Thread-IT v1.4

Thank you for downloading Thread-It. This file includes everything you will need to know to install the product.


We do not offer any direct support for this product and we won't answer any emails relating to it. If you have support queries please direct them to ASP TALK at


All you have to do to install Thread-IT is upload it to your web server. You must be using a web server that supports ASP (Active Server Pages).

Thread-IT is written in ASP (Active Server Pages), a server side scripting language. It will therefore not work unless the pages are viewed using a web server.

If you can not get Thread-IT working within five minutes of reading this file something is wrong with your server setup. Consult ASP TALK for further help.


Q. I don't get any email when I send the form 'Send your Comments/ Make a Suggestion'

A. You need to change LINE 13 of thanks.asp. Open in a text editor and change the line so that it uses your email address. For example, if you want it to go to you would change the line to read: sTo = ""

Q. How do I delete messages from the message board?

A. You need to go to This will show you the messages, select the ones you want to delete, enter the password and then click 'Delete Messages'

Q. How do I change the password for the delete messages page?

A. Open del.asp in your favourite text editor and change LINE 12. Replace the text that says 'putyourpasswordhere' with the password you wish to use, leave the remainder of the line in tact.

Q. Can I change the amount of topics it shows on a page?

A. Yes. Edit LINE 184 of default.asp that reads objRec.PageSize = 20 change the number 20 to the amount you want.

Q. Is the message board secure?

A. To an extent yes. It is impossible for someone to get the password to your message board unless they have access to your server. If someone knew the location of the database file it would be possible for them to download all the messages on the board.

Q. Can I change the name of the database file to increase security?

A. Yes, just edit the file and change LINE 9. Replace the section that reads 'data.mdb' with the name of your new database.

Q. Where can I get further support.


Q. I need an NT web host company, who would you recommend?

A. Us. Visit our site at for further information.

Q. When I add a reply and go to view it the reply keeps getting display over and over and doesn't stop.

A. This is a known bug in the software. Providing you don't change the database layout that came with the distribution you won't run into this problem. For further information on this topic, please visit ASP TALK at

Q. What is the limit of ASP TALK?

A. Without modification, it is believed that there is a limit of about 50,000 messages. This can be resolved by upsizing to SQL server.

Q. Can I change Thread-IT?

A. Providing you let us know (e-mail ) and retain the credit to us, you are free to change the code however you want.

Q. I want to use Thread-IT on my site without giving you credit. How can I do this?

A. We can sell you a licence that will allow you to do this. Please contact us for further information.


addnew.asp- This is the form page that allows you to add new topics and messages. This is the configuration file where variables and constants are defined.

default.asp- The main page. I believe that part of the reason the message board is fairly fast is because I only display the topics on this page and no replies. If you look at the database layout you'll see they are separate tables so this page only needs to open one table. Anything I want to appear at the bottom of a page I put in here.

reply.asp- The bottom page of the replies frameset. Prints the replies.

replythread.asp- The frameset page, shows the logo, thread and replies. I keep meaning to put in browser detection to show the replies non-threaded for those of you still using old browsers.

data.mdb- This is where it all happens. I hope to add SQL support shortly.

suggest.asp- Completely unnecessary but I like to get peoples feedback.

thanks.asp- Processes suggest.asp

thread.asp- Displays the thread when you click a topic.

treplies.asp- Another frameset. Sorry.

validate.asp- Validates the addnew.asp form and adds the topics/replies into the database.

There are many comments in the source that I hope will assist you. It might be a good idea to remove these before putting your site live. To remove the comments quickly I recommend the application Comment-IT, written by Matthew Cantillon which can be found on our web site.

We hope you enjoy using this product.

The yMonda Development Team