Certification Enquiry Form

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Please select

Quality 9001:2008 / Quality 9001:2015 / Safety 4801:2001 / OHSAS 18001:2007
Environment 14001:2004 / Environment 14001:2015 / HACCP
Food Safety / Risk 31000:2009

Complete this form for all standards

Date / Name
Position / Phone number
Email / Company Name
Trading Name (if different from Company Name) / ABN
Website / Head office address
Addresses of additionalpermanentsites to be included in Certification / Number of temporary sites currently
If a consultant assisted with system development, please provide details / Are your systems currently certified?
If yes, please provide details
If yes, date of last audit / If yes, what is the expiry date of Certification
If yes, name of Certification Body / If you have more than one system, what is the estimated percentage of integration (0, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%)
Are any of the company’s activities outsourced?
If yes, please provide details / Is there anything else you would like to add?
Data to appear on certificate
(company and/or trading name & head office address) / Scope of Certification
(what does the business do)
Staff numbers / Number of staff with similar roles / Office use
Permanent Full Time / Example: 1 Director; 3 Managers; 5 Sales; 2 Admin
Permanent Part Time
Sub-Contractors (individuals) / Example: 6 Carpenters; 5 Electricians; 3 Painters
Office use
Are there rotating shifts? If yes, please provide details

Complete the table below for Safety System Certification

These questions relate to staff & also any sub-contractors used.

Please use ONLY the numbers provided.

Potential hazards & other factors / Range of indicators for determining scores / Office
Dangerous goods
Eg petrols or paints etc? / N/A / 0
There are some dangerous goods (but not licensable quantities) / 5
There are licensable quantities of dangerous goods / 10
Vehicle/pedestrian interaction
Eg areas with forklifts, passing traffic, sites with earthmoving equipment etc? / N/A / 0
There is vehicle traffic that has the potential to interface with employees or other persons but this interaction is very limited due to the low number of vehicles and limited potential pedestrian impact / 5
There are a number of forklifts or other vehicle movements around employees work areas and/or pedestrians are able to enter vehicle work zones / 10
Powered plant
Eg trucks, forklifts, earthmoving equipment, generators etc / N/A / 0
Powered plant is used occasionally / 5
Powered plant is used regularly or daily / 10
Other plant
Scaffolding, elevated work platforms (EWPs) etc / N/A / 0
Other plant is used occasionally / 5
Other plant is used regularly or daily / 10
Manual handling
(includes occupational overuse syndrome) / N/A / 0
manual handling involved it is limited to a small number of tasks / 5
There are many manual handling tasks / 15
Hazardous substances
Eg asbestos or similar substances. / N/A / 0
There is handling, storage, transport or use of hazardous substances on an infrequent basis / 5
There is handling, storage, transport or use of hazardous substances on a daily basis by a number of persons / 15
Atmospheric contaminants other than hazardous substances
(excludes confined spaces) / N/A / 0
There has been or could be the need to test atmospheric contaminants to confirm that they are below hazardous levels / 2
There are known airborne contaminants in the atmosphere requiring breathing apparatus to be worn on a regular basis (may be in limited parts of the work site) / 5
Use of ionising or non-ionising radiation / N/A / 0
There are low radiation sources / 5
There are high radiation sources / 10
Confined space
Eg manholes, where a spotter is required to keep watch. / N/A / 0
There is a confined space requiring entry / 10
There are a variety of confined spaces requiring entry and/or a number of teams operating in confined spaces / 20
Slips, trips and falls
Eg a higher risk of slipping, tripping or falling than in an office environment / N/A / 0
There are slip, trip or fall hazards / 5
There are a range of activities that expose people to slip, trip and fall hazards / 20
Eg powered plant, power tools etc. / N/A / 0
Nuisance noise levels that do not exceed the maximum legislated noise level / 5
There are noise levels that exceed the maximum legislated noise level / 15
Thermal environment
Eg working outdoors. / N/A / 0
There is exposure to extreme thermal discomfort / 5
Below ground work environment
Eg mines. / N/A / 0
There is occasional below ground work / 10
There is regular or daily below ground work / 30
Storage and/or use of explosives / N/A / 0
There are explosives on site / 5
There are explosives being used / 10
Electrical hazards / Use of electrical equipment / 2
Occasional need for personnel to work on electrical equipment / 5
Regular or daily need for personnel to work on electrical equipment / 10
Pressurised environment
Eg gurneys, nail guns etc. / N/A / 0
There is work in a pressurised environment / 5
Threats of bullying, violence or occupational assault / Exposure to internal bullying or violence / 2
Exposure to external bullying or violence / 10
Both conditions apply / 12
Office use / Low Complexity Score=0-80 / Med Complexity Score=81-115 / High Complexity Score=≥116 / Total score

Complete the table belowfor Environmental System Certification

These questions relate to staff & also any sub-contractors used.

Business activity / Y/N / Please provide details
Do you use the following natural resources:
Do you discharge the following to air:
Do you discharge the following to water:
Are you involved in the following waste management issues:
Are you involved in the following land degradation issues:
Excavation/filling/soil erosion/contamination/salinity/other
Are you involved with the following social and biophysical issues:
Are there any environmental regulations, licenses, codes of practice, standards etc that apply to you?
What documents have you developed, relevant to your Environmental Management System?

Office use only

Agriculture & forestry / Mining & quarrying
Construction & demolition / Office based professional services
Food services / Repair & installation of machinery & equipment
General & mechanical engineering / Science & research services
chemicals including rubber & plastic products, electrical equipment, electronic products, food & beverage, machinery & equipment, non-metallic products eg glass & concrete products, metal products, paper & paper products, pharmaceutical products, printing, textiles & apparel, wood products including furniture / Technical testing & laboratories
Transport & storage
Waste management, waste treatment & remediation
Wholesale & retail
EMS Complexity Rating / Low / Medium / High / Limited

Copyright  2016 MSC Global 1Revision 4.2: 27/10/2016