February 08, 2012

Appropriations Hearing

Mr. Chairman and Committee members:

Thank you for the opportunity to speak today.

My name is Dave Zilles and I live in Sandy Springs. I am here today as a Parent Advocate for Unlock The Waiting Lists and as a parent of 33 year old son with Friedreich’s Ataxia, a degenerative muscle disease, who has been on the Independent Care Waiver since 2009 as well as to represent the 130 individuals that are currently on the waiting list.

Unlock has focused its advocacy efforts primarily for people with physical and developmental disabilities. The goal of this Campaign continues to be to eliminate and/or reduce waiting lists in Georgia for all home and community-based services that support people with disabilities

I want to thank you for your support for these very important Home and Community Based Waivers that allow individuals with physical disabilities or traumatic brain injuries to remain in their homes instead of being placed in nursing homes.

I would also like to thank DCH for continuing its efforts towards Home and Community based services. Currently in 2011 the percentage of HBCS Services is 42% vs 39% in 2009. I would also add that the recent application by DCH for the Balancing Incentive Payment Program which is designed to increase the HCBS percentage to 50% by 2015 by providing a 2% additional federal match is also a very positive step. It is my understanding that this effort could potentially bring an additional $19M to the state in 2013 for HCBS services. These services are divided between DBHDD, DHS and DCH but it appears that there would be an additional $6.8 M for DCH which could potentially be used to reduce the waiting list.

My son Jon like many of the others on the waiting list needs help with his activities of daily living (ADLs) like bathing, dressing, toileting, preparing food and transferring. He is classified as requiring nursing level care. He receives 8 hours of personal care services each day which allow him to live at home. Unfortunately due to his disease he is unable to work but he really enjoys living in the community and being able to go and do what he wants when he wants. Jon did attend and graduate from college with a degree in Psychology.

Jon is like many of the individuals on the waiting list. He was being taken care of by his parents who are both in their 60s and possibly do not have the ability due to their own physical issues nor the time to provide this care because they have full time jobs.

I stand here before you today asking for your consideration to fund 130 waiver slots for the existing waiting list. The cost of this request is $2,091,521 in state funding.

Last year you were kind enough to support 33 additional waivers which was the first time additional waiver slots had been funded since 2009.

These waivers mean everything to the individuals and their families. It allows them to live independently and enjoy life as well as allowing their parents (the care givers) to work and live their own lives.

I thank you for this time and respectfully request that you consider adding 130 ICWP waivers into the FY13budget to address the existing waiting list.

Dave Zilles

Parent Advocate –Unlock the Waiting Lists


2400 Kimbrough Ct

Sandy Springs, GA 30350