South Monterey Joint Union High School District
Creative Writing Course Syllabus
Ashley Russ
Room: 134
Website: My page is listed on the KCHS site
Course objectives
Please refer to the tenth grade Common Core State Standards for course objectives. (
Course description
Creative Writing is an elective course for students who are in their Junior and Senior year and who are motivated to write. Students will writepoetry, short stories, and creative non-fiction. Students will use class time to hone writing skills, to develop polished pieces and to critique each other’s work. Students will read and analyze a wide range of fiction, poetry, non-fiction and essays. In addition, students will work on publication through a variety of venues, including publishing a school literary magazine.
classroom code of conduct
Students will adhere to all school rules and district policies as summarized in the Parent-Student Handbook.
- Students will respect their teachers and their peers at all times. (Taunting, use of profanity or slurs, defiant behavior, shouting out, interrupting, rude or disruptive behavior, or off-task activities are examples of behavior that is not permitted.)
- Students will respect all the materials within the classroom. (Anyone defacing, altering, vandalizing, using or removing anything from the classroom without explicit permission from your teacher are some examples of inappropriate actions.)
- Students will RESPECT what we are learning at all times. (Be in your seat before the bell rings, ready and working! Take out only the materials you will need; everything else under your desk. Whining, complaining about the work we will do, doing outside work, playing on electronic devices, or refusing to do the work is not only disrespectful to your teacher and classmates, it creates an environment where learning cannot happen. This behavior will not be tolerated.
- Students will bring all materials to class every day. In addition, Students will only use the tools/resources that the teacher has explicitly stated are allowed for the activity (E.g. Students will have binders, pencils, books, paper, etc. every day. Students will not have electronic devices out without the teacher’s verbal consent—if I see them, I will take them, and your parent/guardian will need to pick them up from the office.)
- Students will refrain from eating or drinking within the classroom (except water).
Discipline policy for rule violation
- 1st Offence: After School Detention (to be served the next school day)
- 2ndOffence: Office Referral and Parent Notification
- 3rd Offence: Parent Conference
**Not showing up for detentions will automatically result in the student moving on to the next level of consequence.
Specific note regarding electronic devices:
Please refer to you Parent-Student Handbook for district rules and expectations. Classroom policy is as follows:
There may be certain times where personal electronic devices will be used for academic purposes (research, assignments, etc.) The student will be informed on when these times are and will be told that they are allowed to have their devices out. If, however, the teacher has not stated that it is a time when an approved device can be used, and the student has one out, or if the student is working on something other than the allowed assignment on a device, the following consequences may occur:
- 1st Offence: Device will be taken (student can pick up in the classroom at the end of the day by 3:30 p.m.)
- 2nd Offence: Device will be taken and the student’s parent or guardian will need to pick it up from room 134. No exceptions. The student will receive lunch detention for the offence.
- 3rd Offence: Device will be taken permanently and the parent will need to pick it up at the end of the year.
The student may also lose all future electronic device privileges if they continuously misuse their device.
A variety of procedures will be learned within class. These procedures will be used to ensure that class time is used effectively as well as allow students to know exactly what they should be doing at any given point. Students are expected to follow these procedures at all times.
required materials
- A writing journal—your choice of style
- 2-3 inch 3-ring binder
- College rule lined paper
- 2 Pencils, lead, erasers
- Black/dark blue pen
- 1 highlighter
- Black dry erase markers (small)
*Please see attached paper regarding gradebook weights.
Administration Regulation (AR) 5121 (a)
Grades for each grading period are as follows:
(90%-100%)Outstanding Achievement4.0 Grade Points
(80%-89%)Above Average Achievement3.0 Grade Points
(70%-79%)Average Achievement2.0 Grade Points
(60%-69%)Below Average Achievement 1.0 Grade Points
(0-59%)Little to no Achievement 0 Grade Points
Incomplete 0 Grade Points
An “Incomplete” shall be given only when a student’s work is not finished due to illness or other excused absence. If not made up within six weeks, the “Incomplete” shall become an F.
Students and parents should not expect every assignment to be graded, however every assignment should be completed with the dedication as though it were to be graded. Major skills will be assessed within larger portfolios, essays and projects. Every assignment helps prepare students for the ones which will be graded. If students do not successfully complete the smaller formative assessments, it is likely that they will not be successful on the larger summative assessments. Parents should also note that only a few assignments will go into the grade book which means grades may not “balance out” over the course of a quarter or semester. Students will do well to do their very best on every assessment.
▪F (0%): missing/not turned in
▪D+ (65%): 1 clean final draft w/o edits or peer notes OR one final draft containing edits/notes/markings
▪C+ (75%) 2 drafts—1 clean draft (showing some changes from the first draft that somewhat improves the quality of work) AND 1 draft that has been edited by a peer OR yourself (with some edits/notes that use workshop language/techniques)
▪B+ (85%): 3 drafts — 1 clean draft (showing multiple changes from the first draft that highly demonstrates improvement) AND one draft edited by a peer (multiple edits using workshop language/techniques) AND one draft edited by you (with multiple edits using workshop language/techniques)
▪A- (90%): 4 drafts — 1 clean draft (showing substantial changes that greatly improves the quality of the work) AND 2 drafts edited by your peers (with substantial edits/peer notes using workshop language/techniques) AND 1 draft edited by you (with substantial edits/notes using workshop language/techniques)
▪As and A+s (95%100%): Work that meets all the requirements of an A- while also demonstrating a polished, more advanced understanding of creative writing techniques and having a unique, creative flare (rare to receive and should be something to shoot for as the year progresses)
Assignments & Rigor of the Course
Students are expected to complete all homework, tests and classwork by the specified due dates. They are expected to give every assignment their full attention and to give every task 100% of their effort. Some assignments you can expect your student to be responsible for during this year include, but are not limited to:
- Large portfolios
- Reading assignments
- Socratic Seminars & Workshop Talks
- Workshop Sessions
**You can help your student stay on top of the work load by regularly checking their grade on Aeries and by encouraging them to check the daily Agenda, or ask peers or check out my school website**
online/technology requirements
In order to prepare students for being college and career ready, technology will be required for certain assignments. Some of the technology students will be required to use it:
- Turn it
- Newsela
- Socrative Student (App)
- Office 365
- Others may be implemented
All these are subject to the rules of the parent-student handbook. Students are expected to use these resources in the appropriate way. Please wait to create accounts. We will do it together.
Please see the Parent-Student Handbook regarding absences. My policy is as follows:
- Notify me of your upcoming absence and get your work ahead of time.
- You are responsible for checking with other students/online to find out what you missed before you come see me.
- For every day of an excused absence, you have one day to make up the work. Write ABSENT at the top of the assignment. Unexcused absences will follow the Late Work Policy listed below.
- If you miss a quiz or a test, plan on spending your lunch making it up the DAY YOU RETURN. If you do not show up the day you return to make it up, you may receive a “0.” It is your responsibility to remember to do this.
Effect of Absences on Grades
Board Policy 5121 (b)
Effect of Absences on Grades:
If a student misses class withoutan excuse and does not subsequently turn in homework, take a test, or fulfill another class requirement which he/she missed, the teacher may lower the student’s grade for nonperformance, based on the value of the missed assignment.
The Board believes that 5 unexcused absences per grading period constitute excessive unexcused absences. Students with excessive unexcused absences may receive a failing grade and not receive credit for the class(es).
Students and parents/guardians shall be informed by the teachers if class credit is withheld due to excessive unexcused absences. Each time an unexcused absence occurs the student and parent/guardian shall again be notified of the district’s policy regarding excessive unexcused absences. When a student has 4 unexcused absences a phone call and/or meeting will be arrange with the parent/guardian.
Late Work
My ultimate goal is to prepare you for the expectations you will encounter in college and in the work force. I know that sometimes things happen and I will always attempt to be understanding of unforeseen circumstances. That being said, my late policy holds you to a high standard and I expect you to be responsible, plan ahead, and manage your time effectively. If you know you will be absent, get your work ahead of time. Make sure you clear your absence with the office immediately upon your return so that you may have an excused absence recorded in the system. Be prepared to take the test or quiz you may have missed, and get the work you missed.
Unless otherwise stated, homework, assignments, projects, book reports, journals, etc. are expected to be turned in at the beginning of class. If they are not, they will be considered late, and will automatically lose 50% of their total value. You will have 1 day from the due date to turn in the late assignment or you will receive a 0 on it and it will no longer be accepted. Late work must be turned in to me by 3:30 pm, 24 hours after it was due or it will not be accepted. Late work is not accepted on the weekends. If the final acceptance date would land on a weekend, the work must be turned in before then.
Cheating and plagiarism
Students will be expected to turn in their typed papers to to check for plagiarism. You will be shown how to create an account if you do not have one already. Consequences are as follows:
Automatic “0.”
Call home to parents by YOU.
Referral to the principal.
This is a very serious offence and will be treated as such. Make sure you pay close attention when we talk about citing sources and if you are ever unsure, ASK before you write. An “I didn’t know” will never excuse plagiarism.
Students will be provided with links and materials which may help them succeed in this class. We will also talk about the local public library in King City which has wonderful resources available to students including internet access, tutoring and printing capabilities.
I know this is a lot of information to take in, but we will review it and go over any questions you may have. Rest assured, you’re in great hands! I’m so excited to have you in my class. Please let me know if anything is unclear.
Thank you!
Ms. Russ
Syllabus is subject to change to meet the needs of the class or the students.
Syllabus Signed form
Detach and Return to Ms. Russ by______Worth______Points
Student Information:
Print Full Name: ______
Nickname (if used): ______
Cell Phone #: ______
Student Lives With: ______
Language Spoken at Home: ______
Last English Course Grade: ______
Last English Teacher: ______
Parent Information:
Guardian’s Name: ______
Relationship to Student: ______
Home Phone #: ______
Cell Phone #: ______
Personal Email (if you wish to include______
I have read and understand the class syllabus and behavioral expectations.
(He leído y he comprendido la guia de plan de clase y esperanzas conductistas.)
Student’s Signature (firma de estudiante): ______
Parent’s Signature (firma de padre):______
Extra Credit
Help us get this year set up for success! Optional extra credit will be given for bringing in one or more of the supplies listed below (2pts. per bulleted item; 20 pts MAX)—Due 8/15
- Box of 12 pencils
- Ream of college ruled paper
- Highlighters—various colors
- White board pens
- Flash cards
- Tape
- Tissues (we really need)
- 2-inch binders
- Hand sanitizer (large)
Creative Writing Materials and Major Units
This year, we will utilize a variety of tools to support your skills as a creative writer. You will need your textbook Making Shapely Fiction and a writing journal. My goal is to get you published; therefore, you should not expect “an easy A.” Writing takes diligence, patience, and EDITING and WORKSHOPS. Work hard, and you will do well!
QUARTER 1 / QUARTER 2 / QUARTER 3 / QUARTER 4Unit #1:Prose—Basic Skills/Fiction
- 6-word stories
- Scenes/mimic writing
- Comic Strip/Beginning Elements
- Flash Fiction
- Short Story (5 weeks)
- Limericks
- Haiku
- Diamond
- SLAM Poetry
- Sonnet
- Found Poems
- Ode
- Prose Poetry (4 weeks)
- 6-word memoir
- College letter
- Food Critique
- Travel writing
- Journalism
- Creative Non-Fiction (5 weeks)
- Science Fiction
- One-act play
- Free choice: any of the above things you’ve learned about ... or something else with approval(5 weeks)