any specific arrangements that we would need to make in order to accommodate you?
(Please indicate where you feel your skills lie – you may tick more than one box)
Finance & PlanningManagement
Communications and Information Technology
Income Generation/Fundraising/International Fundraising
Human Resources (including employment law knowledge)
Mental Health (especially re suicide and suicide prevention)
Caller Care/Service provision
Legal/International Law
Public Policy/International Policy
Other (please state)
What volunteering experience have you had?SUPPORTING INFORMATION
Please let us know why you are applying for this position and tell us about your relevant skills and experience. You should link these explicitly to the Role Profile, Person Specification and give examples and other details to support your application.
This Supporting Information is a crucial part of the application so please feel free to continue onto additional sheets if you require more space for your statement.
In addition to this Supporting Information, please attach a copy of your CV.
Please complete supporting information here, feel free to use more pages if necessary.
Please give the name, address and telephone numbers of two referees who are able to comment on your relevant skills and experience. No contact will be made before permission is obtained from you. Family members may not be given as referees.
Referee 1:Full Name:
Relationship: / Please state how this person knows about your skills and experience:
Zip code/Postcode:
Telephone No:
Email Address:
Referee 2:
Full Name:
Relationship: / Please state how this person knows about your skills and experience:
Zip code/Postcode:
Telephone No:
Email Address:
Not everyone is eligible to be a Charity Trustee. Befrienders Worldwide is registered in the UK and is therefore governed by UK charity law. Please refer to Section E1, for further information on the eligibility to be a charity trustee and confirm that you meet these requirements:YES NO
I have provided the above information as a true and fair description of my relevant skills and experience.